Ditch the scales - going cold turkey

I've got to the stage I seem to get to every time I attempt to lose weight, whereby I find myself obsessing over what the scales tell me. I think there is a disconnect between what I *know* and what I *feel*. For instance, I KNOW...

...that the scales don't tell me how much body fat I've lost, how healthy I am, how much energy I have or how I look
...that weight can fluctuate hour to hour and day to day so what I'm looking at isn't necessarily that accurate
...that I don't want to have my feelings controlled by a daily number

However, I also feel so invested in my daily weigh-in, and it annoys me that this lump of plastic has so much control over me. If I gain half a pound, even, my day is ruined- how ridiculous is that?! I can go from feeling good to feeling like the worst excuse for a human being that ever offended nature in seconds - just because of a number.

SO, I'm ditching the scales. I'm still continuing with my weight-loss eating and exercise regime, but from now on I want to be able to do monthly weigh-ins ONLY, just to check that things are moving in the right direction and NOT to define me, how I feel, what I do, or how I should dress.

Thing is, having become almost addicted to the scales, going without is going to be pretty hard. Anyone got any words of encouragement, or fancies doing this with me?


  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I got too obsessed with the scale and ditched it last August. Haven't stepped on once since and won't until a particular pair of old jeans not only fits, but are falling off my body.

    What helped me honestly was just having my wife hide the scale. It's funny though, she picked great hiding spaces but I ended up unintentionally discovering them. But by then it didn't matter; the obsession was broken and I didn't have any urge left to step on the scale.

    Good luck!
  • steveoatley3
    steveoatley3 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to wegh every day sometimes twice or three times a day, whilst on a diet, this time im doing half weekly checks but only write down my tuesday am weight, its really funny as when im not on a diet i dont go on the scales for weeks at a time , probably months, and they are in the same place as always, maybe its the same as as soon as i say the words im on a diet i get really hungry and start missing food that i only had a few days previous.
    i wish you luck but can not join you as the scales are my motivation and the thing that pushes me to excerscise the second part of the week, good luck though, i do think its a good idea but im not ready yet lol
  • jmpurser
    jmpurser Posts: 22 Member
    I do weigh ins and measurements every two weeks. I have to go to the VA on that schedule anyway so I step on the scale when I'm there and get a good accurate number that tells me how my weight is trending without a daily number jerking my attitude around.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    yes ditch them...I only have a set (bought this weekend) cause my son is trying to lose weight and he wanted them...

    I rely on measurments and pics and bf%
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    I started going by scales about 5-6 months of my progress as I didn't have access to one until then. It made things a lot easier as I never made it a number game. Even now, I don't weigh myself daily and it doesn't bother me. How you feel and look is much more important.