Cutting out Carbs



  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Don't be afraid of carbs, embrace them, you need them to be healthy AND to lose weight.

    You just have limit the carbs and eat the right ones... Also, I'd suggest bringing your lunch and/or dinner to work with you. Shop ahead of time and plan accordingly. I tried the no carb route and it didn't work at all. For a couple of weeks it was ok but it didn't result in any weight loss... just massive sugar cravings! I stick to a reduced carb diet and try to get most of my carbs from vegetables and limited whole grains. Good luck!
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    As others have said, take your own food in, it's cheap and you will get plenty of variety.

    I'm not sure why you think you would get bored of eating salads though, but didn't mention getting bored of pizza. As with most changes, it's largely psychological.

    So you may struggle to start with, but keep remembering why you are doing it.
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    Two words:


    I agree, bringing your food from home is the best route to go.
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    And I second the need to have carbs in your diet, but most fruits and vegetables are part carb. I did Atkins for while, it's effective but not sustainable in my opinion, I wouldn't do it again, but I do watch my carbs in general.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    There are also plenty of frozen meals that are relatively low carb with reasonable protein content. Yes, they have more sodium than foods you prep yourself, but they are an option. I look for meals that are < 300 calories, < 35g carbs and > 15g protein. Since my daily macros are for more protein I have protein shakes or bars for snacks. They are also things that are very 'portable' for work.

    You don't have to eliminate food groups or eat clean or even follow a specific plan like Atkins or paleo to lose weight. Ultimately it is all about the calories. Calories in must be less than calories out. For me, high protein and reduced carb works better, but if it fits in my macros and calorie goals for the day it is OK to eat it.
  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member
    By the way, the Mexican rice dish wont work because rice is a carb. Rather than cut them out, try increasing sweet potato and brown rice - natural carbs with less refinement. It is the refinement process of things like flour and therefore pasta and brown rice into white rice that is a problem.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    I eat low carb but without carbs I get really silly, I don't function properly and I cannot think right. You could make yourself a sandwich and use lettuce to hold it together. Or have an open faced sandwich, one piece of bread, lower carbs there. Or you could buy some special wraps/bread or something to suit your needs. However if you are going to give up carbs completely, know that carbs are found in fruits and veggies too so you will never truly be eating "no carbs".
  • ladeeeg
    ladeeeg Posts: 6
    I cut out carbs completely - went to work out and almost passed out. Besides being embarrasing it is actually unhealthy. First thing is - bring your lunch. Fast food is the problem. What I did was cut out fast food altogether. I use Sundays as my meal prep days. That way during the week I am just grabbing my lunch out of the fridge and out the door I go. Fortino's/Metro have pre-made salads that are very good and will give you variety. Another thing is pay attention to you sugar intake. It is not just carbs - sugar is another culprit. I used to eat loads of fruits every day thinking this was great. But they too are loaded with sugar. So use fitness pal to guage your sugar, carb and sodium intake. It will help you to have a balanced meal and you will know exactly what you are eating when you do it yourself. Get a food scale! Best investment EVER!! I know exactly what is going in! Minimize carbs do not cut them out completely - you will be more successful at maintaining your weight loss. Google recipes and go to the grocery store. The occassional day that you do not have a meal with you - have a salad from your pizza joint with 2/3 boneless wings - it is fried but it is prob the best alternative than the other stuff. Ohhhhh a GREAT site for recipes is the "Biggest Loser" website.... Visit it.... Cheap and easy meals can be found!
    Best of Luck - You CAN do this!!!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Carbs are my fwiend. They're tasty and delicious, fill me with energy.
  • saraovoxo
    saraovoxo Posts: 44 Member
    Before you consider cutting an entire food group (an important one, even), why not give this a try. Read/view the following links, open your diary, weigh your food (on a scale) and you will lose weight.


    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:



    thank yooou, i think this is a really good way to gauge how much you're eating in the beginning. also helps me to make single serving meals so that i dont go back for seconds hehe
  • 9chimera11
    9chimera11 Posts: 40 Member
    Two words:


    ^ this, along with planning your meals for the week during the weekend.

    Check these video for some tips.

    Each person reacts differently to carbs. I personally found completely cutting out carbs make me hungry and cranky all the time.

    So now I try to keep some carbs on the diet but I've upped my proteins.

    When you go to the gym or hit the tracks, you need to have some strength to finish your workout. Without enough carbs of protein in your diet, you will burn out quickly and lose muscle.

    So do try to include some complex carbs :) Good luck
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    I did Atkins for a couple of years. It definitely works, but you have to be very diligent about it. Because of the metabolic process involved, you can't cheat, even a little bit. One slice of pizza or cake can throw your body out of ketosis for a couple of days.

