Dreaded Treamill

I'm horrible with getting the motivation to keep working out. I start and then after about ten minutes, I have a hard time actually wanting to do it. I want to until I start doing it and then my mind changes really fast. I've tried other things like working out for shorter periods of time and just more times in a day, but that didn't really work either. Any ideas?


  • msfine2328
    msfine2328 Posts: 73 Member
    I have found if I cover the timer on the machines is helps me. And I try to watch the t.v's so I am not paying attention to the time as much. Good music always helps me too. Good luck
  • vpzuck
    vpzuck Posts: 4
    program your treadmill to alternate walking and jogging. Gradually shorten the walks and lengthen the jogs, as well as the overall length of time. Then vary the speed of the jogs. Listen to your favorite upbeat music (louder is better), or watch a great TV show or movie while you're on the treadmill. Go outdoors when you can – its very invigorating and its actually easier than "indoor tread milling". Your reward is how you feel and how you look as you reach your goals!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    If you don't like being on the treadmill, then don't do it. Do something you do enjoy. If you don't know what that something might be, then experiment.
  • greytniki
    greytniki Posts: 51 Member
    Try other machines if you have access. Otherwise what I do is put a kicking play list in my Ipod/Mp3 player and/or download a podcast and listen to that. A friend of mine takes her tablet and places it on the ledge, covering up the numbers and watches shows on netflix.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I know the feeling . . . I started doing the C25K about 5 weeks ago and have since developed a new respect for the treadmill (sorry elliptical :smile: ). Prior to that I would use the treadmill usually only on weekends and do a 15 minute walk to get in one mile.

    I’m working with a trainer that would prefer I use the treadmill instead of the elliptical and I am okay with this I guess and surprised that today (not a C25K day) I actually did 35 minutes on the treadmill without realizing it. I think part of the problem is the fact that when we don't want to do something every second feels like 5 minutes! I had the TV on and I was reading - the TV was more to alert me that 30 minutes had passed (that didn't really work) I am not sure how fast you are going but maybe slow down and allow the time factor to be the motivation as opposed to viewing the time as a workout (it still counts as a workout.) Just a suggestion that might help you trick your mind into embracing the treadmill.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    If you don't like being on the treadmill, then don't do it. Do something you do enjoy. If you don't know what that something might be, then experiment.


    If the treadmill has a random setting, it may help as well. It wil constantly change the incline. Watching TV or reading a book will help the time fly by.
  • TheRunnerDad
    TheRunnerDad Posts: 33 Member
    How about doing a circuit of cardio machines? Maybe start with 5-10 min on the bike, a mile on the treadmill, then hit up the elliptical? You have to keep it fresh and fun, otherwise you won't stick with it.

    That being said, I would take running outdoors over the treadmill whenever possible (though I have done very long runs on the treadmill also when necessary).
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Yeah, it can be boring from time to time. Can you get a gym membership, where there are a variety of machines?
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I am not a treadmill fan but like many of those who have posted, little things can help be a distraction. I usually pick a tv show from netflix (45min with no commercials) and committ to watching the whole episode. Then every 5 minutes I change what I'm doing... run to a jog to a walk to a speed walk on a steep incline... and before you know it the show is over... I've found 1-2 min intervals are too distracting for me but a lot of people break it down to that.
  • jilliangetsit
    jilliangetsit Posts: 97 Member
    This is going to sound crazy, but give it a try - I hate hate HATED dubstep music until I was on my treadmill and walking and I accidentally put on Daft Punk radio (search for harder, faster, stronger - song title) and my feet just started walking to the beat!!! And some songs have a faster tempo so I'd up the speed and it just started getting easier!! Then up the incline a little bit!!. Some of the songs are 5-7 min long so I'd just challenge myself to finish a song at the pace that fits the tempo etc. music is a must for cardio workout because it takes your mind off of the dullness - but specifically having the right kind of music can make it actually ENJOYABLE!!! hope this helps :) seriously try it!!! I also listen to T.H.E hardest ever by Will.I.am feat. jennifer lopez. That song/station and the like are perfect for getting in the motion! Cheers, best of luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Check audible, do the 1 month trial and download a nice, long book for free. It was pretty awesome for me while it lasted... I could only really focus on the book when walking, but I also wanted to know what was going to happen so I ended walking a lot for a couple weeks.
  • brianwqc
    brianwqc Posts: 32 Member
    Watching TV helps me; I usually watch something on the DVR so I can skip through the commercials.
  • trizzletrix
    trizzletrix Posts: 92 Member
    Try listening to upbeat music, watching tv or listening to audiobooks.

    Also you don't have to run on the treadmill. What I really like doing is incline walks. So I set it to maybe a speed of 5.5km/h then I increase the incline by a level every minute. Burns calories and gets hard at the highest inclines but much easier than running if you're not into that.
  • Kristi443
    Kristi443 Posts: 14
    Thanks for all of the advice!! :)