Working Moms AND Workouts?!?



  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    My kids are three and five I just pop in my Jillian michaels DVDs and they watch me do it. sometimes they even join in and mimic what I'm doing! they actually love it and ask me when is exercise time? They get a kick out of it.

    9 years old is tougher though. Can you do it while he is doing homework or something?
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    I work out in my lunch break.

    Or I do wii dance with the kids.

    My daughter figure skates. I walk laps around the rink during practice.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    We get home at 5.30, have a bit of a chat about our day, then I workout while he does homework or plays etc. I also cook dinner between sets. We set up a gym in our spare room starting with some second hand stuff and building up from there.
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    The best at home exercise is....the one that is most fun. Experiment and see what ya like.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I get up at 5am and do insanity (had previously completed 30 day shred and 3 weeks of ripped in 30). If I don't o it then it won't get done. I leave for work at 7 and don't get home until 530 so that is family time. Weekends I may go for a run/walk either before everyone is up and it's light or after everyone is fed. You make time for you.
  • My kids are three and five I just pop in my Jillian michaels DVDs and they watch me do it. sometimes they even join in and mimic what I'm doing! they actually love it and ask me when is exercise time? They get a kick out of it.

    9 years old is tougher though. Can you do it while he is doing homework or something?

    What's the Jillian Michaels one?? Do I need at home equipment??
  • Chickyboomboom
    Chickyboomboom Posts: 3 Member
    My son is 2 and I work full time. The only time I've found I'm able to consistently work out is in the morning before my DH and DS get up. It's hard because I would much rather sleep a little later but it's doable. I gave up my gym membership and use my treadmill, rebounder or exercise dvds. I also bought a fitbit and try to consciously get myself up and moving through the day at my sedentary job. It's not perfect and it's definitely not how I want to workout the rest of my life but it's what works for me in this season of life. With warmer weather and longer days, we will be getting in more family walks in the afternoon as well.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I get home from work at 4:30, start dinner and have it on the table by 5:20 (I pre-prepare everything I can). Dinner til 5:45, playtime til 6:30. Bathtime/bedtime routines, lights out at 7:30. Workout til 8:30. Dishes, laundry, homework (I'm a Bachelor student).
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I have 3 kids and work full time. I have found that the only way I can guarantee getting a workout in is to get up at 4:30am. M-W-F I make the trek to the gym to lift and T-Th I either run or cycle. The weekends are for long runs and rides (or kayaking with hubby in the summer).

    ETA - 8 is a great age for him to ride his bike while you run. I did that a lot with my kids when they were younger and my DH worked nights.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Get up early before work. I will be doing this again once the kids start their sports in the spring.

    Right now I workout when I get home in the evenings. My kids are a little older now so they hang out in the basement with me while I do my workout.
  • hfester
    hfester Posts: 114 Member
    My little boys (7 and 4) LOVE to do HIIT with me. We race each other down the lane in front of our house. We do high knees, run backwards, bear crawl, whatever. When I need a break, they race each other while I try not to puke. ;) It's awesome.
  • I too, don't get home until 6 pm Mon - Fri. It's not feasible to squeeze in a work out for me once i'm home. I sacrifice a little bit of sleep and get up earlier, and run on my treadmill at 4:30 am, taking an hour to myself. At first it was tough, but once I got into a routine, I loved it!! My music motivates me and keeps me going and all while the kids are still sleeping. I then shower and have my breakfast and feel like a million bucks. My energy lasts me almost all day long - there is such a high from running! I get it now, I always heard people talk about runner's high and now I know what that feels like. On the days that I don't run in the morning I tend to feel sluggish, and experience 'mental fog' through out the day. In the nicer weather I will go running outside in my neighborhood before my husband leaves for work. Another thing you can try is using your lunch break to get outside. I often take my 1 hour lunch break by going for a power walk around downtown for the entire hour. I'll eat my lunch at my desk before or after. This helped me to lose 1 -2 pounds per week, along with good eating of course.
    There's no excuse anymore for not having the time to work out. I said that for years, and I creeped up to 190 pounds and knew I had to do something about it. You just have to look at your schedule, your life and see where you can fit it in. You will find the time.
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    I wake up HELLA early and work out. Before anyone is up. I drive to the gym 3 times a week, and the other 2 days I work out at home in the morning too. This way it doesn't take away from my time with my son and I have energy to get through the day. On weekends we take family walks or hikes.
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 438 Member
    Awesome ideas for integrating the kids! Thanks!
  • jlmuise25
    jlmuise25 Posts: 45 Member
    I am active duty AF, married to SAHD, we have a 7 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. I typically get to the gym between 4:30 am and 4:45 am. Otherwise, I have no time at all in the afternoon/evenings to get it done. Nor would I be able to spend any time with my family if I worked out in the evenings.
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    My kids are three and five I just pop in my Jillian michaels DVDs and they watch me do it. sometimes they even join in and mimic what I'm doing! they actually love it and ask me when is exercise time? They get a kick out of it.

    9 years old is tougher though. Can you do it while he is doing homework or something?

    What's the Jillian Michaels one?? Do I need at home equipment??

    I have 30 day shred and 90 day body revolution. You need dumb bells and a resistance band.
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    My little boys (7 and 4) LOVE to do HIIT with me. We race each other down the lane in front of our house. We do high knees, run backwards, bear crawl, whatever. When I need a break, they race each other while I try not to puke. ;) It's awesome.

    I do this too on the weekends at the playground.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    30 Day Shred worked wonders for me.

    25 minutes or less with the warmup, I can do the workout anywhere, anytime. It's the only workout DVD I would recommend for mom's because of it's short n sweet program. Not to mention it is probably the most effective workout DVD that you could spend time doing.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Mine are 4, 3, and 1. We all leave the house at 7:15-7:30, and I don't get home with them until 6 or 6:15.

    On my days off (Sunday and Tuesday), I try to get a 5 mile walk in; if the weather is bad, I do a longer exercise DVD. On Saturday I work 8-12, so if I can I walk 5 miles in the afternoon, but sometimes my husband needs that time to ride (he's a road biker).

    On work days, at least 3 per week, I get up at 5:30 and do a 30 minute DVD, whether that's Jillian Michael's shred or Leslie Sansone's Burn It Off in 30 Days.

    It's tough getting up that early. It goes against every fiber of my being to get out of the bed while the kids are still asleep, but there is simply no time in the evenings to do anything - plus, I kind of want to spend time with my kids at the end of the work day :)
  • freckles2002
    freckles2002 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Im a single working mum. Like alot of the others I get up and 5am and do my workout. Call me weird but i actually enjoy getting up then! its MY time and if i left it til later in the day i know i would never do it. I hope you find something that works for you.