At what loss did you realize you were really DOING this?

jsecret Posts: 606 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I can remember joining MFP and everyone having what seemed to be these astonishing numbers on their tickers... I had like 2 lbs lol. Time goes on and I'm at 10 lbs but still feeling like it's nothing and not a big deal... then 20 hit and I was feeling a little better. Now that I'm at nearly 30 it's suddenly hit me that I'm really doing this - I'm really losing weight and becoming a healthier me and that I'm just as good as everyone else here and actually DESERVE to be here.

At what number did it finally sink in your head that you could truly be proud of yourself and that you were really making a change?


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I started wanting to lose about 8-9 lbs. When I hit 10 it finally occurred to me that I had actually done it. Then I lost a few more. :) Congrats on your loss!!!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    For me, it happened two days ago, not because of a number, but because I suddenly looked and felt smaller. Doesn't hurt that I realised (as I was saying last night to my husband) that I am down almost 90 pounds since I started trying to lose weight and get healthy! I stayed in the same jeans size for so long that it never felt like I was losing, but my jeans are finally loose and I am really doing this (finally, lol!)
  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    I can't wait until that day! Once again, I'm at 2 lbs lost, the next 5 or 6 will be easy (they always are), it will be the ones that come after that.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Smaller clothes size. Not just looser, but when everything, even your skinny clothes, are too big!
  • I lost about 15 pounds before I realized this thing is really working. I was 226 pounds, and then I dropped 12 pounds on my own. I found this site, and then dropped below 200 pounds. I haven't been below 200 pounds since 1999.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    At 10 pounds i thought "Man, this is easy. I should have done this 5 years ago." Today i hit 16 pounds and my energy is through the roof.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I'm about half way (28 lbs down) but still don't feel like I'm really doing it.

    I guess I won't feel like I'm doing it until I've DONE it and kept it off.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I realized it first once I hit the 20lb mark...

    & then again just last night when I was trying on clothes just for fun in my dresser [which I have organized with post-it notes that have the numbers of weights that I think I need to be at to fit in them lol] and I fit into the HOT SHORTS that I wore on my honeymoon:happy: [that were labeled with the weight of 165]!!! I weighed 10lb less the last time I wore them, by I am much more muscle now I know that I am finally doing this & doing it right!!!

    Congrats on your success so far! You inspire me daily!
  • Hoping I will realize it once I hit my 20 pound mark...3 pounds to go till I'm there!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    when i put on my newly purchased "skinny jeans" only to realize that THEY too were now too big!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I have not yet realized it either but I am hoping once I start the gym next week and get in the daily excercise things will start to click and fall into place - at least that is what I want to happen we will see how fast and if I get discouraged.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I think a huge part of it for me was that I needed to feel that "shock factor" when I told someone I had lost. When somebody notices my weight and asks how much I lost saying "oh 5 lbs, or oh 10 lbs" just doesn't feel like an accomplishment since we hear it so much. To now be able to say "Oh I've lost like 30 lbs, not a big deal" it a truly terrific feeling inside and they're jaw instantly drops and then the obvious "HOW?!" questions come.
  • I'm starting to realize this just now. I have more energy and feel more confident! But I can't wait until that BMI says that I'm normal and not overweight!
  • I realized I was really losing weight around 20 lbs. But I realized I was getting healthy and felt so much better when I completed Week 5 /Day 1 of the C25K program. I had been repeating week 4 for 2 weeks because I didn't think I could do Week 5. I finally told myself that I wouldn't know if I could do it or not until I tried it. When I finished that day, I went running thru the house screaming "I did it! I did it!" Great feeling.
  • when the smallest pair of my jeans i was hopeing to get into were to big but fit with a belt...which ive never had to wear a belt because of pants being me is when i realized.....
  • rjgazray
    rjgazray Posts: 41 Member
    It hit me recently when I was able to fit a smaller size of jeans, the same size that several months ago I accidentally ordered and had to return because they wouldn't go past my thighs! SO inspiring seeing progress in clothes.
  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120 Member
    1st off anyone who is making an effort to change their lifestyle and become healthier *deserves* to be on here! It's not about the numbers it's about the choices & sacrifices you make to get there.

    For me it became "real" so to speak when I realized I was becoming fit enough to run a 10K.

    Keep up the great work, celebrate your huge accomplishment so far!!
  • I've lost a lot, but it's only just now starting to feel real because I uploaded pics last night and I can finally SEE the difference. It took me a lot longer to see the difference because it's me - I see myself in the mirror every day and I see what's under my clothes every day and it looks just as ick to me as usual, but in pictures, I have to admit I am starting to look better.
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I think, like you it was around 30 lbs, but now I'm a little more than 50, and I still don't feel like I've lost that much. It's astonishing to me that I've lost 50 lbs! I didn't actually think I had that much to lose and now I still want to lose another 5-15 lbs...surely I'll know my goal when I reach it...right? It is really odd that I've lost that much weight!

    Oh, like someone else said, yesterday I was looking at old pics and finally found one that was from last February and I look really big in that picture! I think sometimes we don't realize how big we are until we've lost the weight.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I would say it had to be 30 lbs. When I hit 30 EVERYONE noticed. And best of best friend & family members all said that 30 didn't seem like it was enough, because by looking at me it seemed like so much more! The first 30 lbs really changed me physically, which was amazing. And since then - it is wonderful when my neice tells me every single time she sees me "you look so skinny" and my sister inlaw also has told me a few times that she is always so excited to see me because each & every time I look SO different! Its nice when others see all your hard work. It makes me wanna cry that I have the most wonderful support ever from my family & friends. :bigsmile: :cry: :bigsmile:
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