Share 25 Random Facts About Yourself--It's fun!



  • Ntdrkyet
    Ntdrkyet Posts: 64 Member
    Ok, so I am at work and kinda bored...16 hour shift today blah!

    1. I turned 30 this year, after I intially freaked out I had a birthday redo week and drove myself from Maine to Georgia to visit a friend because I could!
    2. I have two wonderful and beautiful children
    3. I LOVE the beach! I am there every day during the summer and first thing in the spring. 40 degrees is too beach weather!
    4. My first concert was Van Morrison and Bob Dylan
    5. I have been to over 30 Bob Dylan concerts
    6. I am getting divorced
    7. 18 months ago I was a bleach blond over weight wife, now I am a single mom with very dark hair, my nose is pierced and I have a tattoo on my foot and 35 pounds lighter!
    8. I love turtles
    9. My tattoo is of three turtles, one for me and one for each of my children
    10. I am going to nursing school
    11. I drove to syracuse (a ten hour ride) and back in one night to attend a Joni Mitchell/ Bob Dylan concert, I had front row seats!
    12. I love sushi!\
    13. I don't like sleeping by myself
    14. I love, love love to read!
    15. I don't have cable tv, I think tv sucks
    16. I love watching movies late at night cuddled on my couch
    17. Wine is a food group in my world
    18. My mother drives me crazy but I would do anything for her
    19. I think mornings should be banned
    20. I think I might be Buddhist
    21. I am definitly not Catholic
    22. I wish I could travel more
    23. I couldn't live without my cell phone
    24. I love car rides
    25. I'm more interesting than I thought :laugh:
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    Someone else did this on here, so I thought I'd do 25 random facts about myself, too. It was really hard to think of 25 things about myself, and I think that's kind of sad. It's a fun way to get to know yourself and others better. I hope some of you will do this, also.

    1. I was born in Japan. We lived there for 4 years.
    2. Then, we lived in Turkey for 3 years.
    3. I've moved 14 times in my life.
    4. I absolutely love pets, and I volunteered at our local animal shelter for 1 1/2 years.
    5. My husband and I have 11 pets (1 horse, 2 goats, 3 dogs and 5 cats). I know we're crazy, but we love them all very much! All of them except for one of the dogs were rescued pets. Never a dull moment at our house!
    6. I am the youngest of 4 girls in my family, and I'm the tallest. We go backwards in height from oldest being the shortest at 5'2" to the youngest being the tallest at 5'7".
    7. I don't like competition or confrontation of any kind. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. I want everyone to be nice to each other and get along. My husband jokingly calls me Mary Poppins.
    8. My hair was down to my butt when I was younger.
    9. I had a near-death experience after I was in a bad car accident. I brought myself back, and I scared the doctor in the emergency room when I opened my eyes wide and asked if he had called my mom yet. He said, "Hello there!" in a very surprised voice. Later, he told me that I nearly died several times.
    10. I'm 50 years old going on 10. I love to be silly and goofy, so I act quite young very often. Maybe that's why I enjoy working with kids so much. :)
    11. I've been very fortunate to have found and married two wonderful men in one lifetime.
    12. My 1st husband died after a bad car accident in 1989. He was my high school sweetheart & best friend.
    13. I lost my 1st baby, Whitney Jean, from annencyphally. She died just 25 minutes after she was born. We almost were too scared to have another baby, but luckily we had our healthy, beautiful baby girl, Kristen Nicole, 2 1/2 years after we lost Whitney. She's now twenty-one years old, and she's a Senior in college. I'm such a proud and grateful mom!
    14. Our oldest son (my stepson) lives up in Alaska, and I was able to travel to Alaska to visit him. Beautiful!
    15. Our other son (my stepson) is a long-haul truck driver, but he gets to come stay with us about every other weekend. He enjoys driving all over the USA.
    16. I've been to Hawaii three times (with my sister when I was only 19, for my 1st honeymoon when I was 22 (almost 23), and with my daughter in 2005. Very fun!!!
