Undecided About Gall Bladder Surgery



  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Like the others have said, it will only get worse. Get it done now while it can be done laproscopically. If it gets really bad they have to do the more invasive surgery, which has a much longer recovery time. I hope you are on the road to feeling better soon!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I had to have emergency gall bladder surgery after a long evening spent in agony. My gall bladder was full of stones and the duct was blocked. I had had a few prior attacks but didn't know what they were. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I admit I don't know anything about "sludge" though.

    Considering that I had emergency surgery, mine was fairly uneventful and I recovered pretty quickly: it took about a week or so, and I was 50 lbs or more overweight at the time. I really don't notice a lot of consequences from not having my gall bladder.

    I agree that you should get a second opinion, but would strongly consider the surgery if the doctors recommend it.
    This is my experience.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    have had mine out for 5 years no problems your body will adjust better than having that pain.
  • JulieGirl58
    JulieGirl58 Posts: 158 Member
    I had mine removed 15years ago and it was quick and painless. I have suffered no ill effects. I think it will be an easy surgery for you if you have a good doctor.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I'm sort of on the same boat. Though instead of 'sludge' the doctor said that i have small mobile stones. I've had quite a few attacks and the one i had the worse i ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks (mostly because the hospital was busy and couldn't deal with me). They suggested i have it out. So i did research and decided that, though there are very few cases that the surgery goes wrong or ends up with negative side effects, i'd keep it and try my best to change my diet. Afterall, I would have to after removing it anyways! Might as well keep it and try. it's a body part you can't get back.

    Since i made that choice, i've had small attacks but not nearly as bad as before. I had an ercp so they cut the tube a bit bigger so that could be helping.... that or the fact that i've been taking T3 every time the symptoms come up. I find it helps my body relax and lets the stones pass or go away or whatnot.

    It's all up to you though of course! Goodluck!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    The surgeon is recommending surgery.

    Listen to the surgeon not opinions on the internet.

    With all due respect-- this is just plain stupid, stupid advice. Wow. :noway:

    My obstetrician told me several years ago due to some bleeding that I had miscarried and should have an immediate D&C. We insisted on a second opinion. My son will be 19 years old next month.

    Doctors are not God. You're a fool if you follow their advice blindly.

    Having said that-- I had my gall bladder out in '08. I'd had episodes for years, but had no idea what they were-- thought it was acid reflux-- derrrr. Had a final attack-- gall bladder was severely infected, and I had a week stay in the hospital and emergency surgery.

    Surgery is minimally invasive-- recovery went well. Curiously, my body hasn't metabolized anything well since. Not sure if there's a link...but right after that, my thyroid went kaput.

    Don't ever stop asking questions-- best of luck to you.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Go for the 2nd opinion if you need it. I had one severe attack which had me at the ER at 430am, and I couldn't keep water down nor stand straight for a week. I had a stone impacted in the duct, and thankfully it fell back into the gallbladder so I could recover.
    My Dr scheduled the operation as needed, and one opinion was all I needed.

    I had mine out about 3 mths later, laproscopic, fast recovery. Even went to a Rollinsband concert a week and a half later.
    My digestion was a bit funny immediately after, but only when I ate too much fat. That was at least 12 years ago now, and I don't suffer any ill effects.

    Good luck, I hope you stay well!
  • lrgosney
    lrgosney Posts: 1
    I had my gallbladder taken out laparoscopia. It was considered an emergency, but I recovered fine. In fact I went on vacation two weeks after I had surgery. I haven't had any problems with the food I eat.
  • doneat2
    doneat2 Posts: 1
    I had my gallbladder out laparoscopically 6 weeks ago today. I had severe problems from Oct. Thru Feb. I had negative ultrasound hidascan unrelated findings on egd & colonoscopy. I saw the surgeon who I know from other surgeries for 15 yrs. I had been told no sludge no stones etc. Ghe surgeon said take gb out cuz I was sick during hida scan and you sjould not be sick during hida scan. I could not eat nothing. I was miserable dailywas down to eating a grilled chicken breast and an apple a day. I had extreme pain like labor like my stomach was do full of air. Nausea bloating gas you name it. I had no guaranty it would work. The feeling that someone is crushing me pressure is gone but I still am adjusting to no gallbladder and pribsbly have other issues. Your body after gallbladder removal will have to be on low fat diet for 6 werks or you will need to be attached to restroom. Im at 6 weeks and still cant eat and leave house but it is an improvement. I believe 30% of ppl have continued issues.

    Regarding your situation, the second opinion 95% of the time agrees with the first they are both surgeons thats what they do, surgery. I worked at surgeons ofc for 10 yrs.... It sounds like you, the surgeon and your primary Dr arent quite there yet. Its a big decision. Its not as big a surgery as it used to be but it is still a major operation. This is your body do you really want to remove an organ because maybe it what caused it? Ask if an addtl test would be more decisive. Hidascan if you have insurance. Who wants test but... who really eants to chsnge permanently the way their body works??? Mine was due to an ectremely narrow common bile duct. The bile couldnt pass thru the gallbladder and the cbd so the gallbladder would go into masdive spasms from the clog. They couldnt even scope my cbd during my surgery. The dr said this was the cause of my issues. Goodluck discussing with your drs and making the right decision for you.
  • Persian99
    Persian99 Posts: 48 Member
    Follow up to my original post: Surprisingly, the 2nd opinion didn't recommend surgery. I didn't get in to see her for 4 weeks, and in that time I did not have any attacks. She told me she wasn't convinced that my gall bladder was the cause of the first attack (and really only attack other than one other minor episode that was probably indigestion), and although the surgery would incredibly quick/minor/common, she thought it wasn't unreasonable to have a wait-and-see approach. She said that I could schedule to come in and have it on one or two days notice in the event that I changed my mind.

    It's been a few months and so far so good. Nothing even resembling an attack. Assuming that I continue to feel good, i'll probably go in for an ultrasound in the next 2 years to see if the sludge has resolved or turned into stones.
  • roxielu0422
    roxielu0422 Posts: 102 Member
    I had mine taken out back in 2007. I had no idea the pain I was feeling was my gall bladder. Like you, I had lost some weight, and didn't know that could cause issues. I was in so much pain the last attack, my friend took me to the ER. I saw the surgeon and two weeks later, it came out. I still have issues eating some things like full fat ice cream, cream cheese, and some processed foods. BUT I think I did the right thing. That pain is not worth having the gall bladder. NO thanks.