Bad Running Days

I've been running for about a year now but have kicked it up a notch within the last few months. For some reason, every few weeks I'll just have a bad run or a bad streak of runs. I usually aim to run 5 days a week about 4 miles each day, But some days it feels like I'm at mile 10 after mile 1. It just becomes so hard. Am I the only one this happens to? It is so discouraging to feel like I am back at day 1. How can I prevent this?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Embrace the suck.....

    We all have runs that suck, the good news is that they get fewer and fewer as time goes by. It sounds like you`re doing the same thing day in and day out, try changing things up, go shorter and faster one day, longer and slower another. Cross train (swim, bike, weights etc) and make sure you`re getting enough sleep.

    We`ve all been there!
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    Yes, everyone has bad runs, like bad hair days lol. They teach you to love the good run days! But in all seriousness, are you running the same 4 mile loop every run 5 days a week? Try to vary it a little, might help!
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I have definitely been there, had plenty of bad run days. But it is true that they do get less and less the longer you run. Try mixing up your route like what was suggested, or downloading some new tunes. Or mix things up with a tempo run or some intervals just for fun. You prevent it by not quitting. Just keep running. :) Focus on the good, are you running injury free? Focus on that. Is it a beautiful day? Focus on that.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    It happens, could be burn out related. Have you tried cycling your runs? Like increase by 10% for 3-4 weeks and then do a backoff week that's 10% under week one?
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Could be doing too much, the repetetive nature of running (or walking) most places tend to not run every day, I used to run every other day, currently I do run 4 times a week with 2 days in a row because i'm in training for my first marathon, however as soon as that's past I'll be back to 3 times a week every other day with a rest day once a week (cross train the other 3 days).

    I also have a spreadsheet that I track my splits on so I can see if it actually was a slow run (most of the time it's not quite the disaster I feel it is)

    Running should be the easiest thing in the world and I keep chanting to myself when i'm struggling that it's just one foot in front of the other , however it's also this that makes it an ideal candidate for repetetive strain injuries.

    Track your runs for a while, change them up, there are days where you just 'don't feel it', chalk it up and move on, remember it doesn't matter if it's a 5min mile (I wish) or a 20min mile, it's still a mile:)
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    Yeah, that happens to me, too. It usually happens when I'm most looking forward to running. I suspect it's that I'm too excited, and that causes me to start at a faster pace than I can sustain. When I notice I'm feeling worse than I think I should, I just slow my pace until that feeling passes. It never happens on days when I'm kind of dreading the run.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If you don't get bad running days your not trying hard enough.
  • tegalicious
    tegalicious Posts: 629
    Tough runs don't last. Tough runners do.

    We all have bad runs. It happens. You just have to carry on. Try varying your routine a bit like others said!
  • arwenmakin
    arwenmakin Posts: 24 Member
    I think we all do! I struggled this morning, felt like death, yest was actually running much slower than I often do yet feel great. However, it was still miles int he bank.

    Make sure that you keep the interest like others have said, and remember that while you are out there, millions of others aren't! Also - bad days happen - but in my book a run can make those bad days better, even if its a bad run!

    All that said - listen to your body too. Sometimes you may just need a break. But make sure that its really your body, rather than your head. That's the difference between pushing yourself and not...
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Yep, happens to all of us. I had a bad running day yesterday. I usually enjoy running very much, but yesterday I hated every minute. Just push through it. :) I alternate running with some circuit strength training so that I'm not running every single day and possibly get totally burned out on it.
  • kittyswing
    kittyswing Posts: 11 Member
    Bad days happen. Hell, bad WEEKS happen. But it doesn't last forever.

    Consider changing things up? You may be burning out. You could still run 5 days/week, but vary the distance each day. Or, perhaps use one day where you get in your cardio in another way? HIIT?
  • Marissaltr
    Wow! I am so glad I am not the only one that has bad running days. I have been so bummed since last night about having 2 bad runs in a row. It felt like I had just started running again. My legs felt tense, I was short of breath. I usually run different places but maybe I will try to very up the distance. I also downloaded that Zombie Run app that everyone keeps talking about. Hopefully these things will help me through.

    I'm feeling so much better. Thank you, everyone, for your comments!