    17. Hawaii is my very favorite place to visit, so far.
    18. I've been on 2 cruises (once to the Caribbean with my 1st husband for our 5-year anniversary and once to SanDiego, Catalina Island, and Mexico with my current husband for our honeymoon. I love cruises, too!!!
    19. I'm a little bit of a hoarder, so I love to watch the show "Hoarders" to help me not to get worse.
    20. I have a lot of addictive tendencies--food (especially sweets), TV, shopping, and now MFP. :)
    21. I don't like rated "R" movies. They are usually too violent, and that's hard on Mary Poppins-ha, ha...
    22. I love mysteries, romantic comedies, and sci-fi.
    23. My favorite music is country, but I like most.
    24. My favorite color is blue; next favorite is purple.
    25. My favorite food is Italian. I love pasta! Yum!!!
    Hawaii is my favorite place to visit so far as well. I've also traveled to Ghana, West Africa, Belgium and Holland. Holland is my 2nd favorite. And, blue has always been my favorite color since forever! Thanks for sharing.
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    1. I live in San Diego and I've only been to the beach maybe a half dozen times in the last 10 yrs.
    2. I love to read -- sci-fi, urban fantasy, YA, romance, post-apoc. fantasy.
    3. I sleep in a red fleece hat every night. It's my woobie.
    4. I secretly fantasize about shaving my husband's head when he hides my red hat from me. Seriously, it's still not funny.
    5. The only thing I can cook is Alfredo sauce. That's it. very tasty, but oh so bad for me.
    6. I love Emmit Otter's Jug Band Christmas
    7. I don't get why people like Nicolas Sparks. It seems like someone always dies in the end.
    8. I used to have a fear of public restrooms (pregnancy cured that one.)
    9. My drink of choice: Coke-flavored slurpee
    10. I want to learn how to make a quilt. I just need to learn how to use my sewing machine first.
    11. I do not own a smart phone.
    12. My dad used to call me Pinkydonkers and Stinky-poo-potts as a nickname growing up. Still don't know what a pinkydonker is.
    13. I have two beautiful daughters who I love to snuggle with.
    14. I still like to color.
    15. I once got a ride home from a complete stranger while partying in Tijuana back into the US when my friend's drink was spiked. Stupid!
    16. I grew up in New Jersey but moved to San Diego after high school
    17. I met my best friend when I was two and we're still friends today
    18. I like disco <gasp!>
    19. I love Disneyland
    20. Wen to Disney World for my honeymoon (next year we'll be married 10 yrs!)
    21. While hiking one fall morning, my husband and I stumbled upon 50 wild turkeys roaming around.
    22. I wish my mom lived closer than 3,000 miles away.
    23. I met my husband when I was 19; he was 35. My mom about had a coronary. "Mom, it's not like I'm going to marry him!" I ate those words 4 yrs. later. He's everything I never knew I always wanted.
    24. I use the "F" word, the "C" word, and the "MF" words too much while driving.
    25. My porn star name would be Pasha Ravine.

    LOL, so far I've seen two Nicholas Spark's movie...the people die. Like DIE! And, I was just thinking why does someone always have to die? And, so far, it's always the people that really know what it means to love. Mr. Sparks is out of control, yet I keep watching his movies AND reading his books. Go figure. Thanks for sharing.
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    1. I'm the youngest of three children
    2. I am a proud army veteran of seven years.
    3. The mother of six
    4. Lived in Korea and Germany while in the military.
    5. Been married three times and divorced 3x!
    6. Breast cancer survivor
    7. Went to college to become a social worker but I haven't been back to finish yet!
    8. Love sweets, this is what gets me in the most trouble.
    9. Wish my daughters have more success at marriage than I did.
    10. After slavery, my family started their own school for their children.
    11. My grandmother attended college in the 1930's and was valedictorian of her high school class. A wonderful accomplishment for a Black woman at that time. I love her, she is still my inspiration!!
