Gabriel Method Success Stories?

greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
Hi all! I'd love to see some success stories from folks that have tried the Gabriel Method. I've just started this- which is about eating healthy, no deprivation, and using visualization and meditation to reduce stress, reduce junk food cravings, and motivate you to love exercise. I imagine that using this in conjunction with other things (like heavy lifting) would be amazing. Just curious if anyone's out there.


  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    Nobody's tried it? I'm surprised… it seems folks on here have tried just about anything. Anyway I'm curious, having tried everything myself, and feeling better already with this methodology...
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Hey greenmeena,

    I almost jumped out of my seat when I read your post, I've never seen anyone refer to the GM on here! I know that these kind of programs are not very popular with the majority of MFP'ers ;-)

    I tried it a few years ago, and although I think that the concept is brilliant and still try to live and eat by the principles, I found myself really reluctant to 'let go' during the initial stage. Jon asks you to surrender to your hunger and cravings with no depravation for a while, and the point is by addressing the deeper issues as to why your brain has made you fat, ensuring your body is not lacking essential nutrients and reprogramming your mind with the CD, that you will eventually naturally choose better options. I guess you already know this, but just for the benefit of anyone who hasn't heard of the GM before.

    I also found the online support really good, but I started the method just as I was about to go traveling for a few years (still traveling!), and couldn't really afford to keep paying for it.

    I'm sorry I can't offer a success story, but I really think that what Jon is trying to teach is part of the key to curing obesity. It all ties into Intuitive Eating, Raw Plant Based diets etc etc. As I remember, the GM website has loads of success stories on there and John himself is an amazing success story.

    Good luck, and I hope you do well with this! When I return home after my travels I will definitely be refering back to this book :-)
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry, I'll also say for anyone who clicks onto the website for the first time, that one of the main downsides to the GM as far as I'm concerned is cheesy, gimicky marketing! The website looks like someone is trying to rope you into a scam! Don't let this put you off, bad PR and marketing a bad product/service does not make ;-). The only thing that you need to get a hold of the book if you want to try it out.
  • MissLCWolff
    MissLCWolff Posts: 69 Member
    I almost never hear about the Gabriel Method on here! I first read the book years ago, and even though I don't agree with everything he says, I think it's a GREAT source of help for people who struggle with emotional issues related to their weight and/or appearance. Before reading it, I'd never really realized that you could make your body want to be thin--I always thought that if I ever lost weight, it would be a constant battle with myself.

    I've been incorporating elements of the Gabriel Method into my weight loss efforts, mainly the visualization exercises. I've been listening to the evening visualization track from the CD while I fall asleep for the past few weeks, and I've noticed that I've felt less and less interested in unhealthy foods and more interested in fresh, healthy, simple foods like greens and nuts. I also have almost completely stopped eating/caring about dessert since I started listening to the CD. I used to feel incomplete if I didn't have something sweet at the end of lunch and dinner, and now I'm sitting here with three chocolate chunk brownies in the same room and I can't even imagine eating them unless I feel hungry.
  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    Yeah, I basically just got the book and a friend gave me all the visualizations in an email so that's all I need. I don't need the group or the other marketing stuff.
    As for marketing- he's just doing what he needs to do to make a living.

    Yes, I've definitely checked out all the success stories on there, they are certainly inspiring!
    I was mostly curious to see if folks on here had heard of it or tried it. I think that incorporating it into what you're already doing is key. I definitely had some "emotional obesity" issues (I'm not obese, but it's a term that makes sense when you read the book) and the visualizations are helping me get past them.

    I definitely recommend it for people who seem 'stuck', trying everything and plateaued for a long time, as I have been. A whole year with no change at all in my weight despite lifting heavy, eating well, following Whole 30, etc etc… I finally feel like I've made some breakthroughs.
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    I wouldn't say that my success is all due to him, but I read his book and practiced visualization for a month or two before starting this new lifestyle and it stuck when it never has before. Not sure how much his method played into it, but I don't think visualizing yourself at goal can hurt.

    I also think there is something to his fat as protection theory and mentally accepting that it doesn't make you safer and understanding why you got bigger can help solve the issues long term.
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