From Yucky to Yummy (with pics)

I remember when I first joined MFP I used to look throught the success stories and think "Someday I'll have some before/after pics to show".... and here I am, several months later, many pounds lighter, and undoubtedly happier... writing my own success story.

Yes, it took dedication, but it also took a huge support system. So thank you. Thank you, friends, for helping me and guiding me throughout this "journey" or whatever. I can honestly say that I couldn't have done this without you. I love you, frenz <3

I'm going private for a little bit (I need it, I have some stuff going on and I just need to deal with it) but I'll be back. I'm sure some will leave me, some will stick around, some will forget me... JUST KIDDING NO ONE FORGETS PRINCESS!!! but I'll be back soon.

For now, here are the promised pics. This is around 35-40lbs in a period of around 6-7 months. No magic formula, just went to the gym a few times a week, stayed under my calorie goal six days a week (1,550 cals), and most importantly, I never gave up.









I still have a little ways to go, but I'm almost there!!


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