Not Losing....can't figure out WHY!



  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    If you are not losing than you are not in a deficit. Do you weigh ALL your food? If not, get a digital food scale ASAP, more than likely you are eating more than you think. Good luck. :smile:

    Thank you. You are NOT eating too little. Feel free to experiment with eating more. You can confirm, once again, that starvation mode is a myth and eating more doesn't work.

    This person asked the same question. People told her to eat more. Guess what happened.

    It doesn't work that way. Do a little research on "starvation mode myth". Great threads here on the subject.

    Best of luck to you. Exactly as the previous poster said, if you're not losing weight, you are not eating at a calorie deficit. Even in the most liberal use of the term "starvation mode" it can not result in no weight loss.

    Good luck with your running! Training for my fifth half marathon right now.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Do you suggest protein powders? I tend to be a fairly natural girl....I don't love a lot of chemicals in my diet and so often I feel like protein powders are full of them. However, I am not very knowledgeable about it so maybe that's not the case.
    You don't need to use protein powder if you're not comfortable with it, but you do need more sources of protein throughout the day! Eggs, beans, nuts, cottage cheese, milk, greek yogurt or any kind of meat would really help. Add powdered milk to your oatmeal.
  • Christophe2Fit
    Christophe2Fit Posts: 26 Member
    Measurement at your weight are more pertinent, you could gain muscular mass and look lean, more fit
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    About upping your calories...all I can say is that I was eating 1500 cals a day. I was losing very slowly. Then I was advised to up my cals to 1700, and suddenly I was dropping weight again. Go figure! I've always weighed my food and I use a HRM for exercise. Always drink a ton of water.

    Good luck with getting to a resolution for your situation.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm totally new to this whole forum thing so I hope I am responding correctly. As far as how long I've been stalled......I would say a few months, but it's just been in the last 12 weeks that I've been aggressively trying to lose the last 5-10. Here is what I typically eat (I am a creature of habit, so this is literally pretty much what goes in my mouth every day)...

    Breakfast: 1 piece of Eziekiel bread. If I workout I put peanut butter on top. If I don't, a little butter. OR sometimes I have a cup of old fashioned quaker oats.

    Lunch: 2 small tortillas stuffed full of veggies (I eat an entire onion, an entire green pepper, 3-4 mushrooms, and about half a zucchini) that I saute in a little coconut oil. I will also have a few tortilla chips with it (about 12).

    Snack: guilty indulgence I can't quite kick...a chai latte made with skim milk (it's about 120 calories and one of the highlights of my day!!!!) Haha!!!

    Dinner: Usually a lean meat and veggies. I do occasionally add a little carb to the mix. Whatever I eat I try to make sure I'm within my caloric intake for the day.

    I feel confused...some are telling me I'm not eating enough, others are telling me I'm eating too much. I HAVE tried to jump start it by eating more on a given luck.

    I appreciate all of you helping. I was about ready to punch the scale this morning!! Haha!!!

    (hollydubs85, yes that is my picture...thank you, that made me feel better today). :-)

    The people who are telling you to eat more are confused. :smile: If you are not weighing everything, you don't really know how many calories you are taking in. You may also be over estimating your exercise calories. Bottom line: If you are not losing weight, you are not in a deficit.

    We just had a post here yesterday where someone upped their calories because everyone told them they weren't eating enough (without really knowing how much the poster was eating in the first place, because they weren't weighing). Guess what happened? She gained weight. :ohwell:

    I agree that the first thing OP should do is make sure her logging is correct. But, while the person yesterday did up her calories and gain, she upped them too much. She started netting 1800, so there was obviously a lack of understanding as to the difference between the TDEE method and the MFP method. She probably would have been just fine if she raised her calories a little at a time.

    So I think weighing and logging should be consistent first, but if you are in training, you may want to consider a new calorie target (once you know what you are eating now).
  • Christophe2Fit
    Christophe2Fit Posts: 26 Member
    catabolic state is so bad for you, go to walmart and get some pure protein whey
    stuff that works for ectomorph don't work for endomorph... and vice versa.
    eat every 3 hours to avoid catabolism
  • Suggestions for a food scale?? I've never weighed my food. I don't even know where to start??!
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I got this one. Love it. Looks cool, doesn't take much space, and the glass top is easy to clean.
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    For all the starvation mode people:

    Please stop.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Suggestions for a food scale?? I've never weighed my food. I don't even know where to start??!

    I got an Oxo one from Target for about $17. It's digital and can switch from grams to ounces.

    While we're at it, take a gander at the first few posts of this thread: