Breakfast when you're not hungry?



  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    So glad to find this post as this was exactly my question this morning.:huh: I DIDN'T eat breakfast with hubby today at the crack of dawn as usual and had a better walk time then ever, and finally ate after my shower. Could this make for a better workout too(granted I only walk at a slow pace)??? Any of you more athletic folks have an answer. I'm kinda thinking eat when hungry and there is no set rule, take it day by day??? BTW always looking for knowledgeable motivating friends to add :flowerforyou:

    I guess it depends on what you mean by "better"?

    I can't workout within an hour of eating of we'll need a mop and a bucket in aisle 2. I'm just getting back into running again and usually have something light, let it settle a bit, and then get at it. I tried running in a fasted state a few times last year (right after waking up) and bonked big time. I barely made it two miles before practically collapsing.

    I'm sure there are folks here that can house a huge meal and then hit the gym or the pavement - along with the folks that run forever on a completely empty stomach. I'm sure there are science-y reasons why one might be better than the other but I'm not even close to a top 5% elite athlete where that kind of thing matters. I just do what feels best for me.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    So glad to find this post as this was exactly my question this morning.:huh: I DIDN'T eat breakfast with hubby today at the crack of dawn as usual and had a better walk time then ever, and finally ate after my shower. Could this make for a better workout too(granted I only walk at a slow pace)??? Any of you more athletic folks have an answer. I'm kinda thinking eat when hungry and there is no set rule, take it day by day??? BTW always looking for knowledgeable motivating friends to add :flowerforyou:

    It depends on your workout. Walking, even at brisk pace, you probably don't need fuel immediately before. I found the only time eating before a workout helped instead of hindered is when I run more than five miles. Unless it's an extremely strenuous, long lasting workout, skipping breakfast won't make any difference other than you might not feel slogged down.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Eating breakfast starts the metabolism engine. I would suspect the 1 meal eaters, don't burn as many calories throughout the day. So I support the eat light, like you did with the egg.

  • livinmyhappilyeverafter
    I agree. This is what I've always read and been taught.
  • livinmyhappilyeverafter
    Breakfast doesn't mean you have to eat the minute you wake up. I do Shakeology for my breakfast meal because I'm not that hungry yet. Even protein in coffee would help. Eating or having a healthy boost for breakfast DOES speed up your metabolism though. That is why when you eat early you are hungry more often. This is why people are able to eat small meals throughout the day rather than large meals where they over-eat. The end result being significantly better because as you read in most fitness magazines "6 small meals or snacks a day is better than 3 large ones." We were even taught in the military starting in bootcamp to do that. We didn't come out tiny from lack of food or too much exercise. Fueling your body throughout the day helps you to have better workouts even if it is just a handful of nuts for protein.
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    Breakfast doesn't mean you have to eat the minute you wake up. I do Shakeology for my breakfast meal because I'm not that hungry yet. Even protein in coffee would help. Eating or having a healthy boost for breakfast DOES speed up your metabolism though. That is why when you eat early you are hungry more often. This is why people are able to eat small meals throughout the day rather than large meals where they over-eat. The end result being significantly better because as you read in most fitness magazines "6 small meals or snacks a day is better than 3 large ones." We were even taught in the military starting in bootcamp to do that. We didn't come out tiny from lack of food or too much exercise. Fueling your body throughout the day helps you to have better workouts even if it is just a handful of nuts for protein.

    But why??? Please state why eating breakfast is better for you?
    And why is being hungry more often better?
    And why are 6small meals better for you? Just because thats what you have readin fitness magazines doesnt make it true. Remember they write articles to sell magazines and they never give a balanced argument they look at scientific studies and pick out the results they wnt to use to prove their point.

    Please dont reply with the 'scientific survey' that concluded that non breakfast eaters eat more calories later in the day because there is another which states that other non breakfast eaters tend not to eat back the calories missed from that meal. It comes down to will power if you miss breakfast and dont want to snack later you wont if you convince yourself that by missing it you will snack then hey Ho you will snack.

    And in the military it is very different to real life, in real life you know most of your days plans and you know when you have time to eat and what you wil be getting and how much, when I was in training it was a case of eat as and when you can and eat as much as you can. Some lads were consuming 4000-5000 calories plus per day, now I wouldnt recommend that to many people would you? (they werent gaining)

    In my experience it is down to personal preference. If you dont feel like breakfast then dont eat if you are hungry in the morning then eat. But not eating breakfast doesnt affect my training.

    Finally, the point you make about boosting metabolism...
    'There may be benefits to manipulating meal frequency and eating the same amount of food more often or less often, but metabolic rate is not one of them. There is no evidence to support the idea that multiple meals increases metabolic rate' sition. Am J Clin Nutr. (2008)
    Weinsier RL, et al. (1995)
    Saris WH. (1998)
    Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA.. (2004)
    Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA.. (2005)
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    It is not important to eat breakfast every day.
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    This morning I woke up not hungry. I know it's important to eat breakfast every day. Is it better to force feed myself something or is it better to only eat when you're hungry? (Sidebar: I ended up force-feeding myself a hard-boiled egg just so I would have some protein in my belly to start the day)

    Only eat when you are hungry.

