Isagenix 30 day cleanse advise



  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    OP, don't do it. It's a waste and is unnecessary.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,900 Member
    Advice? Don't do it. No need to.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Please don't submit to fad diets! They are a great way to lose weight and then REBOUND double what you lost!!!! WORST IDEA EVER!

    It's not healthy.
    Your friends are sometimes the worst people to get 'advice' from, no matter how much you love and trust them.

    If you truly want to lose weight and live healthy, you need to look at some of these great links people are posting on here.

    Starving yourself is NOT good.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I advise you to not waste your money
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    OP, please do not waste your money. Your kidney's and your liver detoxify your body on a daily basis. Doing one of these is not going to promote fat loss over a deficit. The biggest thing is making sure you are getting enough nutrients and eating adequate calories (especially protein) and exercising. Below is a good read.
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    I did really well on Isagenix, losing 70 pounds in 3 months!!! The products are great quality, and if you have the money to spare it is your choice. However, the reason I lost weight was because I was in an extreme caloric deficit (1,200 cals a day when maintenance was closer to 4,500), NOT BECAUSE OF THE PRODUCTS!!! Also, the cleanse is unnecessary and it is clearly water weight that you lose, as the moment you eat again you gain most of the weight back. Honestly, the protein is good quality stuff but you can get other great protein for less than half the price. The greens supplements are also good and the Energy supplements are too, but honestly it is your money and do what you want with it. Just be very clear that there is nothing special about any of these products, you won't feel "cleaner" by eating them, and they will not aid in weight loss any faster than a regular healthy diet and caloric deficit. Plus, the MLM thing is so played out... it has ruined a lot of friendships and families :(
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    Damn, I have to stop killng these threads... bacon, bacon for everyone!!!! No need to flush toxins if you eat bacon ;)
  • kori0424
    kori0424 Posts: 25 Member
    Lol bacon! I've been using a vegan protein shake every morning and it gives me energy in the mornings, and keeps me full.but I haven't lost a dam oz using it, actually I've gained 4 pounds. Thanks for the honest review and not being just straight up rude like others. There's a 30 day money back guarantee so if I don't like it I'll just get my money back. I honestly just need a boost to get back on track. I've always had a very hard time loosing weight even when I ran 10 miles a week and worked out 5days a week I just couldn't get below 150. I have to do what is good for my body not others.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Great Day!

    I have actually done Isagenix and it's a great product. Do your research thou? Isagenix is not just for weight loss: however, you cant help but lose. It can be costly, thats why i stop but will begin next week. My mom and father actually invest in this company and are executive salespeople. Overall this product is excellent for your health, its a cellular cleanse. I know people who no longer have to take medication because of them being on this product:-) that's a bonus.

    Great googly moogly.

    Nice sales pitch and regurgitation of the company's marketing materials.

    Anyhow, in...

    ...for the 3-month follow-up of OP's results with the product.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    You'd be better off buying a food scale and a good pair of running/exercise shoes.

    Detoxes/cleanses have a placebo effect. If you want more energy, properly fuel your body with enough protein, fats and fiber and get plenty if sleep (which I hear is tough with kids, but try).

    Also, be patient! :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Lol bacon! I've been using a vegan protein shake every morning and it gives me energy in the mornings, and keeps me full.but I haven't lost a dam oz using it, actually I've gained 4 pounds. Thanks for the honest review and not being just straight up rude like others. There's a 30 day money back guarantee so if I don't like it I'll just get my money back. I honestly just need a boost to get back on track. I've always had a very hard time loosing weight even when I ran 10 miles a week and worked out 5days a week I just couldn't get below 150. I have to do what is good for my body not others.

    Are you using a food scale? And can you open your diary? Also, any medical conditions?
  • kori0424
    kori0424 Posts: 25 Member
    I have a food scale and everything. Anywho just a follow up on my topic. Have lost 11 pounds and 23 inches. I seriously feel healthier than I ever have. My blood sugar level has gone down 25 points. Im glad with my decision :) have any of you even read the ingredients? I've been researching it even more and I can't find one thing wrong with it. I'm not one to just assume without trying, but I love this stuff. I'm happy :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have a food scale and everything. Anywho just a follow up on my topic. Have lost 11 pounds and 23 inches. I seriously feel healthier than I ever have. My blood sugar level has gone down 25 points. Im glad with my decision :) have any of you even read the ingredients? I've been researching it even more and I can't find one thing wrong with it. I'm not one to just assume without trying, but I love this stuff. I'm happy :)

