Why are you losing weight?



  • kitkatbar972
    I have one pair of jeans that fit sort of okay and six pair that I can't leave the house wearing, if I can button them at all. I want every single pair of those jeans to fit perfectly. Same with all my shorts, I want to just be able to wear a t-shirt and shorts this summer and not feel lumpy and selfconscious.
  • whatsername182
    whatsername182 Posts: 11 Member
    It's hard staying motivated in a relationship. Especially if the other person could care less. It can be done though. You dont have to eat ice cream every night just cut out the bad stuff!

    Much easier said than done! Especially in the beginning! Be sure to take it a step at a time :smile: Even if they're baby steps, it's still progress!

    For me, the motivation is my future health and vanity. There are a lot of weight related problems that run in the family :grumble: Im still very young and I want to feel good about myself instead of always feeling uncomfortable in my own skin!
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    I first started trying to better myself back before the holidays. I started working out a bit, stopped drinking soda. I started because I wanted to get myself in shape for a career in law enforcement, as well as look better for my, (then)fiancé. I let myself go over the holidays big time though and fell off the wagon.
    then, right after new years my fiancé left, and I had lost like 10 lbs in a weeks time from the ordeal. After that, my motivation to lose weight was to make her jealous, want me, and regret leaving. that's when I started logging.
    I am almost 50 lbs down from the beginning of the year and my motivations are no longer to make her jealous, but to make myself happy and strive to become the strongest version of myself. and maybe I can find a little cutie along the way.
  • MissPorcelain1993
    I have a few reasons for wanting to lose weight / maintain weight but tone up.

    First and foremost I want to prove to my family that we are not a "fat family", that we do not have "the gene" and that I can successfully be the young lady that I want to be. It's a struggle back home, because as insulting as we are to eat other about our weight and our diet, no matter what we do we end up back with the sweets. I'm at University now, I've paid the price for following my previous habits and I got a kick start to getting skinny... Now I want the body that my mother keeps taunting me I'll never have. (Mum, my sister and I routinely insult each other - it's like negative motivation, the more it happens the more determined we are to try and change it).

    It's petty but my second one is so that I can shop in sales. I'm currently between a UK size 14 and 16, and they are some of the most popular sizes, sales shopping is pointless unless I want the ugly clothes that are only there because nobody else wanted to buy them. I had braces fitted once, and at age 16 I dropped to a size 8, I know I'll never be that skinny again, but I would be happy with a 10. But my first step is that annoyingly difficult to catch 12.

    And last, I met a decent man. He says I'm perfect the way I am, and as much as I enjoy being told that. I know how easy it is to slip into being comfortable and gaining pounds. I don't want to be 2 stone heavier this time next year and having lost one of the best things to ever happen in my life. When I gain weight, I gain it quick, it doesn't always show, so when people look at me and go, 'you don't need to lose weight' I tend to laugh, they don't have to see me wriggling into my clothes on a morning.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i was dangerously close to developing diabetes, which is rampant in my family. i felt tired and sluggish, and looked horrible. i needed to go up a size in pants. my health was overall in decline, and i broke the 200 mark.

    now, with just 10 pounds gone (and 60 more to go) i feel better, my jeans fit properly again, my energy level is going back up, i'm sleeping better (even if its still not enough sleep) my mood is better, my acne is better, and i have more energy for hubby, if ya kwim.

    i need to keep this momentum going. every time i try to lose weight, i have a modest initial success, then stall, and give up. not this time.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    The straw that broke the camel's back I guess was Spring 2012, just got diagnosed with Type 2.

    Had always been "heavy" (BMI 44% that Spring) and *knew* I NEEDED to do something but unless your head is in the game, it's not going to happen. I got my head where it NEEDED to be and 640 days later, got to goal range, & am no longer on meds for DM, HTN or high cholesterol, BMI down to healthy range (23%) & can shop in a normal store, in a normal dept.

    This is why I am losing weight, for me, for my health..so if I ever get to retirement age, I can be healthy enough to enjoy it.
  • mythopoeic
    mythopoeic Posts: 24 Member
    Revenge ;)
  • rubyxliii
    I have always been on the heavier side (170 current) even when I was in high school. I've always thought that curvy is beautiful and it still is!

    However being over weight makes me feel tired, lethargic, sleepy, and physically weak. I was told at my last doctors visit that I have high cholesterol. Not to mention some clothes just doesn't look good on me as oppose to my skinny friends, I wanted to be able to wear anything and feel great in them ;)
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    Because....hot chicks in yoga pants.
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    These are all amazing responses and I hope you all reach your goals!!! We can do this! :heart:
  • jd0819
    jd0819 Posts: 1
    I recently moved out of town to live with my long distance boyfriend. Before the move I worked two jobs and was outside at the pool at my moms apartment all the time. I was always on my feet at work or swimming and my mom always made healthy meals. I weighed between 115-120. Now 4 months after the move I realized that southern food has taken a tole on me as well as now having a full time desk job and not being on my feet as much during the day. I gained 15 lbs in basically 3 months. I feel miserable and I'm CONSTANTLY hungry, mainly due to boredom, and I feel sick all the time. I want to get back down to my smaller size to be able to fit back in my summer clothes, not wear leggings to work everyday and be the hot girlfriend my boyfriend originally moved down here lol.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I felt do disrespected, after losing the weight I wasn't willing to take crap. I guess I felt better (know I felt better) about myself! 2nd reason I hated shopping and felt miserable in those tight clothes 3) going to the doctor was misery. After a family beach trip and the pictures I thought I got to do something about this!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Losing weight was cheaper than buying bigger clothes, and the money saved on junk food allows my to buy better fitting clothes.