I'm already hooked!

I love the supportive and encouraging comments I have gotten so far! I am home with babies all day and I definitely think you guys will help me on this journey.


  • shakeray1173
    Looks like this post was mixed in with spam!
  • Tagwild12345
    Tagwild12345 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi you will lose weight on here it's addictive loging everything x
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    You tried cocaine too?
    Oh man!

    (Just kidding, welcome!)
    And sorry about the spam, it's almost never this bad @_@
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I agree! I am addicted to logging, knowing what is in my food all the time and watching the pounds come off!
    Good luck to you. With such a great attitude you will go far!
  • jsugihara86
    jsugihara86 Posts: 71 Member
    I agree. I love this site/app. It works great as long as u stick to it... lol
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    I am with you! Been on here 10 days and really enjoy it. Love seeing all the encouraging posts from people that are working toward pretty much the same goals. :smile:
  • FaithfulJewel
    FaithfulJewel Posts: 177 Member
    Numbers! Numbers everywhere!

    Bit weird being able to have complete numerical control over things not really thought about before, but it is very addictive, isn't it? :)

    I'm finding myself checking the database for random foods I rarely even eat, but I'm dying to know if I'd be able to have them on restricted calorie intake, etc.

    Do you have the app? It gets even more fun* scanning random items at the supermarket.

    Good luck on your journey! :)

    * Definition of fun may be questionable
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    I think I a visiting MFP more than any other social networks now. I am also taking pictures of myself now.
  • vicabra
    vicabra Posts: 56 Member
    I am definitely a fan of MFP - it makes me accountable for my actions.
  • shakeray1173
    I do have the app, but have not used it yet.
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    * Definition of fun may be questionable

    :) I always feel that way when I mention that I find something "fun." But I agree that it's fun to do these things.
  • dahlau
    dahlau Posts: 6
    I have always been slightly overweight, even being in sports year round growing up. Once I got to college and didn't play sports any more, the pounds started packing on. Junior year, I hit 200 and knew something had to change. The next summer, I would work all day and then come home and run/rollerblade/bike in the evenings. I wasn't doing that to lose weight, it just seemed fun. It didn't hurt that my mom packed my lunches each day (I worked with my dad and she packed his, too). I think she put me on a diet. I lost 30 pounds that summer and my self esteem skyrocketed. Slowly but surely, the weight came back. Five or six weeks ago, I stepped on the scale only to have it read 198.8. What? I didn't think I had gained it all back. I didn't think I looked that bad. I was comfortable in my body.
    I'm getting married this summer and my fiance challenged me to lose weight with him. He weighs 180 soaking wet. It was always hard for me knowing I weighed more than him, so I accepted. We are both VERY competitive. We both signed up for a race in April - him a half marathon, me a 10K. The first few weeks I was down to 190, and then seemed to stay there. And stay there. And stay there. Finally, I started talking to coworkers and asked if they had any suggestions. One of them suggested MFP. So far, I LOVE IT. I love that I can link my runkeeper app with this one. I love being able to scan foods at the store or from my cupboard. I love the encouragement from the forums. And I love being able to make and save recipes! And I now weigh 185 - more than halfway to my goal. :)

    Side notes:
    1 - My fiance has never ever ever mentioned my weight. He loves me the way I am and just wants me to be healthy. So do I.
    2 - Everyone's weight loss journey is relative. My tipping point of 200 might not seem like a lot to some people, but it was to me.
    3 - Even though my goal weight is 175, it's not about the pounds for me. It's about looking and feeling healthy, whatever weight that may be.

    Good luck to everyone on their journey!