Night Time Eating

Just wondering if anyone is struggling with the same thing or if any one has suggestions

I eat well all day but eat a ton at night for some reason. I snack all night and im having a hard time stopping myself.
Im justifying it by saying Oh its just a scoop of peanut butter ... or cereal is healthy ..but really its putting be over me carlorie goals.

Help !! thanks !


  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    I have the same problem.... It's because I get very hungry at night... and I hate going to bed hungry..... help is appreciated!
  • andeeinevansville
    I am the same way!! I can do perfect all day, and it seems that once the sun sets, WATCH OUT!! lol Mine is more of a mental thing I think because my hubby works nights and when he leaves for work I start to get lonely and I have always found "comfort" in food! Something that has helped me alot is making sugar free hot chocolate or hot tea to sip takes awhile to finish and usually helps fill me up and gets rid of my cravings!
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Just wondering if anyone is struggling with the same thing or if any one has suggestions

    I eat well all day but eat a ton at night for some reason. I snack all night and im having a hard time stopping myself.
    Im justifying it by saying Oh its just a scoop of peanut butter ... or cereal is healthy ..but really its putting be over me carlorie goals.

    Help !! thanks !

    Here is a trick that helps me, I give myself a manicure. Once I have my nails painted I don't want to ruin them so I don't eat anything, I have a drink of water beside me and that helps. Keep your hands busy.

    Good luck

  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    I am the same way!! I can do perfect all day, and it seems that once the sun sets, WATCH OUT!! lol Mine is more of a mental thing I think because my hubby works nights and when he leaves for work I start to get lonely and I have always found "comfort" in food! Something that has helped me alot is making sugar free hot chocolate or hot tea to sip takes awhile to finish and usually helps fill me up and gets rid of my cravings!

    That's a great idea. You're right about the hot drink. I'll give that a try. Thanks.

  • stamps4fun
    you need to change your mindset and be faithful to your goal.
    eat an apple or other piece of fruit or a fat free light yogurt and
    pass on the scoopful of peanut butter which is loaded
    with fat and calories. if your snacking doesn't fit into your daily goal then you
    are defeating yourself.
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    Gum always helps me when I want to eat. Most times, I just want to eat though, ignoring the fact if I'm hungry or not. Maybe that's why I go through a pack a week... :happy: I would suggest you just plan ahead and have that bowl of cereal (or some other snack) at a certain time every night. Make yourself wait for it until a certain time and reward yourself for waiting.

    I had gestational diabetes with my second child and one of the things I HAD to do was to have a snack right before I went to bed, like pretty much have the snack in bed. It was one protein and one carb. I would like have a string cheese and a bowl of cereal with milk (half servings of each, since I could only have one carb).

    Those things are just an idea that you could do. Although all of that probably wouldn't be very beneficial to your diet - I didn't have to watch caloric intake when I was preggo, the diabetes was actually making me hold and at times lose weight during my pregnancy and I still had a big baby...
  • stamps4fun
    try some fiber one original cereal with a light almond milk. very little calories compared to
    most snacks and VERY healthy for you. drink some water after because you need the liquid to help absorb the fiber
    you just ate and make it swell so it satisfies you.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I eat low calorie throughout the day, and then I have a pumpkin or gingerbread donut from Dunkin Donuts every night by 7:30 pm once I realized that the calories from the donut kept my appetite under control. I'm sure many people will disagree with my method, but it's been working and I am losing weight at a faster pace now.

    My suggestion: eat something that helps to really fulfill your appetite not too long before 8 p.m. (doesn't have to be donut, but you may know that food that cuts your hunger), and eat even if you are not hungry, and you'll find that you won't crave much or you'll be able to control your cravings. Also, the later you go to bed, the hungrier you'll start to feel.
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    I've always been a late night snacker, it could be because I'm up till 2am every night. A friend suggested Sugar Free Jello. I buy the little snack cups of it and it's only 10 calories each, so I don't feel bad when I eat them late at night.
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    I love to eat at night to, and I try to do the no eathing after 6 pm rule... however it's so hard because I work swing shift, so a couple of 1st shift days and couple of 2nd shift days and couple of thrid shift days per week and my days off rotate everyweek, so my eating habits suck because the times that I eat change every couple of days. I find my self wondering to the kitchen at all hours when I'm not at work. I will go as far as putting the food in my mouth and getting so mad that I spit it in the, last week I tried to trick myself by putting bottles of water in my cabnits and when I go to reach for something I'm reminded to down the bottle of water to fill me up.. lol, It's crazy I know.. but I'd rather get up to go pee in the middle of the night than to put my weight back on over something so silly.
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    I am the same way!! I can do perfect all day, and it seems that once the sun sets, WATCH OUT!! lol Mine is more of a mental thing I think because my hubby works nights and when he leaves for work I start to get lonely and I have always found "comfort" in food!

    I have the exact same problem - my boyfriend works nights and I PIG out when he goes to bed. I'll have to try your tips.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    It doesn't really matter when you are eating, but how much. If you know you like to eat at night, try to eat a little bit less during the day and "save up" for your late night snacking. Better options will help too, like fruit. You can eat a lot more fruit than you can peanut butter, so you'll be more full.
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    Oooo great tips thank you...ill have to try them !
    Ive spit food in the garbage before too.. I dont hink its really that bad of a thing to to. yes its gross but at least your stopping yourself.

    Alot of times want to barely eat during the day and have a fufilling dinner at night , ive lost alot of weight that way but every one says eat a bunch of small meals or you will ruin you appetite. I think im might just start doing what works for me
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    Oooo great tips thank you...ill have to try them !
    Ive spit food in the garbage before too.. I dont hink its really that bad of a thing to to. yes its gross but at least your stopping yourself.

    Alot of times want to barely eat during the day and have a fufilling dinner at night , ive lost alot of weight that way but every one says eat a bunch of small meals or you will ruin you appetite. I think im might just start doing what works for me
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Hi to the OP. Maybe you are not eating enough through the day so your body craves food at night?
  • Stephoebe
    I am recovering from Binge eating episodes. Thay began four months after I lost some weight. It is your bodies way of demanding extra food as it fears hunger. As night-time, or sleeping is the longest fast it may seem sensible to eat a little bit before bed but this food will not be digested properly and may leave you feeling groggy in the morning.
    It is important to get in control of the comfort eating, night-binges, and spitting food back out into the garbage. I learnt this the hard way and have had four months of hell because I couldnt sort out the problem. Eat filling and satisfying meals throughout the day and make sure you are not defiecient in any vitamins or minerals. If you have reduced your calorie-intake to 1200 calories you might want to consider raising this abit. I have read that your body requires around 400 calories to get decent sleep. This doesnt mean loading up on 400 calories worth of food just before you close your eyes but rather having just enough energy to be sure you wont faint in the night. Sleep is important to lose weight so if your are kept up by a rumbling tummy you wont be reasy to start a healthy day tomorrow.
    My advice is not medical but purely from experience
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    I think that maybe getting to bed at a more reasonable hour will help too
  • JensLogin
    There are some great suggestions here, thank you for all who shared. Here is one more to think about - try brushing your teeth for about 3-5 minutes. Often times once your teeth are clean, you don't want to get them dirty again by eating, not to mention it doesn't taste that great either.

    I struggle with eating at night too. While I'm not trying to lose weight, it can still make it tough to maintain weight by eating at night. I think I will try the manicure idea - never thought of that!

    Good luck to you - you can do it!
  • ewarm24
    i always drink a 12 hour protein shake (with water not milk) before i go to bed, it takes care of my sweet hunger and helps me not eat something bad. also helps me since i dont eat anything before my am workout.