weight gain at a deficit?

Hello all. I'm 5'8 166 lbs currently and about 19-20% bf according to measurements. I have gained about 7 lbs in 3 weeks, including one inch around my navel. I started insanity about 2 weeks ago and also weight lifting (I'm a newb lifter). There's no way that's muscle gain in so short of time, so what the heck? I'm eating at a deficit and exercising 7 days a week. I don't take days off because I'm sedentary so some days those workouts are less vigorous, but at least 5 days of vigorous effort. Now I have been eating slightly more in the past few months to account for added exercise, but not enough to make me gain 7 lbs theoretically.


  • Amelia7779
    Amelia7779 Posts: 53 Member
    1) you're eating more than you think, and/or
    2) water retention from a new, intense exercise program

    If it's #2, it'll drop back off within a week or two.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    water from increased exercise possibly? or you could be eating more than you think you are?

    I know for myself, when I take a rest week I drop about 5-6 Lbs of fluid and when I pick it back up again the following week I put on those same 5-6 Lbs and sometimes a little more before leveling off at my average of 182/183ish.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    1) you're eating more than you think, and/or
    2) water retention from a new, intense exercise program

    If it's #2, it'll drop back off within a week or two.

    Agree, and would add:

    3.) You are burning fewer calores than you think

    Or some combination of the above.
  • nickgolevski
    What is your workout plan? Just an example. Also, you might want to look into getting a heart rate monitor. I got one recently and its fantastic. Helps you train within a zone to help in weight loss and overall health improvement.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I figure your TDEE (assuming average of 45 minutes a day exercise) is in the 2600 calorie range, and you look to be averaging a bit below 2000 cal intake, so that would seem to be quite reasonable.

    Are you still pretty sore from the Insanity? I can easily gain 5+ pounds of water weight if my muscles (especially the quads) are really sore. Takes three or four days after the soreness goes away before the water drops off.

    Small chance the high sodium levels are contributing, but I'd consider that to be a pretty small factor compared to the muscle soreness.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Also, if you're taking any creatine, I understand that makes you retain water like crazy.
  • digregorio84
    I'm pretty good at measuring what I eat. I've been doing this for 4 years lol. I eat around 1700 to 2100 while burning around 600 to 900. My net calories are always around 1200 or so. I have a heart rate monitor that I use and I always write down less than what it says to underestimate bc they tend to overestimate. But maybe like you said my body isn't actually burning that much for some reason. I'd have my thyroid checked but no insurance. 7 lbs is too high for water retention. This sucks, I've been putting up with Shaun T and have nothing to show for it. I have been getting stronger I can tell, and I don't appear bigger but I trust the waist measurement. maybe you all are right and I'm just not measuring right. Could be a combination of eating more than I think, burning less than I think, and retaining water. Too many variables. My goal is no longer about a scale number but I want 7% bf. However, an inch added to my waist increased my bf so still going in the wrong direction.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you measure ...

    Not weigh

    Kitchen scales...weigh your food
  • digregorio84
    I figure your TDEE (assuming average of 45 minutes a day exercise) is in the 2600 calorie range, and you look to be averaging a bit below 2000 cal intake, so that would seem to be quite reasonable.

    Are you still pretty sore from the Insanity? I can easily gain 5+ pounds of water weight if my muscles (especially the quads) are really sore. Takes three or four days after the soreness goes away before the water drops off.

    Small chance the high sodium levels are contributing, but I'd consider that to be a pretty small factor compared to the muscle soreness.

    Honestly I can't even get through all 40 or so minutes of insanity without burning out so I haven't really been doing the program according to the calendar, but I've been able to do more and doing it faster and once I can actually get through one video I'll do it 6 days a week like it suggests. I get sore but not incredibly. I get more muscle soreness from lifting, pull ups, and pushups.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    you're not weighing your food properly
  • digregorio84
    you measure ...

    Not weigh

    Kitchen scales...weigh your food

    I don't eat much that requires weighing. Most of what I eat are vegetables or foods that get measured by cup or tbsp. I don't eat chicken beef or pork. I eat fish which I can eyeball 4 oz or beans which I measure by cup
  • CampbellTony
    CampbellTony Posts: 38 Member
    Can't understand the cup crap, I measure in weight only. If i can get it to the nearest gram I'm happy. A cup is a volume, not a weight. Calories are more easily determined by weight. Your logging is innacurate.
  • MsPrncss
    MsPrncss Posts: 19 Member
    you measure ...

    Not weigh

    Kitchen scales...weigh your food

    I am new to all this and I fasted yesterday because I am on a very stick diet and only loss 2 oz. Why is weight not coming off? What kind of scale for feed should I get! Thanks for all your help!
  • digregorio84
    Let's say all of you are right. I'm over eating. At a calculated 1200 net calories I'd have to be not counting an additional 1800 calories to account for 1 lb gained in a week. I've gone up 7 in 3 weeks. No way is that from miscalculation. My bmr is 1700 and I don't lie in bed all day so on average I burn 2500 per day with exercise and natural movement.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you measure ...

    Not weigh

    Kitchen scales...weigh your food

    I don't eat much that requires weighing. Most of what I eat are vegetables or foods that get measured by cup or tbsp. I don't eat chicken beef or pork. I eat fish which I can eyeball 4 oz or beans which I measure by cup

    Your op said you were gaining weight and inches...no it's not muscle if you are in a deficet...you can't gain muscle in a deficet.

    As for the other comments you don't gain weight in a deficet...unless it's water weight form new exercise...but this doesn't sound like new exercise...started in the last month so if you are sure about your calories it's water weight give it a couple more weeks.

    I will say this tho I make more mistakes on my non protien items than anything else...

    IE a serving of cereal is 3/4 cup or 110g...3/4c is not 110g typically hence the weight everything...1tbsp of peanut butter is not 15g...
  • digregorio84
    Can't understand the cup crap, I measure in weight only. If i can get it to the nearest gram I'm happy. A cup is a volume, not a weight. Calories are more easily determined by weight. Your logging is innacurate.

    Most nutrition facts are determined by volume. 1 tbsp peanut butter, 3/4 cup cereal, etc
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I don't think 7 is too much for water retention.
  • digregorio84
    you measure ...

    Not weigh

    Kitchen scales...weigh your food

    I don't eat much that requires weighing. Most of what I eat are vegetables or foods that get measured by cup or tbsp. I don't eat chicken beef or pork. I eat fish which I can eyeball 4 oz or beans which I measure by cup

    Your op said you were gaining weight and inches...no it's not muscle if you are in a deficet...you can't gain muscle in a deficet.

    As for the other comments you don't gain weight in a deficet...unless it's water weight form new exercise...but this doesn't sound like new exercise...started in the last month so if you are sure about your calories it's water weight give it a couple more weeks.

    I will say this tho I make more mistakes on my non protien items than anything else...

    IE a serving of cereal is 3/4 cup or 110g...3/4c is not 110g typically hence the weight everything...1tbsp of peanut butter is not 15g...

    Why now and not at any other time during the time I've lost 200 lbs? I've had plateaus but not crazy gains. I'm consistent with everything I do.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    you measure ...

    Not weigh

    Kitchen scales...weigh your food

    I don't eat much that requires weighing. Most of what I eat are vegetables or foods that get measured by cup or tbsp. I don't eat chicken beef or pork. I eat fish which I can eyeball 4 oz or beans which I measure by cup

    You can't eyeball.

    You need to weigh all foods consumed.

    Do you take any medications?