Lightly Active vs. Active

For quite some time I've had MFP set to "lightly active." However, I got a fitbit and I realized that I have been walking 5-6 miles per day and walking up stairs about 20 times per day. I have switched it to "active". I also get about 45 min to 1.5 hrs of exercise per day, 6 times per week doing Brazil Butt Lift, Zumba and Pilates. Would you consider this active or should I put it back to "lightly active"?


  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Definitely active, but of course your results are a better indicator than what the MFP calculator says. Have you been losing weight according to its predictions?

    Sidenote: your profile says that you're 22. If you are 22, you should always air on the side of caution with MFP's calculator. It wasn't built for young people with metabolisms that haven't slowed down yet. I go a step up in mine. So I would consider myself "lightly active" (2-3 miles walking a day, lifting 3x week, nothing else really) but I have it marked as active and it more accurately represents my burn that way.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Definitely active.

    I have a desk job, 2 hour round trip commute in the car, and workout 5 days a week and I am not lightly active.
  • caffypatricia
    I have been losing weight based on the lightly active. I never realized just how much walking I do throughout the day, so I just recently switched it to active so time will tell! Thanks!