told people w/ hypothyroidism won't lose more than 10 lbs



  • Once you're on the correct dose of meds, you'll lose weight like any other person.
    Once I was on the right dose of synthroid, I lost about 50lbs.
    I agree with a PP... I think your friend is just trying to make up an excuse for why SHE hasn't lost more.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    i have hypothyroidism (autoimmune) and pcos

    while i have a LONG way to go ive lost alot already just some what slower than others my size
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    34 years old, hypo for 7 years, lost over 60 pounds. It can be done!! :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Glad to hear that. I don't want to be stuck here forever.

    You won't. It'll just be much slower, even if you do everything perfectly.

    I'm still coming to terms with "being different" when it comes to metabolism. I'm also understanding more and more that not having a thyroid at all can throw a wrench in (even when I am "stable"... which honestly never lasts longer than a few months).

    Be patient. Add in strength training to help preserve LBM.

    Your friend might be in the realm of "not getting stable," which could very well explain her incredibly slow loss. Or she could simply be eating more than she needs to be.

    Focus on doing what you can and don't worry about what others experiences are. They may not apply to you.
  • for2day
    for2day Posts: 209 Member
    YES, it can be done. It just takes allot more than before, but you can do it. I had 3/4 of my thyroid removed and live off that lovely pill and it is harder, but it can be done. What I have found, is first - DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! Second, you do have to watch what you eat and third - you have to find an exercise you love and do it. I love to walk, so that is mine. The weight tends to come off slow, but it will. We are all here for you and you are not alone in this! AND, MFP has been awesome for me. Tracking food is a must and be honest about it, but don't starve yourself, it doesn't work. If you need any help on this, I am more than happy to share my ups and downs with you!! Good Luck to you and YOU CAN SO THIS!!!!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Welcome! I'm also hypothyroid and my ticker also proves your friend wrong. I get my thyroid levels checked every 3 months, because they can change over time. As long as your thyroid hormone is in a normal range, you can lose weight as easily as anyone else. The one way I feel different is in how quickly I can regain weight, if I stop watching what I eat. Last week, I went on vacation and my cousin kept trying to get me to eat donuts and other high calorie foods. I thought that was evil, since she knows I've been working really hard to lose weight and that I'm hypothyroid and could easily have gained 10 lbs on a one week vacation! Best of luck and friend me if you want some extra encouragement:)
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    My sister has lost over 102 lbs and she is hypothyroid. She has to work harder for it and it takes longer but she has done it. You can do it too! Don't let anyone's words have power over what you do with your body. Even if you don't start losing immediately, you will feel great anyway. Just keep swimming, as Dory would say.
  • oh my goodness... i needed this post more than you know..
    I have PCOS, hashimotos and hypothyroidism. My old endocrinologist had me on 500-800 cals and on victoza, metformin (my sugars were fine), synthroid and cytomel. I was a wreck.. a bloated zombie. I have a new endocrinologist who has me on 125 desiccated thyroid. I just started ddp yoga and I will be tracking my calories on here. I have a week left of weight watchers but i find they really promote processed foods. I am gluten free as it is recommended w thyroid issues and I limit dairy.
    A year and a half ago I had a trainer who I worked out with Mon-Fri 5am-7am and followed his clean diet plan. I didn't lose anything.
    Maybe I was over medicated? Thanks to those who have given me hope. I pray it works this time. I want to be healthy to conceive and to feel good again.
    having said that, i am EXHAUSTED every day. Will it help when I lose weight.. or is it just a thyroid thing?
  • for2day
    for2day Posts: 209 Member
    having said that, i am EXHAUSTED every day. Will it help when I lose weight.. or is it just a thyroid thing?

    For me, everyday is different. I have found that if I eat only 3 meals a day and that's it, I'm sleeping on the couch right after dinner and I have no energy the next day. BUT, what I have found for me is, 3 healthy meals, with 3 healthy snacks - helps. It keeps the blood sugars leveled and I tend to feel much better and I have the energy. PLUS, walking. It stinks when I can't get out and move.
    In the past, I experienced a drop in my iron, my number was 7, when it should've been between 70-90, not good. So, iron is something you may want to keep an eye on and the next time you have blood tested, ask if they will take a look at your iron levels - their already there taking your blood, so why not!
    But, everyone's experiences with thyroid is different. I listen to others and try what they suggest and if it works great :)), if not, then I know, that just wasn't right for me.
    I can say, the one thing 2 of my doctors have said is, EXERCISE :)) It is the key and I found walking to be the best and it only costs a pair of good sneakers!
    And lastly, being a woman, there are different stages in your life and the medicine has to be adjusted. Every 20 to 25 lbs. lost, you should be retested, just to make sure things are correct.
    Well, Good Luck to you and we are all in this together and feel free to send me a message, if you need to talk - sometimes, that helps, too! :))