    12. Lost my home due to a divorce but I love all the peace and joy my apartment brings. Also I love the view of the lake, it is the most tranquil place I have ever lived.
    13. I am a news junkie and love current events.
    14. My great grandmother who died when I was nine, was one of the first children in my family to be born a free person. And she was also an amazing woman, I'm better for having met her!
    15. I have been a registered voter since I was 18!!!
    16. Voted for Obama but I also voted for Joe Wilson, a republican. He does so much to help veterans, including me.
    17. I have never met my father!
    18. Work as a substitute teacher and I love this job!
    19. Brought chocolate covered cherries last night and I did not need to eat them ALL!
    20. Donate items to the Freecycle website in my area.
    21. Loved living in California while in the army, no problems with my asthma while living there.
    22. My youngest child will graduate from high school in 2011 and she is graduating a year early!!
    23. My aunt and uncle share the same birthday (Dec 8th) and they are 11 years apart!
    24. I'm still struggling trying to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    25. Have learned that life in short, so don't sweat the small stuff and live, love and laugh!!!
    I think your family history is awesome! That's a wonderful legacy to have...good for you. Thanks for sharing. PS-we have #17 in common. I don't even know his name.
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    1. 59 years young
    2. youngest of 4 kids
    3. I live in the country... nearest neighbor is a mile away
    4. 3 grown children... all married
    5. 2 of my kids got married 3 weeks apart last year... that was crazy and exhausting
    6. 4 grandkids... 2 boys, 2 girls
    7. divorced
    8. I was in a dance group when I was younger. We toured all over the US and Canada.
    9. My favorite color is red or navy blue
    10. I'm a chocoholic
    11. I made fudge last week- ate 4 pieces and gave the rest away.
    12. Lost my job when GM dealership closed.
    13. Have already had 25 inches of snow this winter.
    14. John Davidson kissed my hand a long time ago.
    15. When I was on a dancing tour, we visited the white house. Robert Kennedy came zipping around the corner and ran right into me.
    16. Had long hair til I was 25, wore it short during the mommy years, and have grown it long again.
    17. Had a 19 1/2 inch waist when I was younger.
    18. Very good cook
    19. Have a dog... lab named Frankie Spankie
    20. Play spades, crib, pool, gin or literati on the computer at night as my reward for getting my exercising done.

    That's all I can do.
    LOL, you owe us FIVE more. he he Thanks for sharing (and, no chocolate for you until you give us five more) ;o)
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    Stepped on a nail & it went through my foot
    2. Shot (one time)
    3. Stabbed (3times)
    4. Broke and dislocated left wrist
    5. Army / Airborne / Ranger
    6. Started to ride bulls in rodeo’s (won money)
    7. Broke left leg
    8. Moved to Alaska
    9. Fell 4 stories off a building
    10. ¼ stick of explosives went off in my hand (got to keep my fingers though)
    11 Married the first time
    12 Moved to the “bush” house with no plumbing, running water or electricity, wood
    cook stove and had to travel 100 miles to buy supplies and water.
    13 Hit by a car (tore off legs and face)
    14 Died (had to be resuscitated on the road after I was hit)
    15. Divorced
    16. Did my first Midnight sun wheelchair marathon, did not know they had racing chairs so I started the first race in a standard wheelchair and did the first 100 miles in it till someone loaned me a racer and finished 3rd that year.
    17. Married 2nd time
    18. Hit by a van (in my wheelchair)
    19. Divoreced
    20 Got my Job with the Government (and loving it every day)
    21 Won Mr Universe (disabled division) in Las Vegas
    22 Placed 3rd Mr Olympia Redondo beach CA
    23 Hit by a truck (again in my wheelchair) the truck was on the wrong side of the road as I rounded a corner (past a stop sign) and while in the ambulance with big holes in my leg and getting pumped full of Morphine I watched the cop write me out a ticket for going past the stop sign.