    Missing breakfast (if your not hungry that is) is brilliant for weight loss.

    When you wake in the morning your body has been in a state of fast, the longer you can go without needing to eat the more your body will be burning body fat as fuel.

    That being said if you have a relatively high carb diet, WHEN you get hungry do eat, as your body may not be as efficient at converting your stored body fat and may look to other sources (lean mass) for the liver to convert into glycogen.

    If you're on a relatively low carb diet and are efficient at burning ketones for fuel - don't sweat it just eat when you're hungry.

    Good luck.

    I love all of what this guy said!
  • Maryanne1923
    Maryanne1923 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi all. My 1st post. not even got my profile pic yet.

    I've always been told/read that eating breakfast (and regularly spaced meals in general) is important to keep your blood sugar from dipping and peaking. If you keep it fairly level you wont get that craving for food which causes us to overeat or make poor choices. So skipping breakfast (or other meals) won't stop you losing if you are burning more calories than you consume, but eating regularly might make it easier? Is this wrong and it really makes no difference?
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    It is not important to eat breakfast. Don't force yourself to eat ever.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    If the powers of math are correct, Calories In Calories Out - or as I like to call it CICO.

    CICO does not seem to care how the calories go in or out, only that they do.

    That being said, seems some advice givers are really sold on the 6 meals a day, etc. etc. I am pretty sure that leans a little more towards magic than math, but I am not positive. BROSCIENCE!
  • Slim_strategy
    Welll I usually exercise in the morning and I feel I would die without the energy from my breakfast to keep me going :3
    I hate missing breakfast
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    I do just the same thing and keep a few pre-boiled eggs in the fridge for just such occasions. If I skip breakfast because I'm not hungry I tend to burn out and over eat later. A little protein in the morning gets your metabolism running, but if it doesn't suit some people, we are all grown ups here and able to choose :flowerforyou:
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I don't think breakfast is important - haven't really eaten it for a year plus and have done fine losing weight.

    On the other hand, I also don't think not eating breakfast is some magic bullet that will "keep you in burning fat mode".

    The only advantage is personal preference. If you aren't hungry in the morning, you don't have to eat, thus you can eat more later so it is easier to sustain your caloric deficit. No magic bullets either way.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    This morning I woke up not hungry. I know it's important to eat breakfast every day. Is it better to force feed myself something or is it better to only eat when you're hungry? (Sidebar: I ended up force-feeding myself a hard-boiled egg just so I would have some protein in my belly to start the day)

    I feel sick whenever I try to eat right after I wake up. It usually takes my body a couple hours to wake up enough to let me eat. But, if I know I'm not going to be able to stop to eat by the time my body "should" be waking up and there will be too much time between then and lunch, I'll try to force myself to eat something, too. I really try to avoid this, though. Your choice of a hard-boiled egg would have been my suggestion. Really, though, if you're not hungry and can plan the rest of your day accordingly (to be sure you get your calories, etc), I wouldn't bother with breakfast.
  • ratchet2
    ratchet2 Posts: 87 Member
    I think that most people who do not eat breakfast end up overeating or binging later in the day. Mornings I just want my coffee so I take my breakfast to work and eat when I get there. If I wait until lunch, then I am too hungry to enjoy my food plus the stomach growling can be very uncomfortable or painful if left too long. Breakfast can be something light. I have yogurt, berries, and bran buds most days. If not, a cereal bar would be my second choice.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I think that most people who do not eat breakfast end up overeating or binging later in the day.

    Actually from everything I have read, this is a pretty personal thing. For some people this is the case, while for other people eating breakfast can actually contribute to hunger later in the day.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I think that most people who do not eat breakfast end up overeating or binging later in the day.

    No. Everyone is different. You can't extrapolate from one data source (yourself.) There are plenty of people on the forums who break fast later in the day. Now I do eat breakfast, but it's high protein and fat which keeps me from overeating later in the day. Someone else might do much better eating cereals. Yet another person might need to save those calories for later in the day.

    To the OP: I wouldn't force yourself to eat first thing. May be grab that egg to eat later, if you're having problems with timings. As for only eating when hungry - there's hungry and then there's hungry. If you're waiting until you're shaking and nauseous, that's bad. Wait until you feel "yeah, I could eat now". I'm afraid getting your diet right is a bit of trial and error, but you will figure it out eventually!

    (ETA: too many commas as usual. Sheesh!)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Breakfast doesn't mean you have to eat the minute you wake up. I do Shakeology for my breakfast meal because I'm not that hungry yet. Even protein in coffee would help. Eating or having a healthy boost for breakfast DOES speed up your metabolism though. That is why when you eat early you are hungry more often. This is why people are able to eat small meals throughout the day rather than large meals where they over-eat. The end result being significantly better because as you read in most fitness magazines "6 small meals or snacks a day is better than 3 large ones." We were even taught in the military starting in bootcamp to do that. We didn't come out tiny from lack of food or too much exercise. Fueling your body throughout the day helps you to have better workouts even if it is just a handful of nuts for protein.
