Summer Shred anyone?

Trying to see my abs by May...13 more pounds to go...I hope...need active friends to keep me motivated...


  • Tru058
    Tru058 Posts: 2
    Awesome.goal! I need to lose about 15 more lbs to get back to the weight I was at when I was in the military! Abs are a must for a beach body! What kind of excersise program are you doing?
  • I am currently a gym junkie. MWF I run/HIIT before work for 25 mins...then after work I do C25k and an 30 min walk uphill...TThSa I do 30 min of HIIT and lift weights (full body routine)...and sometimes when I am bored at home I do squats, lunges, bridges and pushups...
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member