Any flabby belly before and after pics? Is it fixable??



  • Definitely possible. Hard work, patience, heavy lifting, eating a deficit. That's all it takes. 59941475_7704.jpg

    first of all well done! thats amazing, second of all how did u post those?
  • estabeee
    estabeee Posts: 7
    I'd love to see more success pictures on here, commenting to keep track! :smile:

    I have such a huge belly overhang despite not having kids either. I'm hoping being young will help me but I know that I'd rather be healthy and a bit loose skinned, than fat and a filled sausage.

    Nice to know I'm not the only one. Someone else that has it, without having a child. So mad at myself for letting this happen. I believe it's from gaining so much weight in college, then dropping it after graduation. Then kind of floated up and down 20lbs like it was my job for years.

    But good news is, I weighed myself this morning, and I'm 173lbs. I haven't been this close to the 160s since high school! Happy Dance!

  • But good news is, I weighed myself this morning, and I'm 173lbs. I haven't been this close to the 160s since high school! Happy Dance!

    Yay! Congratulations :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Definitely possible. Hard work, patience, heavy lifting, eating a deficit. That's all it takes. 59941475_7704.jpg

    And good genetics. Amazing transformation though... but I highly doubt mine is going away, it has folds and folds... under and over the belly button. And huge stretch marks too. I basically have two pockets sitting on top of my belly button.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I had a baby 20 years ago...have always has that hang since then plus yo yo dieting for those 20 years hasn't helped.


    The top left hand pic in the red dress...well that had spanks built in so you can guess...I wouldn't take naked pics at that time

    This pic was 3 weeks ago...

    Not quite there yet but it's coming...wait for the vacation pics from next year...:drinker:

    as a note of interest I don't do situps, planks etc...I lift heavy 3x a week and eat at a 15% deficet...

    ETA better pic for after
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member

    Mine didn't hang until towards the end, but it slowly tightens as I stay lean. Focus on the fact that you'll be healthier and if you end up with extra skin you can have it removed.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member

    Mine didn't hang until towards the end, but it slowly tightens as I stay lean. Focus on the fact that you'll be healthier and if you end up with extra skin you can have it removed.

    Wow. Just wow.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member

    Mine didn't hang until towards the end, but it slowly tightens as I stay lean. Focus on the fact that you'll be healthier and if you end up with extra skin you can have it removed.

    Wow. Just wow.

    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    I had a baby 20 years ago...have always has that hang since then plus yo yo dieting for those 20 years hasn't helped.


    The top left hand pic in the red dress...well that had spanks built in so you can guess...I wouldn't take naked pics at that time

    This pic was 3 weeks ago...

    Not quite there yet but it's coming...wait for the vacation pics from next year...:drinker:

    as a note of interest I don't do situps, planks etc...I lift heavy 3x a week and eat at a 15% deficet...

    ETA better pic for after
    Lovely!! You look so healthy, fit and happy!! So very well done! :smokin:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member

    Also following the link in the first post of this thread will take you to the first 500 replies to it which will have more examples.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Sigh. I wish people would get that there is a huge difference between body fat and overall weight.

    Unless you have a low body fat level, regardless of what your scale weight is, you have no idea whether your belly hang can be eliminated or not. Chances are actually good that if you get lean, not just a normal scale weight, and cut your body fat down to a very low level, you will not have any kind of panniculus.

    It doesn't do you any favor to claim that your "hang" is a genetic curse while somebody else is genetically blessed.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I had a baby 20 years ago...have always has that hang since then plus yo yo dieting for those 20 years hasn't helped.


    The top left hand pic in the red dress...well that had spanks built in so you can guess...I wouldn't take naked pics at that time

    This pic was 3 weeks ago...
    Not quite there yet but it's coming...wait for the vacation pics from next year...:drinker:

    as a note of interest I don't do situps, planks etc...I lift heavy 3x a week and eat at a 15% deficet...

    ETA better pic for after
    Lovely!! You look so healthy, fit and happy!! So very well done! :smokin:

    thanks first time ever wearing a bikini...ever..

    here is another great link for those who want that nice belly...wonder who wrote this...:flowerforyou:
  • MissMonicaC
    MissMonicaC Posts: 67 Member
    I'm worried about this too. Now as a more round lady right now my stomach is filled.. Hahah nicely filled with fat, and as I lose I know it will loosen, but pray it doesn't. I have started a fund to get surgery because I think after all of the hard work to get to where I want to be I will deserve that
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    don't have any before and afters..but I have gone from about 210# 25% body fat to 175 # and 12% body fat….it took me about six years but it is possible…just takes a calorie deficit, hitting macros, working out with compound movements, dedication, and hard work….
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I don't have my pics handy at this very moment, but I know what you're talking about with the hanging belly. I've been pregnant with a very big belly 3 times, and I have managed to get my stomach flat. It's close to washboard now. When I say big belly, I mean that when I was pregnant with my last child, I made a woman shriek in the Ikea with the size of my stomach when I turned around to answer a question. Also, when I was about 36 weeks into my pregnancy, my OB called in another doctor just to look at my stomach because of how big it was. He was astonished that I was measuring 41 weeks at 36 weeks.

    My youngest is almost 4, so I can't say it was a quick process, but I am back and my abs look better than before I ever got pregnant.

    You CAN do this.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I've always had belly overhang. Even as a 115 pound teenager. It was always just the part below the bellybutton though, above the bellybutton used to be flatter. After I got over 160 pounds, the upper part of my belly bulged out, too. I don't have kids, have never been pregnant. It's just genetics. But it's better now that it was at my highest. And now, once again, it's at a point where it's easily disguised with clothing.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    To the ladies who posted their before and after tummy pictures: you all look fabulous! Heavy lifting really does help.

    I was never a normal weight before now, and I do have some tummy flab still, but I believe had I not been weight lifting all along that it would be much worse than it is now. Skin is a living organ, and while all of us might not have the perfect tummy, it can improve over time.

    Mine has and I was fat all my life.
  • Hard work and job well done!
  • nickowastaken
    nickowastaken Posts: 751 Member

    Mine didn't hang until towards the end, but it slowly tightens as I stay lean. Focus on the fact that you'll be healthier and if you end up with extra skin you can have it removed.
    usmcmp is so rad... an inspiration to me and others, I'm sure.