always over on carbs and sugar

no matter what i try i am always over on what they tell me my allotted carbs and sugar for the day. i used to drink 3 32 oz sodas a day now i am down to 1 or 2 12 oz soda which for me is a big step i am working on cutting those out slowly but even days i dont have pepsi's i am still always over even when i dont have enough calories or fat so frusterating


  • _runbitchrun
    _runbitchrun Posts: 205 Member
    Me too.... I love carbs. I've tried to scale down, I've been doing better but they are so damn yummy, and in things I never thought! Thats what gets you, when you don't know you are eating them!
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    Just a quick scan of your diary reveals the problem...

    The vast majority of your food is highly processed highly refined carbohydrates its as simple as that.

    If you want to come under in carbs and sugar stop eating them. Eat real food and if you want bread or pasta etc get wholewheat.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    To me, if you don't have a medical problem that requires watching carbs (diabetes, PCOS, etc.), I wouldn't worry about being over.
  • BadAssBeast
    I sometimes go over in carbs and sugar too. The key is to pay attention to those non-healthy foods that are putting you over. Substitute in more protein instead. Protein keeps your body feel full longer than carbs do. Not to mention, your muscles needs protein to be healthy and strong. Hope that helped a lil bit. Best of luck to you in reaching your goals. Remember, keep working at it. You'll figure it all out :)
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Look at your macros from meal to meal as much as you can and try to get in what you need. High on carbs already? Eat something high in protein (for example).
  • scottsgirl4lyfe2004
    scottsgirl4lyfe2004 Posts: 36 Member
    i am not really sure i mean i know frozen meales are processed but i dont know how to pick the right foods ive been just tryna stay at calorie goal and under fat
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    I rarely go over on carbs, when I do it is also the days that I go over on calories. Are you meeting your calorie goals, if not how close are you? Have you tried to retrain yourself on balanced meals? If you aren't portioning out your meals in a balanced manner you could go buy yourself one of those toddler plates with the devided sections, put your veggies in the biggest, then meats and carbs in the smaller sections. It may seem degrading, but learning portions the first time, and relearning them as an adult are all about reenforcement.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I rarely go over on carbs, when I do it is also the days that I go over on calories. Are you meeting your calorie goals, if not how close are you? Have you tried to retrain yourself on balanced meals? If you aren't portioning out your meals in a balanced manner you could go buy yourself one of those toddler plates with the devided sections, put your veggies in the biggest, then meats and carbs in the smaller sections. It may seem degrading, but learning portions the first time, and relearning them as an adult are all about reenforcement.

    If you're eating a deficit and getting enough protein (you don't need too much) 0.7 - 1g per lb of lean mass. The more active you are the nearer the 1g you should aim for. No need t go over that though.

    Outside of that just eat what you fancy (of course trying to get you micro-nutrients).

    Good luck