Zombies, Run!=Major Disappointment



  • I adore it. However, as others have pointed out, the intervals between story and music are either one or two songs (depending on whether you do the approximately 30 minute or 60 minute setting). Also, if a song is "too long" it will cut it for the story and then bring it back in to finish afterwards (and I believe the reverse happens if a song is too short, so you would get an extra song). I have one song on my playlist that carries over (and I expect it to now) and I think I had one short song pop up.

    I've been using it for walking (I started trying the 5k trainer, but about week 3, my knees started giving me issues), and just recently have turned on zombie chases and upped it to the hour sessions. The chases are based on a couple of factors (covered in the support pages from their website). I get a wide range. I've had 3 chase sessions in a 45-minute dog walk (was not a good time to turn them on) but only one in a 70-minute walk. So it's very random.

    Like a previous poster, I've shifted to syncing Zombies Run to Runkeeper and then to MFP (I was running Endomondo in the background, but memory issues had it shutting down, and I might not notice until I get home and see that it died 10 minutes in).

    Overall, I enjoy the story (and I find myself often suspicious of certain people or becoming fond of others). The radio missions after you complete the story mission (but don't quit your workout) are always entertaining, and I'm sure people on my route think I'm crazy because sometimes I can't help but laugh. I love collecting things, and usually I like to hope that I'll get a full outfit (I've gotten very close...Missing socks and shoes, and an overcoat), so the supplies are always entertaining. And there's the base building. I just figured out some details today, so I'm close to upgrading some of my base.
  • I'm almost done with Season 1- maybe I'll finish out the story this weekend.

    I only have one complaint since I do a lot of long runs-
    I just wish I could get more building supplies which you collect 1 per Season 1 episode and 3 the first time you do a season 2 Episode. The misbalance is crazy, I have 800 regular supplies and only 3 building supplies. Maybe if there was a way to trade one supply for another.

    I hear Season 3 will be released in the Spring.
  • I'm almost done with Season 1- maybe I'll finish out the story this weekend.

    I only have one complaint since I do a lot of long runs-
    I just wish I could get more building supplies which you collect 1 per Season 1 episode and 3 the first time you do a season 2 Episode. The misbalance is crazy, I have 800 regular supplies and only 3 building supplies. Maybe if there was a way to trade one supply for another.

    I hear Season 3 will be released in the Spring.

    The imbalance of building supplies is definitely one of my complaints about it. I'm getting into base building now that I figured out some little things that I misunderstood, and am waiting on building supplies. :(

    I'm going back through season 1 with chases on (working on getting some jogs in during my walks) and have switched to the hour sessions. Loved season 1, excited to go through season 2, and really excited for another season.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Oddly enough your post about how the app was such a disappointment got me interested. I got the app last night (the c25k one) and started the first ptetraining intro thing today. I LOVE it! I'm 5'4" 300lb and jogged 2 miles (sloooowly) without even noticing because I was so interested in the zombie story and the rockin' tunes on my playlist. I can imagine it would be rather dull without music unless you were doing trails through the woods and had a good imagination.
    :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • red1123
    red1123 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm considering downloading Zombies, Run! 2, but I don't keep music files on my iPhone. Can the program be used with a streaming music service like Pandora or Spotify?
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Interesting. I will have to try this. I hate running, but this may make it tolerable for me.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I'm considering downloading Zombies, Run! 2, but I don't keep music files on my iPhone. Can the program be used with a streaming music service like Pandora or Spotify?

  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    The first "mission" in the 5k app IS basically just music, it's a 25 minute "free form" run. I wasn't that impressed with it the first day, but stuck around for the second and enjoyed it enough to keep going. It tells you exactly when to walk and run, and unlike C25K, incorporates other exercises like heel lifts, alternating walking speeds, etc to help build your muscles and stamina. However, the story in the 5k app doesn't really get going until end of week 2/beginning of week 3. I can't speak to the regular one, since I haven't used it yet, but from what I've read, it is not a training app, but more of a running game where you set your own pace of walking or running throughout it. I would definitely recommend the Zombies, Run! 5k app (just finished week 4 yesterday).
  • BSRjogger
    BSRjogger Posts: 8 Member
    BattleSuit Runner Fitness has all of the benefits of Zombies Run, and is much cheaper (can you say "Free Version?!", and is also extremely interactive, utilizing GPS much more to affect the game outcomes.

    Here is the site with more info including video demo: http://apps.appshout.com/battlesuit-runner-fitness/