Thoughts on clean eating

I have joined a group of ladies we get together once a week for a half hour of sculpting and an hour of cardio. We journal our food and activities for a little competative fun.

some of them blelieve that if you don't do the "clean eating hard core" your not being healthy.

i don't agree with this, i do try and stick with healthier foods and try to stay away from alot of processed food. I juat can not aford all of this organic food stuff.

what are your thoughts?


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    My feelings about clean eating are that you can't get more than 100% of what you need...
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I have a food naughty list
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I have joined a group of ladies we get together once a week for a half hour of sculpting and an hour of cardio. We journal our food and activities for a little competative fun.

    some of them blelieve that if you don't do the "clean eating hard core" your not being healthy.

    i don't agree with this, i do try and stick with healthier foods and try to stay away from alot of processed food. I juat can not aford all of this organic food stuff.

    what are your thoughts?

    My cliffs-notes thoughts on this:

    I am not aware of evidence suggesting that a "clean" diet is superior to one in which "most of the foods" are whole and minimally refined and "some" junk food is also incorporated in moderation.

    In other words, get your nutrients in, mind your calories, eat "mostly good stuff" and have some treats and beyond that don't worry about it.

    Also I don't believe organic necessarily means better for you.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I have joined a group of ladies we get together once a week for a half hour of sculpting and an hour of cardio. We journal our food and activities for a little competative fun.

    some of them blelieve that if you don't do the "clean eating hard core" your not being healthy.

    i don't agree with this, i do try and stick with healthier foods and try to stay away from alot of processed food. I juat can not aford all of this organic food stuff.

    what are your thoughts?

    My cliffs-notes thoughts on this:

    I am not aware of evidence suggesting that a "clean" diet is superior to one in which "most of the foods" are whole and minimally refined and "some" junk food is also incorporated in moderation.

    In other words, get your nutrients in, mind your calories, eat "mostly good stuff" and have some treats and beyond that don't worry about it.

    Also I don't believe organic necessarily means better for you.

    He might be prettier but those ARE MY Cliff's notes!!
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    i do try and stick with healthier foods and try to stay away from alot of processed food
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Eat what you want, just make sure your nutritional needs are being met. :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do I think that natural foods are best? Yeah, for the most part I do. The more natural a food, the less I need to worry what our government has deemed safe as a additive or pesticide or fertilizer.

    But I do not think the only way to be healthy is to eat only whole natural organic foods. I believe activity and balance of nutrients level plays a much bigger roll than organic vs. non-organic or clean vs. non-clean.
  • dawn5466
    dawn5466 Posts: 5
    Well i must be doing something right, i have lost 13lbs so far.
    Thanks all :)
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It is impossible to know exactly how the food you purchase is grown or produced, even if it is certified organic. Unless you are actually growing it, butchering it and cooking it, you can not be 100% certain what has gone into producing it.
    Do what works for you, fits your budget, and life style, that is how I feel about it.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I have joined a group of ladies we get together once a week for a half hour of sculpting and an hour of cardio. We journal our food and activities for a little competative fun.

    some of them blelieve that if you don't do the "clean eating hard core" your not being healthy.

    i don't agree with this, i do try and stick with healthier foods and try to stay away from alot of processed food. I juat can not aford all of this organic food stuff.

    what are your thoughts?

    I agree with you.
    I eat a diet based on whole foods since the early 70's . I consider myself healthy ( I have low BP, all my lab numbers are good, I am very active for my age, still have a full time career etc even though I have Lupus, which has nothing to do with how a person eats ) but I have never bought organic food in my whole life. I might have eaten organic by default, but would never spend the money on food just because it has an " organic " label....there is too much fraud and semi-fraud going on, because the organic labelling laws are too lax.
    I eat seasonal, locally grown ( which is healthier than " organic " stuff that has been transported for days and since I live in an underdeveloped country are chemical free, because small farmers here have no money for chemicals ) and grow a lot of my own in a container garden. If I lived in a country with winter and no fresh stuff, I would eat frozen veggies.....they are a good choice.
    I agree that staying away from processed food is a very good thing, but the rest is up to you. " eating clean " does not automatically mean you have to eat organic. And yes, I am licensed to make that statement....:o).
    One personal thing. I would never call what I eat " eating clean ". It's an expression that is popular in MFP and no where else. I would think of my diet and then give it a short description. I call mine a " diet based on whole foods ", because I would also never use primal, paleo or whatever is out there . I don't like labels...ever.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Clean eating is a "buzz" phrase, but not exclusive to MFP.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I try to eat clean by eating less processed foods, eating more veggies and lean meats. So I hope by the end of the day I've eaten 70-80% clean. Which is about 100% better than when I started this weight loss journey...
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Well i must be doing something right, i have lost 13lbs so far.
    Thanks all :)

    People who are trying to give you input have had much success in losing and maintaining weight. I personally have had the most success on MFP since I started listening to them. Quit demonizing any certain food. Oh, and read this:
    I think she was agreeing with those people since in her OP she stated that she doesn't agree with the clean eaters she knows.