1200 calories on rest days? How is it possible?

So how do you stay at your 1200 calorie goal on days you don't work out. I am always over. How do u meet even just your protein needs? I have a shake and 1 egg white for breakfast and that's already 150 calories, 600 for lunch, and let's say 600 for supper, that's already 1350??? And I haven't even had a snack at all yet. I can't figure it out? Are you guys eating very very tiny meals, if so please in lighten me as to an idea of what I are eating please?...


  • MissMonicaC
    MissMonicaC Posts: 67 Member
    I would try to fill up at the beginning of your meal with healthy veggies, grilled, steamed, a salad and a big glass of water, then cut your portions of the 600 cal meal a bit..
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    I keep under my 1200 because I dont eat breakfast.
    and I dont recommend it.
    To get 3 full meals in your going to have no problem at 1200+ a day.
    Eat what makes you happy. I wouldnt stress over the amt of calories everyday.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    You do not need to to be at 1200 on rest days usually. It is too low for most.
  • zeniadurie
    zeniadurie Posts: 3 Member
    I buy those cello boxes of vegetables ready to eat- (cauliflower, brocolli, mini carrots) and keep them on hand ALWAYS. Also cherry tomatoes, because they are juicy. I like to have snap peas too. I also buy sweet peppers - red, yellow, and orange...clean them up..cut them up...and keep them in another container.. also English cucumbers. So for lunch, I take a few of each of the above, add a handful of almonds (or some kind of protein), drink a glass of almond milk (the 40 cal kind)....and I am stuffed. You would not believe how much raw cauliflower and brocolli fills you up (and you will develop a real taste for this). An added advantage, eating like this will remove cravings.

    This routine leaves me quite a few calories for supper, but I try not to overdo it. Stay away from pasta, and rice, or if you do have any makes it less than half a cup (cooked). Have some roasted veggies, or anything you really like...but watch the portions. Also be scrupulous in how you record in your diary.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I don't necessarily think 1200 is a good caloric goal for most folks. I know this isn't very scientific, but I once heard that you should take your goal weight and multiply by 10 to get your "deficit" calorie goal... so, for me, my goal weight is 135, so my goal is 1350 per day. Then, add in only HALF of your exercise calories on days you exercise. I know this is not what works for everyone - and I am no nutritionist or doctor... but it seems to be working for me.

    Also, I have found that as I've been training myself to eat fewer calories, I actually get pretty full at a meal of about 400 calories (I mean, assuming I'm eating relatively healthy food that allows me to eat quite a bit of volume with only 400 calories). Plus, I drink a lot of water when I eat, so that gives me that full feeling. I've eaten about 1100 calories thus far today (breakfast = greek yogurt; lunch = homemade chili; dinner = asian salad w/ chicken and a grands biscuit - I also had a VERY small piece of chocolate cake and some raspberries at a work party).

    I did work out tonight and intend to make some popcorn in a bit for "dessert." It's do-able, and your body is train-able to be satisfied with that amount of food. You can do it! (and maybe re-think the 1200 calorie thing).
  • zeniadurie
    zeniadurie Posts: 3 Member
    There is lots of lean protein. One of my favorites is baked turkey breast. Another is a boiled egg. If you eat nuts, never go over 1/3 of a cup. Low cal cheeses are good - try Baby Bell (blue packaging). Also try protein powder in a smoothie - but make the smoothie last for several servings.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    So how do you stay at your 1200 calorie goal on days you don't work out. I am always over. How do u meet even just your protein needs? I have a shake and 1 egg white for breakfast and that's already 150 calories, 600 for lunch, and let's say 600 for supper, that's already 1350??? And I haven't even had a snack at all yet. I can't figure it out? Are you guys eating very very tiny meals, if so please in lighten me as to an idea of what I are eating please?...
    Why are you eating 1200 calories with only a few pounds left to lose? Change your calorie goals to lose .5 pounds per week and that will be sustainable.
  • sprocketism
    sprocketism Posts: 56 Member
    Eat a ton of vegetables, hearty ones, like squash, beets, portabella mushrooms, etc. Did you know you can eat an entire pre-packaged bag of spinach and it amounts to a whopping 60 calories? One giant portabella mushroom is 20 calories! You just have to jazz up your veggies and grains with garlic and spices, and even liquid smoke!

    400 calories of oil will fill you up 1/3
    400 calories of processed senseless "foods" will fill you up 1/2
    400 calories of vegetables will fill you up 100%

    Please see my food diary from January till now. Sometimes I eat so much, but the calories still don't add up. I met my 25 lb goal, halfway, after only the first 6 weeks. And by the way, I don't exercise :tongue:
  • cpcoursec
    cpcoursec Posts: 82 Member
    I limit myself to 4-6 ounces of meat and the rest are mostly veggies. I also drink 12 glasses of water a day.

