Any guys here doing Zumba?

Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Just wondering if any male members here take Zumba classes. I am looking for something new, but not sure how men are accepted in a class dominated by women.


  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I could not bring myself to do it... but there is a guy in my gym who never misses a class... he sure seems to enjoy it! :wink:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    There's one guy in our Zumba class... always there. He seems to like it or I assume he wouldn't come back. We all accept him totally! :happy:
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    If you men don't feel comfortable going to a class, try the games on Wii or Kinect, or even buy the DVDs. :D I'm thinking about getting my boyfriend to try it!
  • Lauriee2014
    Lauriee2014 Posts: 183 Member
    My friend if Kentucky goes to Zumba there and says sometimes the class is 50% guys. I say, if you want to, go for it! Who knows, you might start a trend? [I can hear women going home saying to their significant others, "Well, there are OTHER guys who go!" :laugh:

    P.S. She has burned nearly 900 calories in a 90 minute class! Talk about motivation!
  • Gillott232
    Gillott232 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm not a guy obviously, but we have several men in our Zumba class. Ranging in all ages, and about 15 miles from where I live there is an amazing instructor who is male. Its obviously not a common for men as women, but The men that do it, seem to enjoy it. I know that the single girls in our class really enjoy watching the guys do it. LOL... Butt shaking and just the confidence they have being comfortable enough to do it.. I wish I could get my husband in on it!

    Hope you try it!
  • KSandwa
    KSandwa Posts: 4
    We have a few men in our Zumba class & they are accepted!! I say just go for it :)
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I know that the single girls in our class really enjoy watching the guys do it. LOL...
    Hope you try it!

    Great, so I end up breaking a bunch of hearts when they find out I'm married.... :brokenheart:
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    I have taken Zumba and its a fun class. Heck I have taken about every class just to see what they are like because in my field you really need to.

    The girls like having a guy in there, and the more awkward you look doing it the more they like it. I also liked being surrounded by all the ladies. PS dont stand in the very back and check out all the arses that is frowned upon.

    Also Husker 81 was a good year for my Tigers. Heads up the series is tied 1-1 now.
  • antipholous
    antipholous Posts: 116
    I can't do those classes. I've done a few with my mother who's trying to lose weight, but I just feel so awkward being the only man in the class. The women haven't said anything persé, I just feel like a little pansy-boy when it's over.

    Hope you can get over that feeling. Good luck.
  • antipholous
    antipholous Posts: 116
    PS dont stand in the very back and check out all the arses that is frowned upon.

    Now, since my mother is self-conscious and wanted to be in the back, THAT is one part of the class I enjoyed
    ; )
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    In my particular Zumba class, there 4-5 men, varying ages, we have a few that look around 50+ and some late 20's - early 30's.

    I dont know about other peoples zumba classes, but in mine, everyone is doing there own thing to the point where no one looks/cares about what everyone else is doing, we just wanna move!! :)

    Worth trying!!
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I teach Zumba. I have more men than women in my 6 a.m. class right now. I have a 20 year old autistic son who used to come to my later class, and loved it. Then somebody said to him, "you must like being the only guy in the class." So now he doesn't come back.

    A very sexy, very ripped guy (named Beto Perez) started Zumba, and I went to a master class, where I did 4 hours of hard core Zumba taught by 6 men from all over the world. I have pictures. oh yes!. At my request, they cooled down and lead us in a stretch to the song, "It's raining men."

    When I have been to instructor training workshops, the trainer always treat the men like "kings" she treats them like "gods".

    I say, you're crazy to not go for it. How can we get other men in there, unless you guys stick it out? It is a kick butt, fun workout, and men give the instructor a lot of energy, which reciprocates back to you!!!!!
  • erikalynne
    erikalynne Posts: 5 Member
    There are always about 3-5 men in my zumba classes, and 2 out of 4 of my instructors are men! I really love seeing everyone work hard and have fun together and that's what zumba is all about. Don't be's so much fun!
  • oldfastguy
    oldfastguy Posts: 3
    No I'z got no rythym...... I choose to ride bikes .... But I will relate this story to all those guy's who feel like a whoosi dancing with the girls.... When I was in High school I did all the moacho school sports with all the sweaty guy's... One day I was razing my best friend who had desided to be on the cheerleading squad.... When I asked him why he didn't wrestle with me anymore he said this " think.... would you rather hold and grab sweety ugly guy's or hold and grab sweety hot cheerleaders"? ..... So the moral of the story . Go where the HOT girls are DUDE !!! .... I can bet their not in the free weight room benchin' 250lbs !!
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    My Zumba class is taught by a guy. Funilly enough he gets about 40-50 of us at his class each week!!!! Not sure why?!!!!! I like men in classes! It adds a level to the workout. I also think there is something very sexy about a man who can move!
  • I have wanted to try Zumba since I heard about it a few years ago working in a bookkeeping office. I just never have gotten around to doing it. I know some guys do it, I have even seen at least one in a class at a college I used to attend. I find it amusing when men say it would make them feel gay or like less than a man. All I can say to that is this, the fact that you are so self conscious makes you seem like much much less of a man than ever doing something like Zumba would. Just a thought to throw out there. If you want to do something be a man and go for it, otherwise your fears get the better of you and that's just sad. Get out there and move dude, anything you can find to motivate you and help you work out and get fit should not be out of the question just because the usual people doing it are female.
  • BeckyLH
    BeckyLH Posts: 117 Member
    I love Zumba and try to get to 3 classes a week aswell as doing it on the KInect. It's helped me lose 12lbs since May 1st! There are usually 6 or 7 guys at my classes.
  • thomie8
    thomie8 Posts: 2
    I did Martial Arts for 28 years. 6 operations on knees, neck, shoulders and I gave up the contact sport. Zumba is fun. I'm also very coordinated and a great dancer. Usually I'm the only guy in class, but the instructor is a guy too. I did aerobics too back in the mid-80's. I was the only guy in those classes too. I always get to class early and stake out a never fails, some fat-az woman will show up 30 seconds after the class starts and decides to do the class 5 feet away from me. That PO's me....
  • thomie8
    thomie8 Posts: 2
    I don't give a damn what people think of me......I'm having fun burning 1,000 calories in a hour.......the beer goes down good after Zumba its a good way to meet chicks..
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