Confusion about calorie intake


I started dieting in January and lost 15 lbs. due to slashing calories. I am not overweight but am definitely out of shape:) My goal is to loose 10lbs. of fat for 10lbs. of muscle. To achieve this goal, I recently started a functional training program (4 x a week). The trainer I spoke to said I need to eat 2300 calories a day. This really shocked me as I have only been taking in 700-900 calories on my diet (no snarky comments, please) thus the reason for the 15 lbs. weight loss. I realize this isn't healthy and I aim to change my eating habits. I joined MFP and have been tracking my caloric intake. Based on my goal to lose 1 lb. a week, MFP has me at a net caloric intake of 1300. I, of course, eat the calories I burn on training days. I calculated my BMR (1495) and multiplied by 1.55 (due to training 4x week) and it gave me a caloric intake of 2300+. What!?! I'm so confused....I want to properly nourish my body but I don't know how much I should be taking in - 1300 as recommended by MFP or 1800 (2300 - 500 for weight loss goal). I don't want to up my calories and gain back all the weight I lost but I don't want to go into starvation mode either (frankly, I think I'm coming out of it). Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • Snap355
    Snap355 Posts: 9
    Trust what the personal trainer has to say. Try it out for 2-3 weeks before making judgment.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Your personal long as he is a qualified one....should know how many calories you should be eating based on your body type and what you burn throughout the days and workouts.

    If you are doubting his credibility, then maybe go a little lower than he says. Like 1900?

    Either way .. you have to pick something and stick with it for a while. You won't know if you are eating too much or too little until you test it out for a few weeks.