im 22 could do with abit of help people my age

:flowerforyou: im a accountant so i sit on a computer all day , surrounded by men who eat mcdonalds , kfc and sausage sandwichs like there going out of fashion . so ive put myself on this 2 milkshakes a day and a meal on the night but struggling because all i want to do it eat lol HELP


  • BlessedBeauty91
    Hi Stacy,
    I am 22 as well....

    Are the shakes really helping? Just as a suggestion; do something that you will continue to do for the rest of your life. :) You can eat ...Just find out what works best for you that is LONG lasting, and you will carry on doing past your 20's
  • miss_denisse
    I am also in the same position and same age group! I work as an admin. assistant and am on the computer all day. I've made recent steps to take charge of my health and joined a gym and have started going 3-4 days a week. I think meal planning and prepping is key to avoid the temptation that comes with office life and ordering out. Stay focused and remember why you're here!
  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm 24 and work on my feet most of the day. Personally I don't like shake diets because I don't think they lead to long term change. I think you would be better off losing weight by counting calories and trying to exercise a few times a week.
  • stacyandy
    hi both,

    the milkshakes i think are helping me i have alot more energy i go to the gym 5-6 tyms a week i started 3 weeks ago and that seems to be doing me really well.

    i no i cant stop on these milkshakes forever which i am worried about i got brought up were food was a big part of our life but i was the only fussy eater i dont like veg at all so eating health is abit of a struggle for me but fruit helps alot instead of a chocolate bar i now have a banana

    i am trying new foods but not liking alot of them if im being honestly thats why the milkshake is good for me atm untill i find a healthly replacement.

    ive bein on lots of fad diets weight watchers , slimming world even went to the point were i was taking weight lose tablets i got off the internet they DO NOT Work they make you really ill but so far this milkshake diet has done me really good and i enjoy it it tastes like angel delight so i love it who wouldnt lol
  • Nephy07
    Nephy07 Posts: 76 Member
    hey, I'm 22 and I'm a student :) but I manage to exercise 5-6 days a week, sooooo... Feel free to add me :)
  • clynn637
    clynn637 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 22 as well. I've been using myfitnesspal for about five weeks now, and I've lost 17.8 pounds. I don't do any of the milkshake diet stuff because I know that I won't be able to stick with it once I've lost all the weight that I want to lose. Instead, I just try to eat better things. Instead of fried chicken, I eat baked or grilled. I ate A LOT of salad in the beginning of this to get used to eating a little less, but since then it's been fairly simple. I don't necessarily eat any less than I used to, I just eat better things. Since you're not a fan of vegetables, try making a homemade spaghetti sauce and using more vegetables in that. If you peel squash and zucchini and put them in the sauce, they cook down so much that you can't even taste them.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Just a heads up, but I wouldn't really criticse people who eat KFC and sausages all day and you have 2 milkshakes and one meal a day. You both aren't exactly a shining example of healthy living.

    I'm assuming it's not actually milkshakes and some form of Meal Replacement Shakes? Perhaps look into proper food you can have with each meal, I'm sure you'll find your energy will stay picked up, and you'll feel fuller for longer.
  • CorgiLife
    CorgiLife Posts: 7 Member
    24 and sit at a desk all day! I have tried the two milkshakes then dinner thing and here's what happened to me:

    1. I was starving: that made me unfocused and miserable to be around
    2. I used the two shakes as an excuse to eat TONS of unhealthy food for dinner. (i.e. "Well I only had 400 calories all day, so I can absolutely do wings and pizza and a beer"

    There are ways to eat what you want and lose weight. You just have to find what works for you. Some people lose weight cutting back on red meat, some lose cutting back on carbs. For me carbs are the killer. I do very well eating meat and veggies. When I go to KFC (rare, but it happens) I get 2 piece meal grilled chicken and green beans. I get the satisfaction of fast food and I don't totally blow it.

    Also, and broken record playing here, water water water water water water water. You will feel like you have to pee all the time, but water does help keep you full. Just don't chug it. Get a sports bottle (I have a 25oz bottle) and nurse it throughout the day. I go through 2-3 fill ups. Helps keep me from craving food.

    There are no excuses. You are only hurting yourself. Ultimately family/friends/co-workers are just an influence, not at fault. You are responsible for what you eat and how healthy you are. If those men want to eat fried chicken, cheeseburgers, and sausages all day: let them. Not your problem.

    I know how hard it is to get with the program. I really do. I've been fat for 7 years and I finally got my head in the right place to stick with it this time. I am still not making good choices all the time. But you just keep going.

    *hugs* You can do this. We are here for you. Don't let yourself spend what I hear will be the best decade of our lives UNHAPPY!
  • ljwarren1590
    ljwarren1590 Posts: 8 Member
    Im 24! Just RE-started my weight loss journey, you can definitely add me! I'm on day three and haven't messed up yet lol so thats a record. I've found adding people and participating in the message boards is really helping me. Oh and just a quick tip, I tried the shakes for a couple weeks, and if you are REALLY craving food NOW, it's only gonna be so long before you binge lol. Everybody is different, so I'm not about to judge you lol, but just be careful. Do you have a pinterest? I've been finding alot of new healthy yummy recipes on there that I've been trying and liking. Good luck!
  • Kylelumary
    Hey I'm 23, a student, been working out and eating healthy for about 2 months now. Just started used MFP. Add me if you'd like.
  • need2bfree4ever
    Hey there, I'm Catherine, I'm 23 and I've been right where you're at. I've tried sooo many Diets (the diet pills too). I've yo yo dieted so much over the years. I'm not going to try to tell you to do stop the mill milkshake thing, if it works for you that great. What I've done when On the diet and it actual added energy We're a fiber rich snack. Example, 1 Oz (like a handful) of whole almonds is great and surprisingly filling. Don't sweat the small amount of calories they'll add especially if they curb your hunger and keep you from binging on a bad food later. I used to be real athletic and since college and getting married I've totally let myself go. If you want to ad me feel free, i need friends/motivational partners on here. Good luck!
  • jencuts15
    jencuts15 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! I'm 26 and have been using MFP for a year and a half now. I've really learned how to eat and exercise in a way that I can continue doing forever! Feel free to add me!