BeachBody T25

Hi all! I just joined and there are alot of posts on the Beachbody programs, but I am looking for a bit of feedback not from coaches! I found a coach for the T25, but the program (although still reasonably priced compared to a tranier) seems very out of my budget. BUT-is it worth it?

I could buy the used set of the DVD's, but has anyone done this compared to actually signing up with a coach and taking the Shakeology stuff?

Any feedback would be great, I just need to justify putting that much money on a credit card when I live paycheck to paycheck, but if it's worth it and I feel better about myself, I'll do it.


  • HavtaLose
    HavtaLose Posts: 59 Member
    Purchase it from eBay for half the price. I'm on Week 4 and love it. I Iike to have a schedule for my workouts with a different workout every day, that's why I chose this. And it's just 25 mins and who doesn't have time for that?! Have you done any other workouts before? I'd recommend doing a month of any Jillian Michaels DVD first before doing this otherwise it is hard for a beginner and you'd end up following the modifier most of the time.

    I don't think you need a coach. I didn't. I prefer to read around the forums here. Also Shaun does pretty good coaching in the DVD's teaching the moves so I don't know why one would need a coach.

    I also purchased shakeology because I needed a protein drink and with its money back guarantee I thought hey why not try. Well, it tastes like eating chalk. I searched around here and heard from many people that you have to add more ingredients to make it taste good. But if I'm purchasing a $140 shake, I'm not going to spend more to make it edible. Just last week I packed it up and returned it. And I found a decent shake for $35 at my local health food store. So don't waste your money on Shakeology.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks so much! I have done Jillian Michaels and Insanity, and think something shorter would be a bit more motivating for me. Good info on Shakeology too, alot of reviews I read were basically paid advertisements. I'm working my way around here, glad to have found the site!
  • I am going to be starting week 4 of T25 on Monday. The first two weeks were difficult because I did not see the scale move. I am now seeing the scale move. It is a really fun program, I did insanity as well and did not like it as much as this one. I usually dislike working out but this is getting addicting. I am not a coach nor do I use a coach.
  • Nola4
    Nola4 Posts: 50 Member
    I am starting week 4 today! I have lost about 50 pounds since January 2013 so losing weight has become difficult these days, I tend to stay about the same. That last ten pounds is holding on for dear life. I am most definitely seeing a change in my body. I stick to the measuring. As far as staying interested, I LOVE it! I find myself eager to get back to a certain dvd to see if I can do better. The first day of cardio I thought "Is he flippin crazy" now I look forward to kicking cardio's *kitten*! I am closing in on the end of Alpha phase and I know Beta is going to be a whole new ball game. Challenge myself all over again. I think it is worth it. IF I CAN DO A PUSH UP MY THE END OF THIS PROGRAM I WILL BE HAPPY. GOOD LUCK!
  • kari31p
    kari31p Posts: 10 Member
    I completed T25 last Summer/Fall and loved the program. I lost 21lbs on the program and close to 40 total inches. When I started, I was 5 months post-pardum but already down to my pre-baby weight. It is perfect amount of time for anyone that has other time taking factors in their life (kids, work, etc.).

    Since I completed it, I've lost 8 more lbs and am still slowly losing. When I can't get the gym or outside to workout, I throw in a T25 DVD to get a quick burn at home. I'm thinking about redoing the program in a few weeks to incorporate with my weight training/muscle toning.

    I highly suggest it to anyone who needs to get a good burn in a short amount of time. Because of the different types of movements, you will continue to burn calories after you are done working out. It's worth every last cent.

    *I am not a beachbody coach
  • My nephew let me borrow his INSANITY discs, but at 48 it killed my knees! not to mention after a stressful day at work it took too much time. I bit the bullet and bought T25, OMG I LOVE IT! after 2 weeks of Insanity, T25 was lower impact and my knees didnt yell at me, 25 mins, but it is a workout...25 mins with no breaks.
    To me: totally worth the money, and this is the first time I've ever really used a workout program at home, I'm more into weights at the gym and biking, but definately hooked.
    my scale isnt moving, but i have a Tanita which measures hydration, body fat, lean muscle - I see the lean increasing and fat decreasing. Having my pants get looser is a bit plus too.

  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    I just bought mine online and do it every morning. i found a forum on here for a small community challange and support. i dont have shakeology but i do replace a meal with some kind of protein shake. The workout is killer. Its awesome. Its difficult but a few hours later you are not too sore to live life.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Purchase it from eBay for half the price. I'm on Week 4 and love it. I Iike to have a schedule for my workouts with a different workout every day, that's why I chose this. And it's just 25 mins and who doesn't have time for that?! Have you done any other workouts before? I'd recommend doing a month of any Jillian Michaels DVD first before doing this otherwise it is hard for a beginner and you'd end up following the modifier most of the time.

    I don't think you need a coach. I didn't. I prefer to read around the forums here. Also Shaun does pretty good coaching in the DVD's teaching the moves so I don't know why one would need a coach.

