
Hi there, it's my first day here & I hope to lose about 20 lbs and get in better shape. I have a desk job & do not get enough exercise so it makes staying in shape difficult sometimes. Mostly I just like to eat!
This looks like a great site & just knowing what I am actually eating will really show me my problem areas.


  • gofigure6
    Hi Dawn, I just signed up on Monday - December 6th. I am doing Zumba 2-3 times a week but it's not enough. I too want to loose 20-25 lbs. It's hard to stay with it and enter what you eat everyday. Gofigure6
  • jessica012583
    Hi Dawn,

    Welcome to MFP! This is a great website and you'll find lots of information and motivation here. I have lost 13lbs while using MFP (18lbs total). I used to always crash diet and than a few months later the weight would just pile back on. This is the first time I have tried to lose weight the healthy way and it's been working out great. Occasionally, I'll have a few cheat days and than get on the scale and nothing gained...before I used to just cheat a little bit and get on the scale and it showed an additional 2lbs. You're whole way of eating will change while using MFP as you become more aware of the nutritional values of everything you eat. A cheat day with MFP is not like a normal cheat day from my past....A big eye-opener for me was when I looked up my favorite dessert which is red-velvet cheesecake from CheeseCake Factory and it was 1510 calories! I've lost my weight from counting calories and staying around 1200 calories per day...I don't work out as much as I should so my weight loss hasn't been as quick but the important thing is that your making healthy changes to your diet and as you start to see results that will help motivate you with working out.

    *** I also use MFP on my i-phone and it is soooo handy.

    I wish you the best!

  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Welcome! Did you know weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories out? Exercise helps speed up weight loss but is not necessary to lose the weight. Just keep active,start with the little things like walking further from your car,taking stairs, walking instead of riding & even cleaning your house at a faster pace.
    Add this to food diary to see calories eated[accurate] along with the help of MFP you will see the change in your appearance in no time! Good Luck!:wink: P.S. LB. IS 3500 calories! Remember to eat at least 1200 cals for women & 1800 and up for a man!
  • kazzanelson
    kazzanelson Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there, and welcome to MFP! It's really motivated me over the last 2 1/2 months since I joined and I've lost 4 lbs (6 or so to go). You will find it a support and pleasure I think! Don't forget to check the posting boards for interesting discussions and info, add me as a friend if you like!