Too high calorie defiency

Hi Guys...
Thanks allot for being part of this truly supportive and motivational forum. I am a new in this forum and seek your advice to help me out with my doubts.

My current weight is 110kg. I started my diet plan and exercise this week. I am tracking calorie count MyFitnessPal app. My diet includes banana + low fat milk in breakfast, an apple after 2 hours, grilled chicken with broccoli in lunch, apple again after 2 hours, then 30g Whey protein isolate shake in the evening. That comes to 750-800 calorie and then I go for cardio for 40 mins to burn 300 calories. So my net calorie showing is 500-600 calories per day.

Is it too low? I dont feel starved as I am filling myself at regular intervals. I have not seen any side effect so far as well. Shall I worry about eating too less calories? or is it alright to continue? If I can add anything to my diet, I am happy to but I already feel full :)

-Thanks in advance for replies guys. Thumbs up to you!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It's not what you eat it's all in how much you eat...

    You as a man need at least 1800 calories a day net...

    Yes it is too low. You will notice when you try to workout ...tired ...lethargic.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Too low. You really don't want to be netting less than 1200 a day. At 110kg and as a male, you definitely should probably be eating significantly more than that. Replace that low fat milk with whole milk. Eat more regular food. Your diet is going to be unsustainable over the long run if that is all you eat.

    edit: Poster above said net 1800 calories. You should probably start with that and see how it works.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yes, that is WAY too low, especially considering your size and gender. I believe the minimum for guys is in the 1500-1800 calorie range. I don't have any specific suggestions because it doesn't really matter what you eat as long as you stay within yoru calorie goal - which by the way already includes a deficit.

    You may feel fine now but trust me, you'll start feeling crappy in the next week or two. PLEASE eat more!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Umm yes, you're starving your body and you will regret it in the long run.
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    Go and talk to your Dr and find out from him/her what you should be consuming in calories a day.
  • BalvinderSingh
    BalvinderSingh Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion guys. Really appreciate it. I am choosing high protein and low carbs diet and want this change to be permanent in my life. So it is more like a life style change rather just a weight loss program. Could you guys suggest what shall I include to meet 1500 calorie bare minimum? Even if I double what I eat now, it wouldn't suffice.. oh Boy, what possibly I can eat to cover up my bare minimum daily calorie intake.
  • norv87
    norv87 Posts: 6 Member
    It's low and the rule of thumb is generally 500-1000kcals under your BMR + activity per day (500 being 1lb fat a week, 1000 = 2lbs).

    However, if your feeling fine and your giving your body a good amount of protein, you should be fine. I'm assuming this is to lose weight and is not a long-term goal (few months max).

    I'd also get some vitamin pills etc just to make sure your not depriving your body of any essentials.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Yes it's too low.

    Add calorie dense foods. Peanut butter, full fat dairy, nuts/seeds, etc.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion guys. Really appreciate it. I am choosing high protein and low carbs diet and want this change to be permanent in my life. So it is more like a life style change rather just a weight loss program. Could you guys suggest what shall I include to meet 1500 calorie bare minimum? Even if I double what I eat now, it wouldn't suffice.. oh Boy, what possibly I can eat to cover up my bare minimum daily calorie intake.

    Do you have any diet restrictions? (due to allergies or personal choices?)

    Assuming you don't, I'd recommend things like:

    Cottage Cheese
    Greek yogurt
    Peanut butter

    To name a few yummy and caloric richer items.

    I agree with the others... You are way too low.

    Eta: are you logging your beverages too? Do you drink anything other than water? Or use any condiments with your foods? (ketchup, dressing, BBQ sauce?)
  • lyndor90
    lyndor90 Posts: 11
    You will crash and burn on that amount. I find if I (as a woman) I eat less than 1000cals a few days running I just crave sugar, caffeine and need to sleep far more.
  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    I agree with everyone else you should most likely try to eat more. One trick that many people use on here (including myself), spoonfuls of peanut butter (but measure them of course). It is high in fat but it is also high in protein and calories. Also, along with what others said, try not to eat "diet foods". If you are under calories that much, these products will probably not help you and they typically are very high in sodium. Good luck on your journey, I wish you the best :)
  • BalvinderSingh
    BalvinderSingh Posts: 11 Member
    Thank guys. I will add more calorie intake. I just found quino seeds are really awesome 368 calories per 100gm and good source of nutrition. I just drink 4 litres of water everyday, nothing else (no coffee, no alcohol, no soda). I am not allergic to any food too. So I'l start eating more of peanut butter, quino seeds, greek yogurt and will keep sharing.

    Hope to achieve what you guys have already. Cheers!
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion guys. Really appreciate it. I am choosing high protein and low carbs diet and want this change to be permanent in my life. So it is more like a life style change rather just a weight loss program. Could you guys suggest what shall I include to meet 1500 calorie bare minimum? Even if I double what I eat now, it wouldn't suffice.. oh Boy, what possibly I can eat to cover up my bare minimum daily calorie intake.

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion guys. Really appreciate it. I am choosing high protein and low carbs diet and want this change to be permanent in my life. So it is more like a life style change rather just a weight loss program. Could you guys suggest what shall I include to meet 1500 calorie bare minimum? Even if I double what I eat now, it wouldn't suffice.. oh Boy, what possibly I can eat to cover up my bare minimum daily calorie intake.


    Mmmmm pizza.

    What did you use to eat before that caused you to gain the weight? You can still have some of that... Just less.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion guys. Really appreciate it. I am choosing high protein and low carbs diet and want this change to be permanent in my life. So it is more like a life style change rather just a weight loss program. Could you guys suggest what shall I include to meet 1500 calorie bare minimum? Even if I double what I eat now, it wouldn't suffice.. oh Boy, what possibly I can eat to cover up my bare minimum daily calorie intake.



    ...and anything else you like to eat. Even at my greatest cut deficit, I still have ~2000 calories to work with (because I'm a 6' 180ish pound man). I start by ensuring I hit my protein target (of ~1g/pound) and then I make sure I reach my fat target (of .35g/LBM, I think). After that, I have whatever I want. I usually find that I need a high-protein snack late in the day to reach my goal, but then have a couple hundred calories left for cookies, ice cream, or just more of what I've already eaten during the day.