i need help with breakfast..



  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Why do you want to keep it low cal? How many cals are you on?
    After a long fast your body needs fat and aminos mainly. Eggs in my opinion are the best bet however not very filling (at least to me!).
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    Why do you want to keep it low cal? How many cals are you on?
    After a long fast your body needs fat and aminos mainly. Eggs in my opinion are the best bet however not very filling (at least to me!).

    i get 1400 per day. i like to keep my breakfast under 300 total, lunch is usually around 400 and then dinner around 600. not a lot of room to play with, and i often need a snack in either the morning or afternoon.

    i love eggs - but i dont have time in the morning to cook a breakfast. i need something i can take with me to work. i have eggs on the weekends, usually an omelet of some kind
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm not sure why you feel like your sabotaging yourself with oatmeal or a turkey sausage sandwich. How many calories are in there?

    I either make an egg scramble, typically enough for a few mornings or I eat an Atkins meal bar. You could also keep some premade breakfast sandwiches at work, oatmeal packets, or you could do a meal replacement shake. Depending on what you put in your smoothie, you could have put in just as many calories as that turkey sausage sandwich.

    Why is that sabotage??? I'd be more against the atkins bar then a nice healthy bowl of oatmeal or a turkey sausage sandwich.. Shakes are good for snacks or something but its not really a great idea to drink your meals consistently .

    Anyway.. breakfast is anything you want to it to be. I eat last night dinner sometimes. I make scrambled eggs with chicken. protein pudding (oats, yogurt, fruit, protein powder, splash milk, sometimes chai seeds) Yogurt with fruit and hard boiled eggs. Occasionally I will do a shake for breakfast for something different, but i will usually eat a Hb egg or put yogurt or cottage cheese in or with it. I always do a lot better when I have protein with breakfast.

    I also bring a piece of fruit for a mid morning snack. The sugar/carb boost gets me to lunch :)
  • jmath911
    jmath911 Posts: 57 Member
    I eat a turkey sandwich for breakfast almost every morning. the lean protein is good and I use an Arnold sandwich thin (which has a good amount of fiber).
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Why do you want to keep it low cal? How many cals are you on?
    After a long fast your body needs fat and aminos mainly. Eggs in my opinion are the best bet however not very filling (at least to me!).

    i get 1400 per day. i like to keep my breakfast under 300 total, lunch is usually around 400 and then dinner around 600. not a lot of room to play with, and i often need a snack in either the morning or afternoon.

    i love eggs - but i dont have time in the morning to cook a breakfast. i need something i can take with me to work. i have eggs on the weekends, usually an omelet of some kind

    Hard boil them in advance or do your omelette the night before and nuke it in the AM?
  • jasminecoco
    jasminecoco Posts: 50 Member
    bread/waffle with peanut butter and banana slices. so good and yummy
  • winyin
    winyin Posts: 29 Member
    Do you have to cook the oatmeal? If so how long? I also like to make sure I eat breakfast but don't have a lot of time. I normally have cereal with almond milk. Cereal is usually raisin brand or special k. I also perfer to be able to chew my food. :) But would love some other alternatives that are low in calories and don't need to be cooked since I don't have time in the morning to cook anything. Since I sit at a desk all day long I can only consume 1200 calories a day, which is not much. I also work out 4 days a week and try to jog 5 days a week. I'm still having problems staying at 1200 a day on some days.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I like to have Maple and brown sugar oatmeal and add a snack pack of raisins at 9 am. it's 250 calories but I am full until at least noon.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I hard boil 1 dozen eggs each week. I peal them and put them in snack packs 2 at a time. This is a great on the go breakfast or snack packed with protein. In combination witha smoothie at work go or a greek yogurt you are good to go!

    I would also reccomend to eat within an hour even if its just one egg and the other at 830 at work, it sounds like you grab a sandwich on the way to work because you are hungry and if your belly is full before you leave for work youll be less tempted passing that quick and go breakfast sandwich. Its like that saying to not go to the grocery store hungry.... same applies... dont go to work hungry or youll pull off for fast food... :wink:
  • Megma101
    Megma101 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem trying to find a good filling breakfast. I have an egg allergy, and don't eat any dairy.. so my 'typical' breakfast options are limited. I've always had a struggle finding good quick/easy breakfast options besides fruit.
  • bethcondon
    bethcondon Posts: 12 Member
    It drives me crazy to start my day with half my calories gone right after breakfast, so I hear ya!
    I've been trying to exercise in the morning as much as I can, which actually makes me less hungry for breakfast - and less likely to grab junk because I don't want to undo my hard work.

    If you have time, scrambled eggs with 1 whole egg and a few egg whites are really good - I've been adding chopped baby spinach, a little nonfat feta, and a spoon of fresh salsa to mine, and maybe have 1 piece of wholewheat toast or a piece of fruit. the combination of protein & fiber keeps me full (along with lots of water, and coffee).

