tall girl problems



  • FrankieFrench1
    FrankieFrench1 Posts: 289 Member
    I love being tall! But finding female jackets that fit my arm and body length is basically impossible thank god for feminine mens clothing.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I'm not tall, I'm average height, but I find this thread really interesting.

    In beauty/media, being tall is all the rage. All the models are tall. Yet, in society, I do find more tall women insecure about their height than short or average woman. I have two friends who are 6'. They're both gorgeous, athletic etc... and they're also the only two friends who have ever complained to me about their height! I feel like woman who are under 5'5" don't even think about their height as a factor for anything.

    Be proud of your tallness!!!
  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    I love being tall (5'10") and I wouldn't trade it but all of my friends are short so in group pictures I'm always the floating head/shoulders in the back of the photo. It does make me feel amazon-ish on occasion.
  • I would love to be tall. When I gain 10 pounds, I look like a completely different person. When I buy pants, I have to hem them even when shopping at the petite stores. Skirts look terrible on me.

    Do we all want what we don't have?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I'm 5'7'' and all the women I work with are 5'1'' or 5'2''. I decided to screw it and wore 4 inch heels to work because I was already the super tall one anyway.

    I hear this! I'm 5'8" and most of my friends are all 5'3" or so and I wear my heeled ankle boots and tower over them in photographs but that is perfectly ok with me!
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I'm 5'9" and have always like being tall, especially in a professional environment. It's hard to "look down on" someone you have to look up to :tongue: . My problem is I'm a klutz ... a big klutz.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm 6' tall but all of my bridesmaids were under 5'5. In my wedding photos I towered over all of them, but the family picture with my three brothers (6'2, 6'3, and 6'6) I felt super dainty haha

    I love being eye to eye with my husband. It has made lots of things easier, like moving furniture. You dont think about dual-carrying things until there's a big height discrepancy

    Edit: I only recently decided that I liked wearing heels. People look at my feet anyway to check if I'm wearing heels. May as well wear them and look cute!
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    this is where I stand to find the tall'uns, eh? Grand.

    (please wear heels!!)
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    this is where I stand to find the tall'uns, eh? Grand.

    (please wear heels!!)

    You EH'd so I had to check but you're not Canadian. False advertisement!
  • Hi fellow tall girls!

    I still struggle with confidence issues around being taller than all of my friends. I have always been tall and used to stoop when I was younger because I didn't want to stand out. I always remember someone telling me being tall wasn't very feminine :(

    It is great to hear though that so many of you ladies are embracing your tall-ness! I hope to be able to learn to love my height one day. Hopefully its soon, its already been 28 years!!
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    I am 5'9" and 170lb. I know that I am a little chubby but even when I as 150 I felt huge. Short girls an be chubby too and they are still so "cute" while I am always referred to as "big". Even though I am tall I still feel pressure to get down to about 130-135 because I don' want to be the fat friend. Being tall sucks sometimes, oh yeah and i I want to take pictures with my friends I'd better not wear heels unless I want to be a whole head taller than them.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My height has always been a bother to me. I reached about 5'9 by the age of 13, so was heavier than many of my classmates, and partly as a result of this insecurity, I started dieting and developed anorexia.
    I was 5'11 at my peak, but lost an inch due to my ED.
    I am now 5'10. I have never been clinically overweight, but I have always felt like a great lump, to be honest, and not at all feminine, as a result of my height. I have had a hard time accepting that I cannot be this height, and weigh the same as someone inches shorter. Not without compromising my health anyway, so I have simply settled on being 135-142 Ibs, which is the range my body settles in naturally.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    My height has always been a bother to me. I reached about 5'9 by the age of 13, so was heavier than many of my classmates, and partly as a result of this insecurity, I started dieting and developed anorexia.
    Short girls can be chubby too and they are still so "cute" while I am always referred to as "big".

    I relate to this a fair bit. I'm 6'1" and had finished growing by the time I was 12 so I always felt super conspicuous. I remember when we were about 7 or 8 and got weighed at school, all the other kids in the class were like 30-35 kg (66-77 lbs) and I was almost 45 kg (99 pounds). I felt so enormous like I just occupied too much space -- and this is something I still struggle with. Of course, at that age I didn't understand that being tall meant you had to weigh more. Combine that with numerous comments I've received throughout my life like "wow you're so massive" or "you're a big girl" -- referring to my height of course, but I never interpreted it that way.

    I often feel like a behemoth, but I'm learning to love my height as an adult. Fortunately my husband is four inches taller than me so it makes me feel tiny, which is a nice change. And I can rock heels without feeling ridiculous! But, yeah, it's still difficult when short people say that size 12 is overweight, or you hear people talking about feeling so gross at 120 pounds. Umm...yeah.

    Having said that, there are a few perks to being tall: your maintenance intake is <1000 calories per day more than a short person's would be, you can always reach the top shelf, you can find people in crowds easily, you can make short men feel really insecure, and you can gain a fair bit of weight before it starts to look obvious. Of course it sucks finding pants/shoes that fit, and long-haul flights are an absolute b*tch. But guess you gotta make the most of it :-)
  • xmarykaterose
    xmarykaterose Posts: 82 Member
    I am 5'9" and 170lb. I know that I am a little chubby but even when I as 150 I felt huge. Short girls an be chubby too and they are still so "cute" while I am always referred to as "big". Even though I am tall I still feel pressure to get down to about 130-135 because I don' want to be the fat friend. Being tall sucks sometimes, oh yeah and i I want to take pictures with my friends I'd better not wear heels unless I want to be a whole head taller than them.

    I feel the same!! People say its easier to be fat and tall because you look more proportionate but in reality, an extra 10lbs stands out a lot more on a tall person vs a short person. I definitely can't make chubby look good haha. Just more incentive to get healthy!! :) I have lots of tall friends so we don't look awkward together. Everyone looks up to a group of tall girls lol.
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    5"9.5 and 145lbs - I don't wear heels apart from when I want to accentuate the long legs us tall gals are blessed with!

    Otherwise they are an evil device made by men to make it harder for us to run away ;)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    5"9.5 and 145lbs - I don't wear heels apart from when I want to accentuate the long legs us tall gals are blessed with!

    Otherwise they are an evil device made by men to make it harder for us to run away ;)

    I have never even tried on a pair of heels... I can imagine it would not turn out too well if I did, as balance isn't my strong point, lol.
  • I feel your pain and dating sucks for tall women! Petite women have so many more options.
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    5"9.5 and 145lbs - I don't wear heels apart from when I want to accentuate the long legs us tall gals are blessed with!

    Otherwise they are an evil device made by men to make it harder for us to run away ;)

    I have never even tried on a pair of heels... I can imagine it would not turn out too well if I did, as balance isn't my strong point, lol.

    Lol! Yeah the last time I tried there was a stumble here or there. I think people thought I was tipsy, I don't even drink :/
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I know exactly what you mean - All my friends are 5ft 4 and a size 8.

    I feel like a whale compared too them!

    When I was younger I hated being so tall, but I must admit maybe because I am getting older, I actually like being 5ft 9. Its funny because all my 5 ft 4 mates all say they wish they had long legs like mine......... : )

    We can never win hahahaha!!
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm envious of you all!

    Just over 5'4" here and am always climbing on chairs, stepstools and up on counters trying to reach things! And then there's trying to climb into my truck. :laugh: