I need help

I have been stuck in a rut since I had my daughter over a year ago I was determined to get back into the same shape I was before I ahd my daughter. I gained over 60 pounds in the pregnancy alone and on top of that gained another 20 afterwards. I know I can do it if I put my mind toward it but I just can't seem to push myself enough to go to the gym after work I'm usually so tired I just wanna go home and have my "me" time after.

I'm usually pretty good diet wise -- I'm incorporating a lot more leafy greens and vegetables in my diet. I'm trying to eat more gluten / wheat free foods. Its hard to cut my dairy out though. I guess my main question is about exercise.

What would you recommend as a beginner workout pretty much for me to get started on? like I said I use to be pretty active and I havent for the past year. I'm desperate -- I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I can't take it anymore. I am now at 270 and I just feel disgusted with myself :/ Any help or advice would be appreciated.


  • gameshowfan91
    What kind of stuff do you eat for breakfast, snack, lunch, and dinner? And do you have a gym membership?
  • lre224
    lre224 Posts: 83
    try starting with just a walk & keep adding on
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Re: exercise

    Find something - anything - that's active that you like to do. And do it. Walking, cycling, rowing, elliptical, whatever - it doesn't really matter.

    If you have (and/or can afford) a gym membership, get with a trainer to start you on some strength training. If not, then go to youtube or bodybuilding.com to look at bodyweight (and/or stuff you can do with things around the house) exercises. Bodyweight squats and/or lunges and some pushup variations (upright, pushing away from wall; pushing off counter; from knees; standard pushups) - whatever you can do - would be a fine place to start.
  • BoiNeezy
    BoiNeezy Posts: 227 Member
    Add me workout all the time need tips just ask