    24. 3rd time (what can I say I’m not a quitter)
    25 Joined My Fitness Pals, and made some of the bestest friends EVER
    Oh snap, your life is like a action packed movie! I hope you realize surviving all of that means you're definitely still here for a reason. Thanks for sharing. Awesome life story :o)
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    OK, I've filled out the other one....let me see if I can come up with 25 more random facts

    1. Has broken her pelvic bone, tail bone, every toe and the bones on the tops of both feet
    2 Has never had stitches
    3 Has never broken anything above her waist :huh:
    4. Does not like walnuts, pecans or brazil nuts
    5. Loves cashews
    6. Would do almost anything for caramel
    7. Has lost her sweet tooth since joing MFP
    8. Knows that Road Dog has a weakness for dark chocolate
    9. Can't carry a tune in a bucket
    10. Wears skirts or dresses year around (sometimes commando) :blushing:
    11. Misses her horses
    12 Loves her 3 cats
    13. Can drink an inordinate amount and not get sick or hung over the next day
    14. Had a long distance relationship with my current husband (no. 2) before moving half way across the country to be with him
    15. Loves to flirt
    16. Was brought up in a house with no music
    17. Loves the ocean and the mountains where she lives
    18. Is allergic to cigarette smoke, but like the smell of some cigars
    19. Can't drive standard
    20. Is deaf in one ear
    21 Has never had a ticket of any kind.
    22. Was in two seperate car accidents in exactly the same place on the road when she was pregnant - both times.
    23. Loves zombies
    24. Is married to the man of her dreams
    25. The greatest thing in life is.....LOVE :heart:
    No music? Oh my goodness! No wonder you have a high tolerance for drinking. Lol! Seriously though, I don't know what I would have become growing up with no music. I can't even grasp NONe...what?! Will definitely have to ponder that one for a minute. Thanks for sharing ;o) No music? Dang!
  • NatureRunnerGirl
    NatureRunnerGirl Posts: 14 Member
    1. Im 37 and feel like 50!
    2. I love love chocolate!
    3. I love science
    4. I believe in time travelers
    5. I believe that global warming is a natural occurring geological event
    6. Im still super in love with my husband even after 13 years
    7. my favorite color is blue unless im wearing it... then its black! lol
    8. I love to do jigsaw puzzles
    9. I wish life was a little more simple as i think i was born in the wrong era.
    10. I hate to cook! ....But i do anyway
    11. I hate when people don't know what they're talking about!
    12. I love "I love Lucy"
    13 . yes I really do like Barry Manillow :)
    14. I want to write a novel someday
    15. Christmas is my favorite time of the year
    16. I had the best childhood ever!
    17. I would love to learn how to dance.... all different kinds
    18. I love to hear about consperiacy theories
    20. I could probably eat a dozen boston creme doughnuts if you told me I wouldn't gain a pound :)
    21. Im afraid of getting old
    22. I was an aweful teenager
    23. Im related to Jimmy Carter through marriage of cousins
    24. I hated country music till i met my husband
    25. I Love Roller coasters and wish i could ride every one ever made!
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    1. I am 37, but still haven't realized that I'm 37. make sense?
    2. I have recently become addicted to running.
    3. I smoked at least 2 packs of cigs a day for 20 years. I want to punch people in the face that smoke.
    4. I served 5 years in the Army, 4 in Germany, 1 in Bosnia. If I would have stayed in, I would be retiring next year.
    5. My wife and kids are the reason I get up and bust my *kitten* every day.
    6.My steering wheel thinks I am an outstanding singer.
    7. A lot of people think I'm an a hole, until they get to know me. I don't make a good first impression. or second.
    8. I think I'm a lot funnier than I actually am.
    9. If I wasn't married with kids, didn't have a job, etc..I would be content being homeless in Key West.
    10. If it was legal, I'd drive 150mph. always.
    11. People that look down there nose at me instanly lose my respect, and cannot get it back.
    12. (saw this on someone else's) my porno name is Bear Panama.
