Anyone work 12 hr days and still workout?



  • I leave my house at 630 and get in at 830. I wake up at 430 to work out. Still get my 7 hours sleep. Sometimes, like if i've worked more than 6 days in a row, i find it SO hard to wake up.. but generally i've got used to it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I wouldn't sweat it. You're probably pretty active at your job.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    My 12.5 hr shifts are on my feet most of the time so I can walk up to 10 miles (including 1.7 miles to work & back) and burn up to 3000 calories each shift. I don't bother with exercise on those days.
  • Im scheduled to work 3 twelve hr days and am really struggling with getting in my 5 or 6 workouts per week with such a long day. I get up 645 to get ready and get my kids going and don't get home till 930 p. I'm exhausted after a long day. Any advice or tips?

    I keep two 2kg weights at my desk and do some quick exercises whenever I have a chance.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Honestly I don't work out on the days I have 12 hours shifts, but I run my butt off at work. My coworker gets up super early and runs while her hubby and kids are sleeping. She looks tired a lot. I just work out on my off days.

    ETA: I log my work days as 720+ minutes of cardio labeled as Vigorous Nursing :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • zeussmith718
    zeussmith718 Posts: 29 Member
    Sometimes I have to pull 30ish days of 12-15 hour shifts, but its different for me because my job is pretty physical and fast paced.. so I am running. When those days come I typically bump up to 3-5 hour energies a day and can eat whatever I want and still lose weight... usually 10-15 lbs the only draw back is that I lose muscle as well. Then when its all over trying to retrain myself to get back into a normal routine is much tougher.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'm a nurse practitioner in an urgent care, and most days don't even have time to pee let alone actually take a walk.
    What sort of workout are you looking for?
    Not sure what your job entails, but it sounds like your activity levels are likely to be pretty high anyway.
    You could make a point to take stairs rather than lift to add to that (though maybe not if pushing a bed!)
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Yeah i use to work terrible long hours. 2 jobs day and night, It was hard to workout and eat right, but i made sure i got it done. I just got up early and done my workouts, if not i would come home at night and do it.
  • Zondeare
    Zondeare Posts: 50 Member
    I work 7p-7a 3-4 days a week. I always come home and sleep til 2:30p then hit the gym. I still have time to get home shower and make a healthy sitdown dinner for the family before heading back to work. It's hard. I'm tired, but it works.
  • Bump for more inspiration
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Thanks everyone, all good ideas. I will try walking during breaks between my patients! It can get pretty busy in my urgent care, but i will try ;)

    I'm an urgent care nurse and work 12 hr shifts. I work 2-3 days per week and don't exercise on days I work. If I try to put pressure on myself to exercise those days I just get discouraged. I figure 4-5 days is pretty good.
  • OliveRiver
    OliveRiver Posts: 81 Member
    I'm a housewife myself, but husband works shift schedule at a paper mill and we run our daily schedule around his work since I drive him to/from most of the time.

    Whether he's working days/nights, we get up at 4, leave for work at 5, I'll pick him up at 6, then we'll go to the company gym for a half hour before heading home.