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Hello My Name is Sara and I'm A Scale Addict

I've struggled with my weight all my life. I had my daughter in 09 and I haven't been able to get the weight off, I gained 70lbs. Recently I've tried to stay away from the scale. My clothes were starting to feel tight so I weighed myself and I had gained 5 lbs. that day I decided to start tracking my food. That was a week ago. I haven't got on the scale since last Sunday. I vowed to only weigh once a week. I'm scared to death to weigh tomorrow. I use to weigh myself 3-4 times a day, I felt like I was in control that way. I guess I'm just looking for support. Hopefully I will see a loss tomorrow!


  • meme287
    meme287 Posts: 16
    Hi Sara! I understand the scale issue, I ended up making my husband take the batteries to the scale and I told him not to put them back in till Sat. morning so I could weigh in and then take them right back! Its hard, you can do this! I am here if you need support!
  • kellyroberts1
    kellyroberts1 Posts: 16 Member
    I was exactly the same as you, scale addict to the point of weighing myself every time I went to the toilet!
    I got my husband to take them to work with him and he will bring them back once a month so I can check progress.
    If you look for my last post you can see how I different I look without changing weight though- the scales lie!
  • shannova
    shannova Posts: 28
    Hi Sara! I am in a similar situation as you are.

    I had my last child back in '09 as well and I gained almost 50lbs with him. I lost some of the weight after I had him (about 20lbs) but gradually put it all back on and then more.

    I recently started back on here (January 7th) and started tracking my food and calories as well. And like you, I weigh myself every day (always the first thing in the morning to get the best and most accurate reading).

    And like you, I said I would only weigh once a week. I've yet to do that. I've weighed myself every day hoping to see any change in number (in the right direction of course).

    Just remember that you are doing the right thing by starting to track your food and watch what you eat. If you've gone a whole week with eating well you will more than likely see a change tomorrow. I commend you on waiting a whole week! I'm hoping I can do the same thing.

    Hang in there and keep on tracking! It will pay off in the long run!

    (I lost 15lbs the 1st month just by logging in my food and watching what I ate! It works!) Down 21lbs now since joining the gym one month ago.

    Good luck hun! You can do it!
  • paigebeverly
    paigebeverly Posts: 46 Member
    I am also a scale addict. I weigh myself everyday.. sometimes twice a day. My scale probably hates me...lol. I gained all my weight during pregnancy lost a ton and then gained it all back plus way more. Stay at home mom and depression did me in. But I am seriously thinking about telling my finance to hide the scales.
  • thatfitgeek
    thatfitgeek Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, Sara. My name is Houston and I am a recovering scale addict. I think you need to focus on how your clothes fit, how you look, and (most importantly!) how you feel! The number on the scale is ONLY and NOTHING more than your relation to gravity. So if it is 120, great! If it 124656765, great! Health is NOT determined by a number! I'm sure you have been doing great and hope you see a good difference on that scale (but if you don't, it is A-Okay!)
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Hello, I'm 17 days clean. Fluctuations were driving me nuts so I stopped looking at that b****h and sabotaging myself.
    If the number on the scale is dictating how you feel it's time to stop weighing yourself for a while. It's working for me. I plan to weigh myself once a month from now on. I'm still exercising, logging food and taking measurements and when I look at the mirror I like what I see. Big win! Feel free to add me for support!
  • saraebs
    saraebs Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'll post tomorrow what the scale says.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I was exactly the same as you, scale addict to the point of weighing myself every time I went to the toilet!

    ^^Yep. I do that too. Since I seem to have replaced obsessing on food with obsessing on weighing myself, I took my scale out of the bathroom and put it in my son's bathroom. The scale is still accessible but now it isn't in my direct line of sight several times a day and I have to cross the house to use it.

  • saraebs
    saraebs Posts: 4 Member
    I'm down 3.7 pounds!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I'm down 3.7 pounds!

    Sara that's awesome!!! Congratulations, excellent work :)
  • saraebs
    saraebs Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you. And it really did help that I stayed off the scale all week.
  • I weigh myself once a week, otherwise I would drive myself crazy! It's especially nerve wracking for us ladies since our weight varies so much throughout the day-- from food intake, water weight, full bladder, etc. I weigh myself first thing after waking up on an empty stomach and empty bladder. I find that's how I get the most accurate reading.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Might sound crazy, but for me weighing every day helped me figure out a pattern. Now I know exactly when to weigh, when I will gain or when I will lose. But for me getting rid of the scale is the first step of denial, so I still use it at least once a week. But yes... naked first thing in the morning. You gain weight eating and drinking, so it's totally pointless to weigh at any other time.
  • Just relaxed never be control by the scale....Just try to eat right and drink plenty of water and you be just fine.....And don't forget to exercise even if it's just walking......You're beautiful no matter what the scale says!
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    Yep I think its a women thing . I weight daily , I know in my head it's not good but i also do not beat myself up if i'm up 1-2 lbs because it's probably water weight. If i see 5 lb then I know I've screwed up and need to get back on track
  • I don't want to jump to conclusions.Just to everyone who is relating with this: this one of the tell tale signs of anorexia.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    I am a recovered scale addict. I used to weight 3/4/5 times a day, moving the scale around on the floor from room to room to find the "skinniest" spot.... I have decided that the scale was the biggest factor in me being fat. Too many times I would think I did a great job with watching what I eat and exercising only to step on the scale and see I gained a pound or stayed the same. Would make me angry and I would figure "why try"....I even went out and bought a $120 scale that syncs to my computer thinking the more I spent for a scale, the better it would weigh..ha...my initial weigh in on the new scale was 2 lbs more than the cheapy one!

    Mid June of 2013 I stepped on the scale one last time at the doctor's office. Took me a couple of weeks for the numbers on the scale to sink in... July 1 I changed my lifestyle. Started exercising and eating healthy. I've stepped on the scale once since then.. that was at the end of November and only because I had a pre op exam for surgery on my wrist. Actually chose not to know what I weighed. I told the nurse that I didn't want to know and explained to her that I was dieting and was using the "fit of my clothes" to determine if I was successful or not. Well, while in recovery,curiousity got the best of me and I asked what my pre op exam weight was...imagine my surprise when I realized I had lost 52 lbs! OMG...that would have never happened If I had continued with my 5 times a day ritual!!! It is now mid March and I have not weighed since that day at the end of November...but I will tell you this much.. .my son got married last weekend and I wore a size 8 dress. :-)