    13. I hope all of my kids make more money than me and are smarter than I am.
    14. I have only called in sick to work 2 times.
    15. I wish all drinks tasted like beer and all food tasted like reeces peanut butter cups.
    16. My dog's name is Scooter.
    17. It's a rare day if I don't say or do something stupid and/or insensitive, but never on purpose.
    18. The cartoon paper on HH GREGG commercials annoys me so much, I turn the tv down, and I will never shop there.
    19. Other than my time in the Army, I have always lived in Florida. I am a rare native.
    20. I take things way too serious. I wish I could let things go easier.
    21. I wish I would have gone to college, but feel like I got more of the life experience in the Army.
    22. I've been to Amsterdam.
    23. I think NY Jets fans are the rudest a holes on the planet. I'm so happy the Fins won today. The season was a failure, but we beat the S-U-C-K suck suck suck. hahahahahahaha wwwwwaaaaahhaaahahahahaha.
    24. If I didn't have kids, I would never wear clothes in my house.
    25. I should tell my wife I love her more often. insert brownie points here.
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    1. I am 37, but still haven't realized that I'm 37. make sense?
    2. I have recently become addicted to running.
    3. I smoked at least 2 packs of cigs a day for 20 years. I want to punch people in the face that smoke.
    4. I served 5 years in the Army, 4 in Germany, 1 in Bosnia. If I would have stayed in, I would be retiring next year.
    5. My wife and kids are the reason I get up and bust my *kitten* every day.
    6.My steering wheel thinks I am an outstanding singer.
    7. A lot of people think I'm an a hole, until they get to know me. I don't make a good first impression. or second.
    8. I think I'm a lot funnier than I actually am.
    9. If I wasn't married with kids, didn't have a job, etc..I would be content being homeless in Key West.
    10. If it was legal, I'd drive 150mph. always.
    11. People that look down there nose at me instanly lose my respect, and cannot get it back.
    12. (saw this on someone else's) my porno name is Bear Panama.
    13. I hope all of my kids make more money than me and are smarter than I am.
    14. I have only called in sick to work 2 times.
    15. I wish all drinks tasted like beer and all food tasted like reeces peanut butter cups.
    16. My dog's name is Scooter.
    17. It's a rare day if I don't say or do something stupid and/or insensitive, but never on purpose.
    18. The cartoon paper on HH GREGG commercials annoys me so much, I turn the tv down, and I will never shop there.
    19. Other than my time in the Army, I have always lived in Florida. I am a rare native.
    20. I take things way too serious. I wish I could let things go easier.
    21. I wish I would have gone to college, but feel like I got more of the life experience in the Army.
    22. I've been to Amsterdam.
    23. I think NY Jets fans are the rudest a holes on the planet. I'm so happy the Fins won today. The season was a failure, but we beat the S-U-C-K suck suck suck. hahahahahahaha wwwwwaaaaahhaaahahahahaha.
    24. If I didn't have kids, I would never wear clothes in my house.
    25. I should tell my wife I love her more often. insert brownie points here.
  • I hope I can come up with 25 things, they may get a little silly near the end! Lol.

    1- I'm a vegetarian.
    2- I currently weigh 201.5lbs (So close to 100's!)
    3- I have only travelled to Cuba and New York outside of my country.
    4- I am a proud Canadian.
    5- I am still dating my high school sweetheart whom I've known since I was 14, I'm 22 now, and we're planning on getting engaged soon! :)
    6- I obssess over weddings and bridal gowns - can't wait for my day!!
    7- I have 2 tattoos: a bird I love, and a butterfly I regret. (I hope to get many more that I love)
    8- I idolize pin up girls. I want to look like one, and get my picture taken as one!
    9- I studied Interior Design in college, and hate when people confuse design and decorating.
    10- I have the best dog in the world named Weston! He's my fur baby! Lol.
