HIgh blood pressure



  • jlg3797
    jlg3797 Posts: 9 Member
    As earlier posters have said, the side effects may vary by type of medication you're on and how your body reacts. I have been on one that made me tired, and one that made me cough. And neither particularly controlled my BP well. My theory and the theory my doctor and I are currently testing for my issue is that it may be more anxiety-related than other causes. I hope that dropping weight also helps, but I'm working on both issues. At the doc. my BP goes sky high, but home it's not as bad. The more I read about BP, the more it seems that sometimes you may just have it without a clear root cause - could be heredity, could be weight etc., could be anxiety - maybe a combination. I found this overview to be helpful in trying to educate myself on the topic, and hope you might too - http://www.mountsinaifpa.org/patient-care/practices/nephrology/patient-services/hypertension-program I have spoken with a few docs about my issues, have monitored it at home for years, and have gotten several different opinions. First doc said "White coat hypertension". One doc said "Meds". The other doc said "I'm not worried about it, it's white coat, just do DASH/exercise". My current doc says "reduce your anxiety, exercise, lose weight and eat less sodium and let's see how it goes - then meds if necessary." I know many people on BP meds do very well and have no adverse side effects, and I hope it goes smoothly for you as well!
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    I guess it depends on what type you take. My blood pressure shot up when I had my daughter and I've been on meds ever since then. I was on Nifedipine which caused my to swell and flush in my legs/feet all the time. I didn't realize it was caused by my med until recently. My doctor switched me to amlodipine besylate and I have no side effects.

    My brother was put on BP meds and he had a terrible hacky cough as a side effect. This caused him to lose sleep because he was always coughing when he laid down. I believe he switched meds and it's cleared up. Not sure what he was or is not taking.

    The side effect you're referring to is often seen in ACE-Inhibitors, which is most of the meds that end in "-pril" (lisinopril, enalapril, etc) In that case the doctor would typically switch to an ARB. (-sartan's)

    Referring to the original poster's question - side effects of antihypertensives vary by class but are typically very manageable. If your BP is sky high and you have a high sodium diet or sedentary lifestyle it is often possible to reduce blood pressure by lifestyle mods alone! The biggest complaint is usually dizziness. The guidelines for treating hypertension also recently changed, so make sure your doctor is up on his/her literature :)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    I take the Lisinopril 20mg - haven't noticed a single side-effect from the pill.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I was put on different BP meds by my familu doctor. I had the horrible cough, swollen ankles from different meds she tried. Finally I decided to go see a cardiologist on my own. Best move I ever made!She knew exactly what to put me on and all the side effects went away.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Lisinopril gave a BS dry cough that wouldn't go away. Fortunately I am off all meds now.
  • Binnee95
    Binnee95 Posts: 93 Member
    I was taking lisonoprel but it made me cough. I have enough problems with coughing from acid reflux issues so I had the doctor switch me to amlodipine.

    I still don't understand how I lost weight and THEN developed hypertension.

    That happened to me too. About ten years ago, I lost sixty pounds and my blood pressure went up! I questioned the doctor and they didn't understand it either. They had been telling me to lose weight for years and that it would help. Huh! Wound up going on another pill....

    Now I'm nervous as I am eating much better, but not feeling better. I have only lost nine pounds but have lowered my salt quite a bit as I have cut most snacks out. Would losing only ten pounds lower my blood pressure already??
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    I have noticed some acid reflux, but I didn't think anything of it till seeing others post about it here. I am on Lisinopril 10/12.5 definatly something to put in my notes for my follow up appointment next week!!
  • kieran_78
    kieran_78 Posts: 6 Member
    I was put on Perindopril a month ago, the doctor said to me that it would be lifetime medication, did anyone else get the same message from their doctor?