Only 15 pounds, but the worst 15 pounds

LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
I feel really bad when I tell people I only need to lose 15 pounds. Allot of my friends need to lose at least 40 or more.
But this fifteen pounds is killing me. In the last three months I have stopped eating any kind of snacks whatsoever. No chips, popcorn, crackers, cheese, nothing. And I can not get this weight off.
I found this sight yesterday and downloaded the app to my phone.
I have always had a fast metabolism, back in the day. I fought to gain weight. At 5ft 1 it was a struggle all my life to stay over 90 lbs, so as you can imagine, fighting to lose weight is new to me, and I apparently am not very good at it.
My husband and I started power walking 3 1/2 miles 4 times a week and the only thing that has changed is that at least my weight has stopped going up.
I read about a 5:2 diet, what is that?
I don't want fads or quick drop diets as I feel that I will just be right back here again one day.
I used the app yesterday and input everything that crossed my lips, right down to the creamer in the coffee. I stayed under my goal for calorie intake and it says it will take me five weeks to lose three and half pounds at that rate. That's kind of slow isn't it?
Anyway, I am here and I am trying.


  • maybe2m
    maybe2m Posts: 18
    Hi! This is a great place to start! It helps keep you accountable and analyze what your eating. You didn't sway how old you seems harder to lose at an older age. I am 5`2 and have 20 pounds to lose and its a slow lower weight loss goals it takes longer. About 1/2 to 1 pound a week is reasonable. I am fairly new to this and still learning· I know how frustrating it can be! I am learning what my body wants and needs to be healthy. Read some of the blogs and posts on here can learn a lot!
  • TopazCutie
    TopazCutie Posts: 386 Member
    Hey! I'm trying to lose the last 10 pounds. Feel free to add!