Cosplayer looking for fitness pals!



  • KHalseth
    KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
    Anyone adding Cosplay fitness pals can add me too! Back in November I wanted to lose 50 lbs by March. After a while I realized it was over 2 lbs a week and I wasn't really focusing on it. SO I dropped the goal to 30. Now I might reach 20 lbs by march if I stay focused. I decided I wasn't going to let the extra weight stop me from cosplaying this year as it did the last couple years. But I admit that it is easier to be enthusiastic about Cosplay if you are not so fat.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    Hi everyone! I love cosplay, though I've only done it once or twice myself, I'm pretty shy and don't really have many friends who are into it either. However I would love to add some of you on MFP, I have zero friends on there and I feel like having any kind of connections will help me stay on track! Hope you all don't mind!

    I'm also a very shy person in real life and I swear that people almost assume that if you cosplay you're not shy and are totally outgoing and all that jazz. Or maybe it just seems that way to me because there are so many really loud and boisterous people at cons. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not really me. (Though a good dose of confidence may alter that in the future, I'm still an introvert at my core though.)

    So I can totally relate as a member of the shy club and also with anyone who feels insecure with photos, oh my glob. Cosplay is definitely one of my biggest motivators to get fit, Imma add everyone on here! XD
  • evilpixiegrrr
    Wow. Well, thanks so much to all of you!

    That photo was taken at PAX Prime in September, I was demoing Uibsoft's upcoming game The Crew.

    We should all become friends, and make a point of meeting up at conventions we're all attending. FUN!

    Edit: Clarification: My current profile picture is from PAX 2012/The Crew. My other photos are from within the last few years.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i wear Green Lantern underoos, does that count?
  • geminigrey
    geminigrey Posts: 26 Member
    Unfortunately, there are very few larger women Cosplay roles, short of Ursula from The Little Mermaid. I know there are some really brave Cosplayers out there who will dress as a plus sized Wonder Woman, but I've also seen the flack they get and it's not something my self esteem needs to deal with right now.

    I hear you, there's nothing that p*sses me off more to see some of the ignorant stuff people say about cosplayers' pics. I remember this one gorgeous TARDIS dress that went pretty viral and all people could say was insulting things about the awesome lady who made it.
  • HanaNikki
    I used to be a cosplayer! For some years now I've rather been into Lolita fashion, but I'd love to follow you :). I still enjoy watching anime & reading manga every once in a while and I can never get enough of Japan in general. I'm also a big fan of Japanese food and music (L'Arc~en~Ciel, VAMPS).

    Feel free to add me :)
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    In... 'cause I have a green-eyed blonde-haired tall son named Vash, and one day soon I'll need to sew him a long red coat and hit some cons.

    that would be cute!! :D
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    In... 'cause I have a green-eyed blonde-haired tall son named Vash, and one day soon I'll need to sew him a long red coat and hit some cons.

    that would be cute!! :D

    Yeah! And he'd get super excited if strangers knew his name!
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    In... 'cause I have a green-eyed blonde-haired tall son named Vash, and one day soon I'll need to sew him a long red coat and hit some cons.

    that would be cute!! :D

    Yeah! And he'd get super excited if strangers knew his name!

    Aww. I really hope my son gets into anime so I can take him to cons with me. I bought a Monkey D Luffy straw hat and it fits him really well and he smiles when he wears it. He could totally pass as chibi luffy now but I'd need to get him to wear a wig which he wouldn't do. 2 year olds are hard to control LOL
  • packratpatty
    packratpatty Posts: 46 Member
    I'm going to SDCC in July, for the second year in a row. We get a beach house and it will be fun to rock a few new outfits for sure, both on and off of the beach.
  • blonde2326
    hey! i seen your post and im 5'8 1/2 inch tall and 122lb i had a child 14months ago and i lost 75lb within 6months of having her it was amazing to lose it so fast with her and she makes me do alot more but im still out of breath even after walking 3 miles i need my energy back and would like to lose another 4lb i have always been thin and i have flat stomach but i want to keep it that way and not gain while she wants to eat sweets like i have been for a month please email me back k
  • squeepig
    squeepig Posts: 89 Member
    I'm going to SDCC in July, for the second year in a row. We get a beach house and it will be fun to rock a few new outfits for sure, both on and off of the beach.

    Awwwwwwwwwww, lucky duck!! I tried to get tickets again this year and again couldn't get them. I do have tickets for Wonder-Con in April, though. :)
  • evilpixiegrrr
    I'm going to SDCC in July, for the second year in a row. We get a beach house and it will be fun to rock a few new outfits for sure, both on and off of the beach.

    Nice! I've only been to SDCC once, but I'm hoping I'll be working this year. I'll have a better idea what events I'll be working (if any) in another month or two.

    Have fun! SDCC is such a blast, I don't see how you wouldn't.
  • seddna23
    seddna23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey :)

    I'm trying to get in shape to cosplay as well.

    Great to know that there are other people out there doing it to!
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    I love Coldplay!

    Feel free to add me. I'll reply later after my eye exam.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    I love cosplay! My first con was SDCC '12, I went as Lilith from Borderlands (1, not 2). My second con will be the London Film & Comic Con in July, I'll be going as a steampunk Rogue AND I get a photo op with Stan Lee!! So, I need to lose some weight so I can look my best! Feel free to add me!
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    I love Coldplay!

    Feel free to add me. I'll reply later after my eye exam.

    Nobody laughed.

    Except me.

    Important to make oneself laugh, don't you think?
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    You all need to be my friend. Please send friend request if I missed you.

    While not straight cosplay, I did enjoy being Thor this Halloween. Heavy Duty foam stores beware.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I don't personally cosplay, but I love conventions! I'd totally be your friend :)
  • meowette
    meowette Posts: 10
    I'd like to get into cosplay more; I've dressed up for SDCC + Wizard World, but nothing hardcore. Mostly because all of the characters I dream about cosplaying as require better bodies... haha. For my motivation, I'm thinking of cosplaying as Valerie from Frisky Dingo. She's not super buff or anything, and only has an exposed midriff, but I want to start small!