    I like the Ezekiel sprouted raisin bread - it has a ton of whole grains and protein - I try to just eat one slice though. You could add a tbsp of peanut butter or almond butter.

    Hard-boiled eggs cooked in advance and stored in the fridge would be a great alternative. 2 hard boiled eggs with some whole fruit and/or a piece of toast should keep you under 200 cals.

    Oatmeal is good, but use whole oats, not instant oatmeal packets - they have a ton of sugar, and I'm always hungry an hour later. Likewise, cold cereal doesn't keep me full.

    Today I made a smoothie after my workout and thought I was being so good - 1/2 avocado, 1/2 banana, 3/4 c frozen raspberries, 1/2 c plain greek yogurt, and some water to thin it out. 354 calories!!!! Sure, it's healthy food but... !!!

    Just experiment, and see what works for you. Granola bars/meal replacement bars don't keep me full, either. I think whole, fresh foods are the way to go - and when you make it at home, you can control what goes into it, and avoid the temptation of the bakery case.

    good luck!!
  • I do a lot of veggie/egg scrambles, frozen waffles with PB, banana, and honey (YUM!), cereal, cereal bars, oatmeal. All of these you can make at work (assuming you have a break room with a freezer/fridge and can keep dry foods somewhere too). You can make make-ahead frozen breakfast sandwiches to keep at work (http://www.sheknows.com/food-and-recipes/articles/1026651/how-to-make-freezer-breakfast-sandwiches ). Play with the meats and cheeses. My mom makes these for my little sister who's still in high school with turkey bacon (2 pieces) and low fat cheese. Depending on what you put in them they'll be pretty low cal. You can do greek yogurt and granola (they sell greek yogurt in 80-100 calorie packs and if you're on a budget you can normally find them on sale for about $1/each.

    Good luck!!!
  • Oscar Mayer has a P3 portable protein pack that they sale now at most grocery stores. It has Turkey breast, cheese and dry roasted almonds. You get 160 calories with 13grams of protein, 3grams of carbs and 0grams of sugar. I have one of those and a V8 Fusion Strawberry/banana 100% juice, that gives you 110 calories. I boil an egg and a 16.9 ounce bottle of cold water. A boiled egg gives you 70 calories. So you have 340 calories for the breakfast. You are getting your proteins in. I was 250 and am now down to 229 in 5 weeks. I eat this 5 days a week. I also boil an egg, and eat a 100% Breakstone's Cottage cheese with pineapple bowl for a 100 calories along with a piece of Multi grain toast that gives me a 69 calories. The V8 juice and water. So that gives me a 349 calories. I know the V8 isn't a huge can, but it is a serving of veggies and fruit. AND I do feel full. Hope that helps give you an idea.
    momma to 5 boys.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    My hubby use to have this issue so he has a few go-to foods. One is a banana burrito -- usually some sort of lower cal/carb wrap, 1tbsp. PB, sprinkle of cinnamon, tsp of honey and a banana all rolled up. He has this with a latte in the AM and it has good fat and decent protein with a boost of good fiber and carbs. Another is an old fashioned PB&J with a side of fruit. He also does oatmeal dry with mix-ins in a container. At work, he adds water and micros as others mentioned. Boiled eggs are great, but yogurt cups are good, too. Just add your nuts and berries or even granola at work. Lots of options... almost too many to list!

  • Today I made a smoothie after my workout and thought I was being so good - 1/2 avocado, 1/2 banana, 3/4 c frozen raspberries, 1/2 c plain greek yogurt, and some water to thin it out. 354 calories!!!! Sure, it's healthy food but... !!!

    That's not too bad! You got a ton of healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, protein!!! Avocado and banana are pretty high cal fruits, BUT they're good for you. You just worked out and you hadn't eaten since dinner the night before, you body needed those calories :-). Next time try light greek yogurt to cut some cals
  • I either have 100g of greek yogurt with a cup of strawberries or 2/3 of a cup of granola. It completely satisfies me and I don't find myself craving a snack before lunch time :)
  • sqrlgrl
    sqrlgrl Posts: 6
    I can't go without breakfast but I have to change it up every day or I get bored eating it. Here are my favourite breakfasts:
    1. Oatmeal with brown sugar
    2. Half a bagel with peanut butter and a banana
    3. Greek yogurt with fruit
    4. Cereal ( don't eat this too often)
    5. Smoothie: spinach, strawberries, pineapple, almonds and flax mixed with water.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    MFP caloric goals are NET calories ... if you're exercising, you have more room than you think.

    As for breakfast ... bagels are easy and you can put your beloved PB on them. There is nothing wrong with Tim's ... except that Tim Horton was a Toronto Maple Leaf ... a coffee and breakfast sandwich probably won't break the caloric or macro bank.