    I did fine on Atkins, but it's not for everyone. It is very carb-restricted, and that can be a problem for some people. I found that Dreamfields pasta and Carb Balance tortillas really helped satisfy the carb cravings (but you can't have these in induction).

    Today, I have a more traditional macro balance, but I stick to the healthy carbs - whole grain bread, vegetables, brown rice, etc. I almost never eat refined sugar. Frankly, I've found it just as easy to lose/maintain weight this way. If you do decide to go low-carb, I suggest you read Atkins' book first. Good luck!
  • amatolauren
    amatolauren Posts: 57 Member

    As far as carbs go, yes, you do need them. It has also been shown that cutting out a good portion of carbs can help. I would go Paleo diet or something like that. Perhaps the zone diet.


    what is that??
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Carbs are my fwiend. They're tasty and delicious, fill me with energy.

    My carbs snuggle me at night
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The rice won't help with low carb. You could try to get the cooks to let you have just meat instead of sandwiches or meat and rice mixes, although you'll probably have to pay more or get less. You could also smuggle in some boiled eggs, or see if they're on any of the salads as topping (I've seen them on salad bars).

    I had great luck with low carb for many months when I was very overweight. Not so much when I had less to lose, but maybe nothing works fast and well when you're on the last few pounds. However, if you're going to do it, to get the most benefit, you really should do it for months, not weeks. That is partly because a lot of people lose water weight the first few weeks, which makes the loss look better than it is, but mostly it's because becoming fully keto-adapted takes time. Some people find they feel great on low carb after the first (rather rough) month or so and I felt even better after two months. So if you like meat a lot and are one of those people who feels great eating low carb, you might want to adopt it long-term, not just for loss, but for maintenance.

    Also, everyone is different. I'd never suggest not trying it, since I did have great results for nearly a year, but some can't stick to it, others feel not so great on it, and others don't lose on it (calories still count!).
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    the only way you lose by cutting out carbs is water weight. Your glycogen stores deplete (and they are the ones "holding" water) so your body releases the water it's held and you get a few pounds lighter. Once you go back on carbs the glycogen stores replenish and hold water again, so you will gain it back. And you are not shifting any fat which is the ultimate goal, right?

    The above is assuming you eat the same amount of calories in a day regardless of whether you eat carbs or not.

    Just figure out the maximum amount of calories you can eat and lose weight, increase your protein consumption for satiety and muscle protection and you're good to go
  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    +1 for lunch box. Pizza is ridiculously calorific and the carbs and fat are really low-grade. Crappy salty white bread and cheap cheese. Omit from your diet!

    Include carbs from wholegrain rice, wholewheat pasta, wholegrain cereals etc. They'll keep you fuller for longer and prevent snacking. Also have more fibre which is generally something people lack in their diet. Protein rich meals are another way to decrease carbs because they are filling. Eggs; 0% fat yoghurt; chicken breast; skimmed milk; all these are delicious easy ways to add protein. Hope that helps.
  • Ambrodel
    Ambrodel Posts: 13
    Carbs are my fwiend. They're tasty and delicious, fill me with energy.

    My carbs snuggle me at night

    Carbs snuggle me at night too! In the form of fat around my midsection!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    the only way you lose by cutting out carbs is water weight. Your glycogen stores deplete (and they are the ones "holding" water) so your body releases the water it's held and you get a few pounds lighter. Once you go back on carbs the glycogen stores replenish and hold water again, so you will gain it back. And you are not shifting any fat which is the ultimate goal, right?

    The above is assuming you eat the same amount of calories in a day regardless of whether you eat carbs or not.

    Just figure out the maximum amount of calories you can eat and lose weight, increase your protein consumption for satiety and muscle protection and you're good to go

    Wow... So I lost 89 pounds of water weight? Interesting......
  • jzynanja
    jzynanja Posts: 25 Member
    I'm doing that myself because I don't feel well when I eat processed carbs - and it seems that processed carbs are what you're talking about. There are plenty of carbohydrates that our bodies need in fruits and vegetables. Don't overdue eat things like berries - maybe once a day. People freak out when someone wants to do away with carbs but it's not as difficult as it seems and it's good for you. I feel more clear-headed and energetic than I have in quite sometime by cutting out breads and pastas and basically grains in general. I'm gluten intolerant and don't do well with many grains so it's actually been a relief for my body. I've found some alternatives to things - zucchini can be spiraled into pasta - look for a spiralizer on Amazon - it's awesome I use mine several times a week. Cauliflower is another way to go even for pizza crusts - look it up online - look up cauliflower pizza crusts. You can also use grated cauliflower in place of rice - it's amazingly good and doesn't bloat you. Look that up too. We get into a mindset that we need all these grains and we really don't. Eat good protein and lots of vegetables and you'll be fine. All the best to you.