Gym Ettiqute - Language Included



  • Operation_Shred
    At 4:50 a.m., I own that gym! I can do whatever I want

    How do you manage to wake up that early? I tried that once and fell asleep in the parking lot while waiting for my gym buddy.
    It's just the daily routine. Used to it.

    I used to do that. Then I realized how much I love sleep. Now I sleep, work, nap, gym, sleep.

    It's fantastic.
  • Yep_imchicbad
    Yep_imchicbad Posts: 66 Member
    Its has come to my understanding that "some" people doing these supersets on "multiple machines"- rest 7 minutes in between- which is equivalent to 10-15 minutes texting. I don't care! If your on one machine or bench- I'm using the one your not on...come at me bra...see what happens! :huh:
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I've never had gym issues. Of the two gyms I was a member of I never had problems with people using equipment like wankers or people show boating.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    At 4:50 a.m., I own that gym! I can do whatever I want

    How do you manage to wake up that early? I tried that once and fell asleep in the parking lot while waiting for my gym buddy.
    It's just the daily routine. Used to it.

    I get to the gym by 4:45 am and there is still plenty of equipment to use. The core group that uses that gym at that time of the day all work well together.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Every gym I know of, has posted rules. Wipe down the bench you just used, no cell phone usage, limit use to your machine to X # of minutes, etc.

    The other day I witnessed a guy that was "super setting." I saw that he hogged up four different stations because he was "super setting." A couple of ladies were trying to use the hack squat machine, he yells at them, "I'm super setting." They scratched their heads and proceeded to unload the 45lb plates off the machine.

    So people...super setting is when some bros think it's okay to hog up every piece of equipment in the gym and then run from station to station trying to kill their muscles. You're welcome, you are now smarter.

    that's a new version of super setting I wasn't aware of - good to know!!!

    I've done circuits with a machine at off peak hours- usually I do body weight or db stuff close by- but I don't yell at people who want to use it- I just move on to my next thing and come back to it. it's so not that big of a deal.

    The only one I'm kind of funky about is I do a squat stretch thing now- and it makes me uncomfortable because it's 1 x 20 squat- and then I need a bench (any bench will do) and do 1 x 20 over head extension/pull as a post squat stretch- those must be done back to back- everything else in my workout could be shuffled- but reality is I can use the power cage or squat rack so I just post up there- but I feel like a total douche canoe walking away from it for 2 minutes to do one set of something.

    shame face.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I roll my eyes to guys like you at the gym. U probably leave to much weight on the rack also....
  • liftsforchocolate

    Last week, a guy came up to me IN THE MIDDLE OF ME LEG PRESSING to ask me what the date was so he could write it in his notebook. And then just turned around and walked away. Also, I hate it when I arrive at the gym in the morning, and there are like 6 loaded 45 lb plates on everything from whoever was there late at night.

    My gym doesn't have enough etiquette
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member

    Last week, a guy came up to me IN THE MIDDLE OF ME LEG PRESSING to ask me what the date was so he could write it in his notebook. And then just turned around and walked away. Also, I hate it when I arrive at the gym in the morning, and there are like 6 loaded 45 lb plates on everything from whoever was there late at night.

    My gym doesn't have enough etiquette

    That's a new approach for obtaining a closer view. So important to have the date just right, and right now, in that log book!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    At 4:50 a.m., I own that gym! I can do whatever I want

    At all times, I own my gym and do whatever I want!

    It's in my basement. Ain't no way in haaaayyyyl I'm getting up that early.

    I love watching people too much, could never do the home gym deal.

    Me too... I crave the social aspect of the gym and need time away from home/kids.
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    Glad I have a home gym and bikes. I have yet to have someone tell me that I can't use the road,,, Wait, come to think of it cars do it all the time.
  • liftsforchocolate

    Last week, a guy came up to me IN THE MIDDLE OF ME LEG PRESSING to ask me what the date was so he could write it in his notebook. And then just turned around and walked away. Also, I hate it when I arrive at the gym in the morning, and there are like 6 loaded 45 lb plates on everything from whoever was there late at night.

    My gym doesn't have enough etiquette

    That's a new approach for obtaining a closer view. So important to have the date just right, and right now, in that log book!

    OMG can't stop lol'ing haha. It's so annoying though.

    There's also a guy and his wife/gf idk, who use the biceps/lat pull down for AT LEAST half an hour, I'm not exaggerating. They'll do like 10 sets of who know what, and then the guy (super tall african american guy) will sit behind the girl while she's doing the set.
    I'm too disgusted and scared of the awkwardness to ever ask "how many more sets?"
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    That's why I built my own weight room and dojo in my home. So I don't have to deal with people like that. Plus, saves on gas and time, plus we listen to the music that I like.
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    I'm so glad this topic came up, a question that's been burning in my brain since I recently joined a YMCA. I pretty much only use a treadmill and stationary bike so far. The posted rules say clean the machine when your done. Nobody does it for those machines and when I do everyone stairs at me like I'm a weirdo. Should I or shouldn't I?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Using 4 stations is like taking a 5 minute break between sets and going to the water fountain.. It gets your weights unracked and put furthest from your station and me standing there with the Bro Do you Even Lift look as you come back to find me lifting there.

    Then if you say something I follow it with "Nobody was here, so it was open."
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    At 4:50 a.m., I own that gym! I can do whatever I want

    Hey, I've been there at that time! Please take the curlers out of your hair next time. thank you!
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    I roll my eyes to guys like you at the gym. U probably leave to much weight on the rack also....

    Umm...oh no you di'un't!
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    I'm so glad this topic came up, a question that's been burning in my brain since I recently joined a YMCA. I pretty much only use a treadmill and stationary bike so far. The posted rules say clean the machine when your done. Nobody does it for those machines and when I do everyone stairs at me like I'm a weirdo. Should I or shouldn't I?

    ALWAYS. ALWAYS. ALWAYS wipe your station down before and after. There are so many nasty *kitten* people that don't wash their hands after using the restroom.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Reason why I have a nice home gym in my basement.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    My gym isn't too bad just can get crowded fast and no mirrors available.
    Thing that would bug me though when I worked at the gym in the morning an older lady would come in to workout and be wearing only black see through stockings a long-ish (not long enough) t-shirt and runners..... and go on the elliptical...
    should have been a rule posted.. no bottoms no workout
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    I'm at a very small town gym. literally four treadmills and one elliptical. NO ONE ever cleans except my friend, my husband, and myself! Leaving that nasty ball, butt and coochie sweat for everyone else! Dude that's gross as heck. My only issue is the guys look at me crazy when I walk to the free weight area. Hubby's issue is everyone stares him down since he's tatted up, and they speak to me but not him lol..