Advice for older women trying to lose

I am 70 and need to start exercising more. I have the eating down. I am hypothyroid and so energy level is not great and I need to pick and choose the best way to exercise to lose 30 pounds...


  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    Hey, my thyroid is now stable, but it took a while for my doctor to get the meds right, are you taking meds for it? No need to answer, just asking because you will feel a whole lot better when those levels are under control, so i guess that might be a good starting point? Other than that, logging food and exercise on here (MFP) is a great tool to use.

    Good luck
  • arenad
    arenad Posts: 142 Member
    Walking is great. It's not very hard, but is still good for weight loss.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Greetings !!!

    It's NEVER too late to get sleeker, stronger and healthier.

    without knowing more about you : WALKING. walking is absolutely excellent. It's weight bearing exercise that most folks can do and it's cheap, easy and requires no training.

    Get out and Walk. Will improve your energy and your mood and will impact your overall health .

    Here is an article :

    Oh! You are in Florida : excellent walking weather : )
  • ravenstar25
    ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member
    Swimming, walking are great. I'm not old-old but I do have health issues that keep me from a lot of the high impact sports and heavy weight lifting stuff that people like to talk about on here. Swimming and walking are about all I can do - oh and if you can invest in a recumbent bike for indoor bike riding, that might be something to look into as well.

    As you are older, expect slower weight loss. Also this is an unpopular thing to say around here, but I find as an older woman, the calorie goals MFP sets are sometimes too optimistic - there is no way I burn off the amount of calories it thinks I do.

    But don't give up! Slow is better than "not at all"!
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hello! My suggestion is, invest in a heart rate monitor, and discuss the healthy maximum heart rate for your age and the types of exercises you are considering with your doctor. A fun idea is to go to the nearest school that has a track and start power walking. (Some gyms have an indoor track, or you just use a treadmill, whatever your preference..) I find it a great way to get some outdoor exercise, and you will find that the brisk walk will make your buns burn, too. It is much easier on the joints and knees, than jogging, and you can easily adjust the intensity of your workout in order to keep the prescribed heart rate. I'm thinking of the track, because you would be in a controlled environment, with easy access to help, compared to a trail, while you start your fitness journey. Think cramps, exhaustion... Don't forget your water bottle and some high SPF!
    You might also want to consider some resistance training, to prepare for the future. Many people that are younger than you are, already have problems getting around or getting up after they fall. I have met many older ladies and gentlemen in my gym, who show up almost every day and practice chest presses or leg presses in order to maintain their muscles.
    Also, consult with a nutritionist to make sure that you are getting all your nutrients, and that your calorie intake matches your weight loss goal. You won't be able to out-walk bad eating habits!
    Good luck!