    11- I have never broken a bone in my body or sprained anything, but have had many stitiches.
    12- After college I came home to live with my family again, and regret it everyday.
    13- I used to perform when I was in highschool. I sang in choirs and was in a production of Grease!
    14- When I get nervous I talk a lot, or not at all. I don't get nervous often, but when I do, it's obvious!
    15- I'm only 22, but feel like I am getting so old already. I'm very afraid of growing up before I have a chance to be young and foolish. My whole life I have done almost everything to please my parents. I feel like I haven't lived life to the fullest yet.
    16- I love being in the city. I love the architecture, the people and the culture. I can't wait to move to the "big" city.
    17- One day I will buy back the cottage my grandparents owned as I was growing up. They sold it a few years ago, and I've made it clear to everyone that I intend to buy it back when I'm older.
    18- I hope to move to the UK eventually. I want to go far away for a while..
    19- I tink day spllng thingz da way a 13 y/o txts her frendz iz vry childiish. (and so frustrating to try and read!)
    20- I have played with dolphins and snorkelled with the fish and coral reef - and loved it!
    21- I am horrifically pale. I return from a tropical vacation and no one believes I left!
    22- I love antiques and architectural salvage. I have a very eclectic taste, and love to reuse old stuff in new ways!
    23- I honestly think I am smarter than a lot of people I know - not that I think they're stupid. I think it's the only way I'm really conceited.. I have very low self-esteem otherwise..
    24- I love love love nintendo... still. I still have an original NES system, that works!
    25- As much as I love nintendo, and have played Mario for years, I have NEVER beat the original Mario Bros game. Lol.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    1) I have 2 dogs who I think the world revolves around.
    2) I have naturally straw-blonde hair, and I dye it dark.
    3) I hate olives.
    4) I have always hated beets... until recently.
    5) I was a vegetarian for 7 years, simply because I HATED the texture of meat.
    6) I can't eat ham. It's pink and spongy, and reminds me of... things that should never be bitten.
    7) I love lilies.
    8) I have an IQ of 156.
    9) I have size 11 feet.
    10) I have my nails done just so I can have an hour and a half of ME-time every few weeks.
    11) My mom and my husband are my best friends.
    12) I have 3 tattoos.
    13) I have had 13 piercings.
    14) I am claustrophobic.
    15) I am a hermit.
    16) In my spare time, I am a photographer.
    17) I'm an haute-couture girl in a Lane Bryant body.
    18) I can rock the red lipstick.
    19) Since the age of 2, I have slept with the same Care Bear. Grumpy Bear.
    20) I fell in love with my husband because of his thumbs.
    21) I am the girl next door. You just live in a kinky neighbourhood.
    22) I am fatally allergic to wasps & vespids.
    23) I am allergic to my allergy bracelet.
    24) I used to model. I want to do it again.
    25) My favourite colour is green.
  • Bump...I am filling this out when I get home!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    1. 22 going on 30... no one believes I'm 22 and I often forget myself =)
    2. I own two amazing rescue dogs, a pitbull/jack russel mix named Kona that was hit by a car at 12 weeks old and has a permanently disfigured leg and a limp (we were gunna name her Pogo, but thought it was mean...), and Cash, a hyper, 70lb pitbull that's the biggest snuggle bug I've ever met!
    3. I used to competitively ride horses and have fallen off and been bitten several times and was even kicked in the stomach so hard once that I had a hoof-shaped bruise for two-weeks!
    4. I'm petrified of butterflies
    5. My parents are my best friends and absolute role models
    6. My boyfriend of over 5 years is in nursing school. I'm about to pull out my hair dealing with him as he goes through this!
    7. I'm running my first half marathon in September and want to run the Chicago marathon in 2012 and the Disney marathon in 2013.
