post partum depression

Hey. I am hoping to get some support from people who "have been there". I am 4 months post partum and can't seem to find my motivation. AT.ALL. I get irritated with everything and cry about nothing. I sit on the couch for hours and do nothing. I have just started walking on the treadmill (today actually) and I know I am the only one who can fix it. I would love to know there is a rainbow around the corner :)


  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    You should go see your doctor so he can give you meds for that. You can't just snap out of PPD you have to be treated for it.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Please see a doctor. Do it for yourself. Do it for your child. That being said, I am sure there are many great MFPers willing to lend you an ear. PPD is NOT anything to play with though. If that is indeed what is troubling you, please get help immediately. If you have any thoughts of doing harm to yourself or others, PLEASE go to the Emergency Room Now. That is a medical emergency. Pregnancy changes brain chemicals... This does NOT make you a bad or defective person. You and your child are worth better than this. You can choose to have a better day... but DON'T TRY TO DO IT ALONE. Please, if you cannot do it for yourself, do it for your baby. You can make it through this and have a rewarding life. Depression is a serious and life threatening illness.... It is not you. You are not defective or insufficient. You are not a bad person. You just need to take care of yourself the same way you would if you came down with the flu... Go to the doctor!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Definitely talk to a doctor so they can help you.
    This can snowball.
    It's not unusual - don't feel alone.
    Seek help!
  • Thanks everyone. I am 100% against medication and I know I can get through it if I can get my behind up and off the couch. I do take care of my 3 kids, I still get out of the house... but it has been very hard for me.
  • ** NOTE: I absolutely would NEVER harm myself. I love my family and I love life. I had a sister commit suicide over depression so I really do get how bad it can be and how easily it can spiral down. I am going to get past this and I know I am strong enough. :)
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    The biggest lesson I learned when I suffered with it 12 years ago, was to not be ashamed of YOUR feelings and reach out for support. There are more resources available now than it was years ago.

    Being a new mom will bring on an array of emotions. Some reassurance from family and/or friends usually helps. If you have taken this route and you still find that you feel the same or worse, talk to your PCP.

    Walking on the treadmill is a step in the right direction. I applaud you for that.

    About the rainbow; it is closer than you realize.

    I am cheering for you.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    You should go see your doctor so he can give you meds for that. You can't just snap out of PPD you have to be treated for it.

    ^^^^ this

    and other things can help (not cures, but they help):

    - exercise
    - getting enough sunlight
    - getting enough omega 3s and fat soluble vitamins
    - socialising (with adults!!)
    - don't try to be a perfect mother, there's no such thing
    - take whatever support is available in your area

    best advice i had was try to get outside the house and go for a walk somewhere green every day no matter what the weather. put the kid in a pram (with a rain cover if necessary) and just walk wherever. that really helped a lot :drinker:

    note: I didn't have PND as such more like a combination of different mental health issues, including a tendency to get depressed due to lack of sunlight
  • My area JUST got the last of the snow today (hopefully). It has been a very bitter winter averaged around -10°F through the last few months. I was wondering if lack of sunlight has played a role in it. Would tanning beds help that? I would hate to use it unless I really thought it would help.
  • Thank you :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    not sure if tanning beds would help or not.... I found that just being outdoors in daylight helped, even in the UK winter when it was rainy and wearing coats and stuff with no chance of getting a tan. sunlight on the skin helps produce vitamin D, and lack of vitamin D can worsen depression, but I think there's more to it than that, i.e. just seeing natural light has an uplifting effect. No idea if this is just a psychological thing or if there's actually some effect on brain chemistry going on. I just know it helped. I try to get sunlight on my skin as well for vitamin D. I currently live in Bahrain so it's only a little bit each day as i have very pale skin and freckles so high risk of skin cancer. but I try to get a couple of minutes of sun on my skin each day.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    100% against medication? Why? Medication saves lives. I hope you won't withhold medication when your child needs it.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I agree with everyone. You need to see your doctor... I suffered the same and didn't know what it was... was put on meds and it changed my life... more energy... happy again... going out... I am no longer on them... You should really talk to your doctor.
  • calico_cat
    calico_cat Posts: 17 Member
    I had it. You can't shake it on your own. It's hormonal. You can only work around it and you've been doing great in that regard.

    Zoloft helped me. I probably needed a higher dose because it didn't take it away completely.

    If you want to go the natural route, try SAM-E. I didn't know about SAM-E when I had PPD, I would have tried it myself.

    Sorry about your PPD. Congrats on your new baby and I hope you get total relief soon.
  • rachelsholiday
    rachelsholiday Posts: 12 Member
    I'm one week post partum and I can definitely relate to how you're feeling. I would strongly echo what everyone else here is saying - you need to talk to your doctor about this.

    While I'm not showing any symptoms currently my mom suffered from untreated PPD for 10 years (ages 5-15 for me) before getting help. I know first hand how difficult it can be to have a parent dealing with this, even if your physical needs are being met.

    For the sake of yourself and your kids, please get help.
  • anna1m
    anna1m Posts: 29 Member
    I had it too, and one thing it did was destroy my desire to eat. I didn't even notice I was not eating. It took so much effort to just make myself something to eat, that I honestly felt like I was eating all day even though I was barely eating anything. I have never had an eating disorder or any other mental illnesses. Anyway, I got down to 91lbs. Even though I wasn't even aware of how sick I was and that I had PPD (very out of it), I noticed that I was getting too skinny. About 9 months after my son was born I started to force myself to eat. I started eating bags of almonds, drink smoothies, anything to stop losing weight ( I was losing about a pound every couple of days).
    After making myself eat probably around 2500 calories a day (never counted), I started to feel well enough to think about getting better. If you are on MFP to lose weight, it may not be a good idea to go into a large deficit. It will mess with your hormones even more. Try to maintain and not eat at a deficit for a couple of weeks until you get your PPD treated.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am 100% against medication and I know I can get through it if I can get my behind up and off the couch. I do take care of my 3 kids, I still get out of the house... but it has been very hard for me.

    I had PPD and I was like you. I didn't need meds and could "snap myself out of it."
    It didn't work that way. Go see the doc.
  • I was actually on Zoloft as a child and my sister who committed suicide, was on anti depressants and for both of us the medication causes suicidal tendencies. It ended up taking my sister's life. That is my reason for being 100% against medication. I will not go get on medication. I have had an excellent last few days and I am sure it will keep getting better as long as I stick to eating healthy, exercise and getting enough sleep each night. I have a very supportive family(especially my husband) but my siblings and parents are with me constantly.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    Anti-depressants list suicidal tendencies and thoughts as a possible side effect for children and teenagers. Adult brains react differently to the medication.
  • My sister was 32. Not a child, but thank you for your information.
  • "Adults being treated with antidepressant medications, particularly those being treated for depression, should be watched closely for worsening of depression and for increased suicidal thinking or behavior" -