    I also purchased shakeology because I needed a protein drink and with its money back guarantee I thought hey why not try. Well, it tastes like eating chalk. I searched around here and heard from many people that you have to add more ingredients to make it taste good. But if I'm purchasing a $140 shake, I'm not going to spend more to make it edible. Just last week I packed it up and returned it. And I found a decent shake for $35 at my local health food store. So don't waste your money on Shakeology.


    eBay, Amazon, The Pirate Bay.......any are better options than through a BB Coach. Don't buy into the hype of "getting an extra bonus" when you buy from a coach. Don't get me wrong, T25 is an awesome program and it really kicks my *kitten*.

    Also, avoid Shakeology like a plague.......there is no reason a meal replacement shake should cost that much..........and again, don't buy the feedback of how much it is per serving and that you'll be saving money..........saving money over eating at Denny's every morning, okay, perhaps...........saving money over making a healthy meal at home, I doubt it.
  • I wish I had seen this post BEFORE I just spent full price for T25 through BB. :mad: At any rate, I may be joining you guys when my videos arrive. :smile:
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Ebay is my friend...I purchased Chalean and T 25 (alpha/Beta) from Ebay and I feel got both for under the price of one. One seemed new as advertised, had everything including the tubing, the other (Chalean Extreme) was used, but only the plastic case was a little worn. I also purchased Gamma for under 50, the last part of T 25.

    I think ordering from BB is very expensive and I have heard many say they are hard to work with when something is missing or you need to return, but I realize people don't post normally when something goes well.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    T25 is totally worth it. Do it. The more you do it, the "cheaper" it gets. I'm on my 2nd cycle now.

    Shakeology is terrible and a waste of hard-earned money. Just get a good quality protein shake, and don't buy into all their "super-food" garbage. I'm sure it's nutitious, but not enough to make a big difference in your results.
  • harley_rose
    harley_rose Posts: 236
    I just received my package in the mall on Wednesday, so today will be my first day. I haven't even opened the package. I am glad to read about the shakes.
  • kari31p
    kari31p Posts: 10 Member
    I HIGHLY suggest you start on Monday. It really helps to follow the calendar they give you to a T. Including Staturday and Stretching Days...I got and have seen others get tremendous results by following it exactly as planned out.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    I HIGHLY suggest you start on Monday. It really helps to follow the calendar they give you to a T. Including Staturday and Stretching Days...I got and have seen others get tremendous results by following it exactly as planned out.


    I would recommend "starting" next Monday, too. If you're dying to try it out, then do the Cardio workout and get sufficient rest/stretching this weekend, as that may help your body acclimate to the full week's worth of exercise better.
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    I just did my first T25 cardio workout today
    Just to try it out.
    Loved it and all i can say is I feel amazing
    Loved the 25 minutes followed by the 2:50 minutes
    Of cooldown .. Can't wait til monday.

    If any one willing to share tips for a beginner
    Youre welcome to send a message or friend
    Request. Thanks.
  • brandiseagroves
    brandiseagroves Posts: 29 Member
    Don't give up. Some days seem pretty easy, and then there is the total body circuit...which is spent in the plank positions...OMG, can anyone do that many pushups in the beginning. I am starting week 3, and I am getting stronger already...I still can't do as many as they do...but I can do some and that is a HUGE improvement. I followed the dietary guidlines along with the exercise and lost 10.4 pounds in a little over a week. I know a lot of that was because of increased water...but still awesome. I love it and am proud of myself for sticking to one person should be allowed to sweat as much as i do during these workouts...but I feel great!
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm currently doing T25 for the 2nd time. I love it. I did not buy from a Coach, nor will I ever try Shakeology, just too darn expensive. If you can afford it, I highly suggest T25. It's the only workout program/plan that I've enjoyed and actually wanted to do again.
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I competed a cycle of insanity last spring and bought t25 for something different. Love that it has strength work outs mixed in with the cardio which is a lot different than insanity! Overall it's a great work out and you do not need the beach body coach! I haven't been following the calendar completely, I've been doing what I can best describe as a an insanity/t25 hybrid cycle. Pretty much I've been trying to follow another round of insanity but subbing in T25 on days I don't have time or motivation for it - and on days I'm on fire I do both!
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I competed a cycle of insanity last spring and bought t25 for something different. Love that it has strength work outs mixed in with the cardio which is a lot different than insanity! Overall it's a great work out and you do not need the beach body coach! I haven't been following the calendar completely, I've been doing what I can best describe as a an insanity/t25 hybrid cycle. Pretty much I've been trying to follow another round of insanity but subbing in T25 on days I don't have time or motivation for it - and on days I'm on fire I do both!
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I competed a cycle of insanity last spring and bought t25 for something different. Love that it has strength work outs mixed in with the cardio which is a lot different than insanity! Overall it's a great work out and you do not need the beach body coach! I haven't been following the calendar completely, I've been doing what I can best describe as a an insanity/t25 hybrid cycle. Pretty much I've been trying to follow another round of insanity but subbing in T25 on days I don't have time or motivation for it - and on days I'm on fire I do both!