    1. You should update your weight on MFP because ticker.

    2. Hope things keep going great for you longer-term. Please give us another update in a month or two.
  • kori0424
    kori0424 Posts: 25 Member
    Yea I'll do that right now.
  • kori0424
    kori0424 Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry I just read the medical conditions part. Yes a bunch. I'm 50 pounds overweight,. Pre-diabetic with fasting at 126. Hereditary extreme high cholesterol. (540) I have Pcos even when I was at a normal weight, so it's not new, and I actually think is hereditary cause I think my mom had it. Always been extremely tired even when I worked out a lot (in the military). Thought I was gluten intolerant but I only blow up sporadically so I can't pin point what exactly it is. Either way I had a bunch of crap wrong, always felt tired, took naps everyday Even after I changed my food. I went vegan thinking it would help with my cholesterol and weight but it didn't. I learned when you constrict to much too quick it doesn't work. But my sugar is at 105 fasting now. (Sorry for Tmi) finally had a period after 5 months with none. Doc had to give me some kind or hormone 5 months ago that made it start but I was pretty much in so much pain I stayed in bed and cried. I gained 15 pounds in 7 freakin days., so I told her I'm never taking it again. After going threw all this crap is another reason I wanted to try it. I've been threw hell trying to find this balance I see other people have and never could. I truly haven't felt this good before. I feel like I'm finally balancing out, it's only been 2 weeks so I still have time to see how it goes. I'm gonna wait at least 4 weeks to go get my cholesterol checked. I hate medications .so the less the better.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Sorry I just read the medical conditions part. Yes a bunch. I'm 50 pounds overweight,. Pre-diabetic with fasting at 126. Hereditary extreme high cholesterol. (540) I have Pcos even when I was at a normal weight, so it's not new, and I actually think is hereditary cause I think my mom had it. Always been extremely tired even when I worked out a lot (in the military). Thought I was gluten intolerant but I only blow up sporadically so I can't pin point what exactly it is. Either way I had a bunch of crap wrong, always felt tired, took naps everyday Even after I changed my food. I went vegan thinking it would help with my cholesterol and weight but it didn't. I learned when you constrict to much too quick it doesn't work. But my sugar is at 105 fasting now. (Sorry for Tmi) finally had a period after 5 months with none. Doc had to give me some kind or hormone 5 months ago that made it start but I was pretty much in so much pain I stayed in bed and cried. I gained 15 pounds in 7 freakin days., so I told her I'm never taking it again. After going threw all this crap is another reason I wanted to try it. I've been threw hell trying to find this balance I see other people have and never could. I truly haven't felt this good before. I feel like I'm finally balancing out, it's only been 2 weeks so I still have time to see how it goes. I'm gonna wait at least 4 weeks to go get my cholesterol checked. I hate medications .so the less the better.

    Your medical history seems very similar to my wife's history. One thing that I have learned, if you have PCOS, you will benefit from a low carb diet. Also, losing weight and exercise alone will help reduce cholesterol regardless of the food you eat. Most women I know with PCOS are limiting carbs between 80-120g per day and aiming for 30g+ of fiber. There are a few PCOS groups on the forums you may want to consider.
  • kori0424
    kori0424 Posts: 25 Member
    Hereditary high cholesterol may go down , but for some it doesn't matter how much you exercise or how healthy you eat, it will not go down. My doctor told me it's rare but it does happen. I'm going to check out the process forums :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hereditary high cholesterol may go down , but for some it doesn't matter how much you exercise or how healthy you eat, it will not go down. My doctor told me it's rare but it does happen. I'm going to check out the process forums :)
    Oh i realize that. Both my parents have higher LDL's, so i do as well. What I have learned, while it may be higher than the normal person, it will improve. To what extend can depend on genetics.
  • kori0424
    kori0424 Posts: 25 Member
    So I'm finishing up day 50 and and all I can say is holy crap! I've lost 22 pounds, so much energy and I feel soo amazing. I'm still in shock. I haven't ever felt this good before. My blood sugar is level, my hormones are getting better and I've lost weight in 50 days. I'm a lifer, I'm seriously never looking back. I've tried every diet out there and his isn't a diet and I'm so happy I took a leap from what everyone said cause I feel amazing!
  • ultraDB
    ultraDB Posts: 1
    I bought it with the full intention of starting tomorrow, but upon reading what the "diet plan" is for the shake days, I noticed A) I'm not given any of the ISO foods recommended, so I'd have to fork out more cash, and B) With their recommended diet plan, i'd literally be starving myself to death for the 9 days. I would think that for a proper cleanse, I should have been asked my height, age, weight, etc to maybe had the program a little more tailor made. Especially for a basic kit costing almost 200 bucks and i'm still required to buy more crap.

    Plus, I didn't really investigate all that well and assumed I'd still be eating some form of actual food, and so I got groceries yesterday, thus spending even more money. None of it is recommended to consume while on said cleanse, meaning it'd all be rotten at the end of the 9 days. So, 1 part Scammy Diet plan and 1 part Me guilty of not investigating properly. Needless to say, it's now in the cupboard and I'm starting T25 Focus tomorrow instead. Like one commenter said which i am making my new life motto "EAT LESS, MOVE MORE"... I really like that. Simple, takes a bit of will power, and a lot of work. Hard work is what will motivate me to keep the weight off a lot more than some Weight Loss Tonic!!