
anyone know anything about Olestra and the gas and bloating? I've narrowed it down to a cpuple of things and Olestra is one. Very uncomfortable...


  • deciedee
    deciedee Posts: 50
    anyone know anything about Olestra and the gas and bloating? I've narrowed it down to a cpuple of things and Olestra is one. Very uncomfortable...
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    Yep, I know that if you eat too much of something that is cooked in Olestra you will be best friends with the pottaaayyyy! :)

    I eat a lot of foods that are cooked in Olestra but I make sure I only eat ONE portion!
  • deciedee
    deciedee Posts: 50
    I was eating the Pringle Light chips 15 chips only usually only once a day every other day or so with meals and I noticed i was so bloated and my stomach cramped and growled alot, to the point of discomfort most of the day.
    I think that has to be the culprit.
    I will have to cut that out, it is not worth it.
  • bishop7705
    Olestra has been linked to GI disturbances, not the least being diarrhea
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Yes, definitely the Olestra is causing that problem...I was so excited when the Light Potato Chips came out (I think they were Lays brand) a few years ago. I had a handful after school and a handful before bed...a few days of that and I was experiencing gas, diarrhea, bloating...very uncomfortable...definitely get rid of the Olestra if you can...I agree that it's not worth it...
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Olestra? Oh... Olestra you ask? Well.... lemme tell ya ALL about my experience with that oh so fine, wonderful, evacuatingly excruciating product! :angry: OMG! A few years ago, I happened upon a small bag of chips that very boldly, and loudly proclaimed that they were made with the "New and improved" Olestra! Oh my gosh oh my goodie, I had just better try these potatoes, gosh darn it!
    so, I happily bought a SMALL bag, and went home, safe and secure in the knowledge that I was partaking in the most recent of technological miracle of progress in dietary fashion. Why, all my friends would be amazed at how forward thinking I was, and I was certain to become a God among men, merely by eating these few chips.

    OKAY>>>> yeah, they tasted fine, and had the requisite amount of salt and crunch. So far so good. I had them as a bedtime snack, with my requisite good night beer. so boy howdy, the next morning did I ever jump out of bed, and hustle to the commode! And there I stayed for a very LOOOOOOOONG time as well. In fact, it took me the better part of that day to finally quieten my gut down to the point where I could actually walk away from the toilet long enough for it to refill itself! AAACCCKKKK.... "Warning, Will Robinson, aliens approaching from your colon... and they don't look, or smell, friendly"!!!

    I've never had Olestra again... nor will I. But that's just my story...
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Olestra actually comes with a warning that it can cause digestive problems (to put it delicately).

    I can't eat it at all. If I do, I can't venture more than 20 feet from the bathroom for at least a day.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I thought I had food poisoning one day until I remembered that I had eated some Pringles (cooked in Olestra) the night before.:sick:
    Not a good day...got so bad I had to leave work.
    Definitely not worth it.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I know a lot of people are very sensitive to Olestra. As evidenced in previous posts!!! I've personally never tried the stuff and thanks to the replies to this NEVER will!!! I do eat baked Lays once in a while - after you adjust to the texture difference they're pretty good. NO OLESTRA lol