    Breakfast: 2 eggs two slices of Turkey Bacon. 200 cal

    Lunch: Turkey sandwhich with light Mayo and Sara Lee 45 cal bread. 230

    Dinner: Chicken Breast with steamed veggies. 180 cals.

    That gives me almost 600 cals to play with on other items.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Eat a ton of vegetables, hearty ones, like squash, beets, portabella mushrooms, etc. Did you know you can eat an entire pre-packaged bag of spinach and it amounts to a whopping 60 calories? One giant portabella mushroom is 20 calories! You just have to jazz up your veggies and grains with garlic and spices, and even liquid smoke!

    400 calories of oil will fill you up 1/3
    400 calories of processed senseless "foods" will fill you up 1/2
    400 calories of vegetables will fill you up 100%

    Please see my food diary from January till now. Sometimes I eat so much, but the calories still don't add up. I met my 25 lb goal, halfway, after only the first 6 weeks. And by the way, I don't exercise :tongue:

    This! I have noticed that since I've cut down on sugar and salt, I don't even need much seasoning on veggies. A lot of processed foods taste too sweet and salty now.
  • It's hard, but I try to do it every day. An egg and a slice of bread with some yogurt and apple in the morning helps me stay full. At times, a healthy homemade panini stuffed with veggies helps; you can always make a bowl full of veggies and lentils; rice and fish helps; homemade sushi helps; fruit juices, yogurt, raw meal shakes, coffee, protein rich cereal, almond milk, etc. I eat way more fruits than veggies, but I feel like if you have just one or two slices of bread and rest of the day, focus on veggies and fruits and/or lean fish or tofu, it is do-able.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I don't have a 1200 calorie goal. Even on rest days. There's been a couple days I hit about 1260 but I assure you that wasn't intentional. I'm trying really hard to not eat below my BMR. I don't think it's healthy to eat below your BMR. My average is between 1400-1600. I will slowly be upping it from there.
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    I eat 1200-1600 net calories per day on workout days....on non workout days I eat at maintenance. I'm losing slowly which kinda sucks, but being hungry sucks more!!!
  • amyc115
    amyc115 Posts: 32 Member
    I eat 1200-1600 net calories per day on workout days....on non workout days I eat at maintenance. I'm losing slowly which kinda sucks, but being hungry sucks more!!!
    THIS!!! Slow and steady makes maintenance less of task and more likely that you will keep the weight off. If 1200 is where you want to be on rest days, work down to it. Find where you are (like 1350 that you referenced) and reduce down by 25 each rest day. It will give you time to figure out what works with less frustration.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Spread your calories over the week - so you average a reasonable deficit.
  • Heirgreat
    Heirgreat Posts: 262 Member
    The bulk of my caloric intake is lunch time --mornings the 6:30am rushing for work so it's 1/2cup oatmeal 1/2cup blueberries with 2tbs full fat Greek yogurt--coffee or tea I am full til 11am-one piece fruit good til lunch. The noon is biggest meal 400-500 cal, carbs but mostly veggie & protein good til 3pm maybe 1/3 cup nuts or low sugar protein bar--lots water all day! Dinner we'll not really going to do anything in evening so dinner is mostly protein &veges maybe glass wine if weekend--intake is 1100-1300 calories most days. Watch our for sugar!!!! Losing 2-2.5 lbs week but not doing much but walking watch out for too many carbs & sugar read everything! Amazing what you will learn-hang in there--pre plan meals even if you switch it up-pre planning really helps you see where/what you are doing that is sabotaging-turkey is great high protein low fat but a lot more variety just do some research
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So how do you stay at your 1200 calorie goal on days you don't work out. I am always over. How do u meet even just your protein needs? I have a shake and 1 egg white for breakfast and that's already 150 calories

    150 grams of protein (a lot) is but 600 calories which is half of 1200, so there's plenty of space for the protein.
  • funkyforager
    funkyforager Posts: 21 Member
    Add me if you want my diet is 1200 cals at present mainly without exercise, go natural, fish, white meat, veggies and salad, look up some Paleo recipies online, or do veggie dishes on rest days as meat and fish take it right up, or make sure you dont eat the egg yolk just whites.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It may be best to avoid drinking your calories - how about some lean meat with salad instead to get your protein in?
    A big bowl of chopped lettuce and tomato is "not many" calories (to the point I don't bother counting them - if my weight wasn't still going down I would), add some lean meat, seasoning and a little light dressing.

    I can do a sometimes quite strict 1400 on rest days (there aren't that many, to be fair) while always getting at least 1400 protein.

    Had you considered some light exercise? For most people (at least those on 1200), walking shouldn't pose an issue to recovery on a rest day I'd expect.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I couldn't do it. I eat about 1700-1800 on rest days. Of course, I am fairly tall, so my calorie allowance is decently high for me to remain in a deficit.