need supportive and common hobby friends!

Hey guys. I've had success here in the past and after a long hiatus and gain I'm back. I'm looking for some supportive friends that are active and had some success that can keep me accountable. I'm trying to workout (or do something active) 4-5 days a week and eat about 1600 calls. If you think we fit each other's goals please add me! Thanks! also horsey people are always welcome!


  • EyeHensley
    EyeHensley Posts: 12 Member
    Does having Alpacas count? LOL. I am wanting to lose about 50 pounds hopefully. And winter has been killing me. I work at home so I'm on the computer most of the day but i'm really hoping that with the nicer weather I will be able to get out more. Walking and herding the animals. LOL
  • AlyAnnesBack
    Lol. Alpacas have four legs and you have to pick up their poop...close enough. Hahaha
  • say_pocket
    say_pocket Posts: 54 Member
    I work out 6 days a week and eat at least 1600 calories. I've been trying to add more friends and be a more active MFP member.

    I don't ride horses, though. But if that's not a deal-breaker, you should add me!

    Good luck on getting back into the healthy lifestyle saddle! (I promise only like 50% of my jokes are usually that lame.)
  • AlyAnnesBack
    Well- as long as you promise. ;)
  • AlyAnnesBack
    Buuuuump. :)
  • CelebrityStatus
    CelebrityStatus Posts: 84 Member
    Lol, I'm basically you. Except I eat 1700, workout six days a week ... but I do have a horse and love her to pieces!

    You can do it!
  • AlyAnnesBack
    Thanks! Glad I already friended you. :)
  • npaulick
    npaulick Posts: 3 Member
    I can totally relate to what you are saying. I have been on here before and lost "some" weight but the "accountability" is what I have the most trouble with. It is easier for my husband to "remind" me that I have to work out and eat healthy but no help there with actually doing it. I wish you all the best and I KNOW you will do great on here.
  • megmo1985
    megmo1985 Posts: 127 Member
    Great post, I'm in a similar situation. I went away for a while and now I need to get focused again. It's good to see other succeed because it makes me want to work harder! I'm working out around 4-5 times a week and eating around 1300 calories. Good luck!
  • briannagravelle
    briannagravelle Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on my fitness pall for a month now before was doing weight watchers and lost 80 pounds now down 90 pounds but losing focus I new friends and motivation on fitness pall add me everyone :) briannagravelle
  • briannagravelle
    briannagravelle Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on my fitness pall for a month now before was doing weight watchers and lost 80 pounds now down 90 pounds but losing focus I new friends and motivation on fitness pall add me everyone :) briannagravelle
  • AlyAnnesBack
    Nice to know there are others like me. :)