Why did you get inked?



  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Because I hit my goal weight (in the future *jazz hands*)
    I promised I'd wait till then, because I don't want it to be ruined.
    That being said I had a little heart on my ankle that my friend did for me when I was 15, but it's faded and barely there now. And that was because I was high as a mofo during AP Spanish. Whoot! Rebelling teenager!
  • Sophie_UK
    Sophie_UK Posts: 31 Member
    My first one I got just before going travelling to represent a new start.

    My second one is commemorative of my Gran and Uncle who died within weeks of each other.

    I want another but not 100% on the design yet.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Because it felt right.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
    First to pay tribute to my dead brother, second just wanted to put my name on my body incase I ever forgot, third to remember the son that I lost.
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    To symbolize things in my life that have been a part of it, have been important to me and have meaning.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Always wanted one, was drinking with girlfriends (when I was 33!) and went and got one on my hip. I LOVE it, and definitely want another one!
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    I have 3. I got one at each base I was stationed at in the Marine Corps!!
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    First to pay tribute to my dead brother, second just wanted to put my name on my body incase I ever forgot, third to remember the son that I lost.

    LOVE THIS!! <3
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    1st one - cute little heart above my right butt cheek - because a I thought it was sexy.
    2nd one - breast cancer ribbon with chinese "hope" symbol overlayed - a family member was diagnosed and 6 cousins went together and got same tattoo.
    3rd one - stargazers lilies with vines flowing from my left rib cage down tomy hip - wanted something bigger and loved the design. It's my favorite one.
  • jtgcm
    jtgcm Posts: 110
    Because I think its a beautiful way to express yourself. My best friend and I got our first ones together (no they don't match) and my second one is for my 3 boys. I plan on this summer getting my first one added on to :)
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    The first because the class advisor of the Christian school I attended said no smoking no drinking and no tattoos during senior trip, so I promptly did all three in reverse order. The second because I love betty boop and the song "tatted up" was reaching its pinnacle. I have ideas for my next three which I'll probably start working on this summer. One because it'll make me feel sexy, one to remind me of my goals and another for my grandmothers
  • krouse83
    krouse83 Posts: 182 Member
    I got inked because I wanted to. Both of my tattoos have a lot of meaning to me and I wanted to be able to see them daily for little reminders of things.

    First tattoo is a symbol of hope that I received after my grandfather had a massive heart attack and almost died and my dad was diagnosed with cancer. Both of them however were fighters and came through everything ok. It’s a symbol for me to have hope that no matter how bad things can be, if you have hope you can get through it.

    Second tattoo are stars. There is one star for every woman in my life who inspired me and I loved dearly but died. It’s a way to remember them. I am actually going to get a cover up of stars and put my grandparent’s favorite flowers over it with the leaves intertwining to represent them and the love they had. They recently passed away within 4 months of each other after 62 years of marriage. I then will get forget-me-not flowers for the women I have loved and lost. So excited for the cover-up. Getting it in 10 days!
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    To represent those I love:

    Dragonfly perched on leaves with my kid's name etched in and my grandson's footprint at 2 weeks
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    My first tattoo was because my mom said I couldn't get one until I turned 18. So on my 18th birthday, I got a little heart with a halo on my lower back (to the right)..
    Second was just because.. I got it during the summer that I was 18. A run-of-the-mill, generic Chinese symbol that means Dream (well, I hope it does lol)
    Third was when my cousin came to visit. He's a tattoo artist and gave me a deal. It's the zodiac symbols of me, my husband, and our 2 kids on the top of my foot.
    Fourth was the biggest, again my travelling tattoo artist of a cousin came to visit. It's a large piece on my upper back, 2 butterflies - a big blue one to represent my son, and a smaller pink one to represent my daughter, and of course, it's got some swirls and fancy-dancy stuff around it.
    Fifth was the same cousin, but it's a jacked up version of 4 forget-me-nots in memory of my grandparents. The quality is not there and I need it fixed. It's bad.
    Sixth was just this past summer (by a local artist), and I got it because I need reminders that I'm a person too, not just a mom/wife. I have the phrase "I won't let me down again" on the inside of my left wrist.

    I will get more, from the same guy who did my wrist. Next, I want a phoenix on my thigh.
  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    For funsies. Because I can
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I have a little butterfly on my foot and another one on my back (tramp stamp) because I was 18 and wanted them. I don't regret them, but I am considering covering them up.

    Just got my 3rd one done - it's a line from the Robert Frost poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and it says "And miles to go before I sleep". It has a lot of meaning for me and where I'm at in life.

    I have several more planned - one to represent my daughter, one for a book series I love, and a few more ideas that are just starting to take place.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have 9 at the moment. I have a FANTASTIC idea for my next one,

  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I have 9 at the moment. I have a FANTASTIC idea for my next one,


  • jos3php
    jos3php Posts: 38
    For me, every tattoo tells a story, some good, some bad and some I regret but I would not get them removed even if I could. My body is like a timeline of the crap I have been through. Which is probably a bit depressing now that I see the words.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I wanted to be different. I wanted the world to know I was a rebel. I wanted to do something that would make me unique - not like everyone else of my generation.

    So I didn't get any tattoos. I know. Crazy.
  • tracys2166
    tracys2166 Posts: 15 Member
    I always wanted one but never got round to it... So when I hit the big 40 I decided it was time :)
  • TheBadToe
    TheBadToe Posts: 246 Member
    because it feels good. And I like that my designs are permanent.
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    I walked into a shop the day I turned 18 simply because I liked tattoos and wanted one. The next 3 tattoos came because I enjoyed the experience the first time. Sadly, I wasn't knowledgeable enough to research the artist when I got my first two, and 20 years later I hate them. My next one will be to cover those two up and have sentiment to it.
  • I got mine when my mom passed away in November 2013.First one at age 42.... Me, my sis and my dad all got the same tattoo a black swirl butterfly shaded in purple for me and my sis and my dad got his shaded in green...
  • healthykaitlin
    healthykaitlin Posts: 91 Member
    It started out meaningful, but now I just really enjoy them!
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I got my first (and currently only, hehe) tattoo last November. It's a gorgeous watercolor phoenix on the inside of my right ankle. My artist managed to make it feminine and badass as the same time..I love it. I decided to get it after I filed for divorce. I've been through a lot in my life and wanted to be able to look at my tattoo and remember I can walk through fire and emerge stronger than ever, every time.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Back in the day not too many people got tattoos, except maybe convicts, sailors and a few people in the arts. I guess I figured it would differentiate me and make me stand out. I suppose being a somewhat radical thing in those days, it was a statement.
    Plus, a very important person in my life had just died. I knew I could look at the tattoo and realize I had gotten it about the same time I lost that person -- in a sense, it would help me carry them forever.
    You needed a lot of reasons for a tattoo back then.
  • Bc I think it's sexy, I love my boys covered, and love a guy who finds ink irresistible.
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    Because I enjoy the art form, found a design in which the symbology resonated with my life and found an artist whose work I admired. That and its bad *kitten*!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have 9 at the moment. I have a FANTASTIC idea for my next one,



    Just... make sure you have the spelling mistake fixed before you get it done.

    Dieing would be stamping something out with a die vs. dying meaning ceasing to live.