    8. I've been to Disney World 9 times, am a self-proclaimed Disney addict, and even have a tattoo of Mickey Mouse
    9. I own my own condo at the age of 22. I'm quite proud of my ability to establish good credit and put it to work at a young age
    10. I'm a control freak and a neat freak... I'm very much a virgo
    11. I played lacrosse in high school and love to wrestle around with the boys and play football... but my nails are always painted and I love jewelry, shopping, and shoes!!
    12. I just started off a career as an event planner and I'm looking forward to seeing what it turns in to!
    13. I love cooking... especially light cooking! Every Friday night I go to the grocery store and make all sorts of salsas, baked goods, and food for the weekend
    14. I waited tables for 6 years and didn't really mind it too much. It's stressful, but if I didn't have to work full-time I'd still probably do it. It's a great way to get an opportunity to meet tons of people (and I could burn 800 cals in a shift easily).
    15. My brother sat on me when I was 11 and broke my wrist
    16. I'm passionate about animals and get very upset when people are afraid of my dogs just because they're "pit bulls". Just like you don't want to be stereotyped, neither do they. Same with Rottweilers, German Sheperds, Dobermans, etc.
    17. I'd kill to live in San Diego or Colorado but would only move away from Chicago if I got an amazing job offer (DISNEY!!!!) or my parents moved with me.
    18. I like things to be smooth and everyone to be happy. I'm working on not letting people take advantage of me.
    19. I interned for a HORRIBLE lady and am not "trigger shy" at work. I'm always afraid that anytime I goof up that I'm going to get yelled at... learning that's not the case and working on it.
    20. I absolutely love Fleur Di Lis... my mom does too. I went to New Orleans a few weeks ago and spent far too much money...
    21. I enjoy my time alone. While I adore my friends, family, and boyfriend, I really need and love my time alone.
    22. The guy that sits next to me at work REALLY annoys me... especially right now... his voice... ugh!
    23. I actually think I'm really attractive. I could definitely lose some weight, but I love my smile and think I'm pretty cute =)
    24. I LOVE to read. The best part of my job is that I have an hour commute and get to read on the train every day!
    25. I'm really an attention hound. I love when people take notice of my efforts or even a new hairstyle or outfit. I love getting comments on my blogs, posts, etc... be my friend? :flowerforyou:
  • I'm super bored:

    1- I love all colors but I surround myself with Green, Blue and Black and White.
    2- People say that they don't drink to get drunk, I cannot avoid that as two drinks in I'm buzzing
    3- I love nature - from a distance.
    4- I was born in South Korea
    5- I used to be a vegetarian and I still don't eat a lot of meat.
    6- I have an IQ of 175-80 <--you need to talk about which IQ test you have taken and if it is valid, mine was and it's the Wechsler.
    7- IQ is stupid
    8- I sing every single day and it's a good thing I spend a lot of time alone
    9- It's fun to translate entire conversations in my head via song lyrics
    10- I've never been stung by a bee, jellyfish, yellow jacket or wasp
    11- I wish so much that skin cancer was not real so I could toast my entire body like a lizard in the sun
    12- I'm afraid of heights, practically phobic about insects, and swimming in the ocean
    12- The dark isn't exactly fun for me either
    13- I have zero tattoos. I might get one..or maybe not
    14- Vegetables taste fantastic to me. I could probably survive on only vegetables. I feel sorry for those that don't enjoy them.
    15- My grammar sucks
    16- I live undercover in my neighborhood, if they realized what I was really like, they'd kick me out lol.
    17- One of the things that would get all of the other uptight suburbanites panties in a bunch would be that I find it acceptable to smoke a joint on my back porch
    18- When I was a little kid I used to think commercials were mini movies
    19- I like being over prepared
    20- I'm 35 and I feel young as hell
    21- Used to have two cats named Virgil and Sydney. I wish they were still alive.
    22- I love names and name things often and whenever I can
    23- If they created any way to integrate proven technology to increase our personal memory or connect directly with technology I'd probably sign up (cyborgs)
    24- If I weren't a mother and married and this were far in the future I'd be in space.
    25- I hate stuffed animals and pink things
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