Taking the next step:)

Hello everyone,

I started working with this website back in November when I weighed 189 lbs. I just started eating a little better, cutting out some of the junk and started working out (though not on a schedule). I also work as a salesman in a store so I got a good deal of walking into my weekly exercise.

Right before Christmas I hit 174 lbs which was a huge accomplishment and self esteem builder for me. I came back after Christmas having gained back 3 lbs and then got back on the horse again to reach my goal weight of 165.

Just 2 days ago, I hit my goal of 165.8 lbs. I've noticed a difference in certain parts of my body. My face thinned out and I went down a pant size or two (i went from 36 to 33). However my goal the entire time was to slim down my mid section. Now I'm a somewhat thick boned person so I don't expect to be bone thin but I am wondering if y'all could help me with what exercises I should be doing to try to target that area. I have already slimmed up a little but I am looking to loose the belly bulge and tone myself. I enter Air Force ROTC at NAU this august and I need to get really fit. Any advice or routines that worked for you?

Also does anyone know of some good low sodium meals that could help with weight loss?

Thank you all so much for your responses, they really help me out guys:)


  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Well done for getting so far!

    To get rid of belly fat is cannot be done as a one-target mission, it's still about reducing bf% and working out, eating right etc. I'd suggest add strength training to your cardio workouts.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    You can't spot reduce. The way to get rid of belly fat is the way to get rid of all fat: eat fewer calories than you expend, while doing strength training to preserve as much lean body mass as possible.

    I'm not sure why you need low sodium meals, but practically anything can be made low sodium if you cook yourself, and almost anything is compatible with weight loss if you don't eat too much of it. Just count calories. That said, it never hurts to replace meat and dairy with vegetables - for example, instead of eating an 8-oz. steak, have a 4-oz. steak, sautéed mushrooms and onions, and a bean salad. Or do a stir fry with veggies, peanuts, and chicken, and season with low-sodium soy sauce. Epicurious.com is a good place to search for recipes; from the advanced search page you can specify low sodium, low calorie, high fiber, and various other criteria.
  • Little_Miss_Metal
    can not target spec areas, you can exercise them but you will fat where ever your body want to, try lifting weights kettlebells are good
    cardio and weight training in one could be a good start?
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    I would try to reduce your carb intake and increase the amount of protein you eat, also as someone else has suggested try mixing strength training with your cardio workouts. If you don't have weights use bottles of water as weights. Also you could try planks and crunches these will help to tone your stomach muscles, but overall you need to reduce your body fat. I have been doing a low carb high protein diet since January this year and I have also been doing 30 day shred. I have lost about 4 inches from my waist so far. Hope this helps, you can add me if you would like to ask any more questions.