Fairly New and Looking to get more Involved


I'm 26, 5'3, and currently 227lbs. Looking for some motivation and anyone giving/needing support. I have had a MFP for a while but haven't seriously used it. Trying to learn the ropes so any advice and help would be greatly appreciated!


  • I'm new too! I've struggled my whole life and have been up and down with weight. (Not like 10 lbs, I mean I've been 135 - 215). Drives me nuts when my friends say, ya I would like to drop 4 lbs,they just don't get it. I've heard great things about this app! I do have a friend from high school who's always struggled, who shed and kept off 135lb and she contributes a lot of it to my fitness pal app and Zumba. I JUST ordered t25 workout, so I'm feeling motivated! Good luck hun, you can do this! -Stacey
  • CalistaBruno
    CalistaBruno Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! I'm 23, 170 lbs, and in need of motivation. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • meikle91
    meikle91 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 23, wanting to get into it more. Currently 17st. :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • ryantrimble12
    ryantrimble12 Posts: 49 Member
    Hey! I'm 24 and have been using mfp for a bit now, but I'm just recently finding the community aspect to be really motivating, so always looking for new friends. Feel free to add me (anyone)
  • Hey everyone I just joined MFP yest. I'm 41 yrs old My goal is to get back to my weight which I had in high school. My current weight is 205 and my GOAL is 130-135 I have a mutual friend that told me about this group. Please add me as a friend as I will give you support in your journey to loose weight as I am as well. Thank you :)
  • frankmochrie
    frankmochrie Posts: 51 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Hello, I'm 53 and joined MFP a little while ago and find it very helpful. I was doing Weight Watchers for awhile and it did work but got very boring. The meeting were pretty much the same each week. I did like the weight it part, here you have to be real honest with yourself when it comes to weight in's. I hope to make good friends here. Send me a request for friendship.
  • ladym8204
    ladym8204 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me. My second time on mfp. I wasn't very involved the first time and gained the weight back. This time i'm staying active on here and encouraging others!!
  • gsi13397
    gsi13397 Posts: 1
    I am fairly new as well, I am currently juicing eating one meal a day!
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 27 and pretty new here too! Feel free to add me, as I want to get more involved in the MFP community too!
  • hadj1888
    hadj1888 Posts: 2
    hi new to this needing friends and motivational partners
  • Good morning everyone!!!! Today is another brand NEW DAY!!! I'm about ready to get on my treadmill for 30 mins My speed that I normally have it on is 2 mph. For me that is fast enough because I have dizziness 24/7 and I don't want to fall off the treadmill. I just recently started this program and it is inspiring for me to get off my BUTT and walk!!!!! I very much need more friends and motivational partners. This is my LONG TERM GOAL is to loose the weight that I have now. I WANT IT GONE ;) Please add me as a friend as I will encourage you ;)
  • arene0717
    arene0717 Posts: 14
    Hi! What does the one meal a day consist of for you?