

  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Does anyone else get FURIOUS at people who judge you for eating healthy??? And watching what you eat?? Or tell you that you're "too obsessive" over exercise and eating healthy and should "enjoy your life??"" I'm like BACK UP, I take pride in my work in the gym and kitchen and DO ENJOY EATING HEALTHY. Sorry I don't want fries with that???!?!

    Like today I was told running long distances was terrible for you and I would have to have knee surgery and leg surgery when I got older and was basically belittled because I like running ten miles instead of being told, "Wow look at you go!" Like excuse me people, I love love LOVE being healthy and no I may not eat the entire serving of cake that is put on my plate, but that means I'm "too obsessive" and "worry about my weight too much" ?!?!?!?

    People can just piss you off, ya know?

    step back a second...

    what exactly is "eating healthy" and why do you think that the foods you choose to eat give you a position of moral superiority over the foods that others choose to eat? food is just fuel. if you're getting enough nutritional value from your food choices, then fries can be a regular part of your diet.

    of course, the foods you choose to eat are your business and nobody should be giving you a hard time so long as your diet is giving you the nutrients that you need. however, if you are disgusted when you see somebody else eating fries and you think that person is necessarily "unhealthy", then you're in the wrong too. that doesn't mean you're a bad person. it just means that you may be misinformed about the true nature of food and how your body uses it. your body doesn't care whether it gets what it needs from a diet that includes only so-called "healthy" foods or one that also includes so-called "unhealthy" foods. it simply goes to work breaking them down and extracting what it needs from them.

    Was not saying that I don't eat unhealthy at times and never stated that I hated fries, I do my binge eating as well. And no I don't judge people for not eating healthy or not exercising every day. I let them do them. That's why I don't understand why they come after me when I am choosing not to eat bread for lunch. I don't think I should be told that "You are depriving yourself when you say you don't want cake" or "You're too obsessive." Or judging me because I don't eat the entire cake that's on my plate??
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Does anyone else get FURIOUS at people who judge you for eating healthy??? And watching what you eat?? Or tell you that you're "too obsessive" over exercise and eating healthy and should "enjoy your life??"" I'm like BACK UP, I take pride in my work in the gym and kitchen and DO ENJOY EATING HEALTHY. Sorry I don't want fries with that???!?!

    Like today I was told running long distances was terrible for you and I would have to have knee surgery and leg surgery when I got older and was basically belittled because I like running ten miles instead of being told, "Wow look at you go!" Like excuse me people, I love love LOVE being healthy and no I may not eat the entire serving of cake that is put on my plate, but that means I'm "too obsessive" and "worry about my weight too much" ?!?!?!?

    People can just piss you off, ya know?
    The way I see it: opinions are a dime a dozen and everyone has one. All their judgements are about them and have nothing to do with you.

    Enjoy who you are and your weight loss journey and just allow their comments to roll off you back. You are incredible and you know it! ::bigsmile:
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    What I can't stand is when someone comments on my weight loss, says they want to loss weight, so I tell them what I did to loss weight, and then they start talking about some other technique they heard helps you to lose weight.

    Especially when this conversation has happened with the same person several times.


    Either take my advice, or shut up about weight loss.

    And yeah, I used to not talk to anyone about what I am doing, but recently everyone has been commenting on my weight loss. I can't hide that I am being healthier anymore!

    THIS!!!! Don't ask me for help and then not choose to do it and continue to complain about your weight. You have to do something about it
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Does anyone else get FURIOUS at people who judge you for eating healthy??? And watching what you eat?? Or tell you that you're "too obsessive" over exercise and eating healthy and should "enjoy your life??"" I'm like BACK UP, I take pride in my work in the gym and kitchen and DO ENJOY EATING HEALTHY. Sorry I don't want fries with that???!?!

    Like today I was told running long distances was terrible for you and I would have to have knee surgery and leg surgery when I got older and was basically belittled because I like running ten miles instead of being told, "Wow look at you go!" Like excuse me people, I love love LOVE being healthy and no I may not eat the entire serving of cake that is put on my plate, but that means I'm "too obsessive" and "worry about my weight too much" ?!?!?!?

    People can just piss you off, ya know?

    step back a second...

    what exactly is "eating healthy" and why do you think that the foods you choose to eat give you a position of moral superiority over the foods that others choose to eat? food is just fuel. if you're getting enough nutritional value from your food choices, then fries can be a regular part of your diet.

    of course, the foods you choose to eat are your business and nobody should be giving you a hard time so long as your diet is giving you the nutrients that you need. however, if you are disgusted when you see somebody else eating fries and you think that person is necessarily "unhealthy", then you're in the wrong too. that doesn't mean you're a bad person. it just means that you may be misinformed about the true nature of food and how your body uses it. your body doesn't care whether it gets what it needs from a diet that includes only so-called "healthy" foods or one that also includes so-called "unhealthy" foods. it simply goes to work breaking them down and extracting what it needs from them.

    Was not saying that I don't eat unhealthy at times and never stated that I hated fries, I do my binge eating as well. And no I don't judge people for not eating healthy or not exercising every day. I let them do them. That's why I don't understand why they come after me when I am choosing not to eat bread for lunch. I don't think I should be told that "You are depriving yourself when you say you don't want cake" or "You're too obsessive." Or judging me because I don't eat the entire cake that's on my plate??

    based on those examples, it sounds like what people are objecting to is you not engaging in social eating. there have been zillions of threads about that on here. just search for titles like "OMG. i hate my co-workers for getting mad at me for not having birthday cake with them!!!". it sounds like maybe those comments are coming more from a place where they feel like you're refusing to be part of the group due to a food obsession. whether true or not, the way to respond to that is to simply politely decline with a smile and say something like "wow, it looks really good, but i can't have any because right now i'm strictly watching my calorie and macronutrient intake". usually that will be enough for people to know not to push the issue. alternately, you can have a couple of bites and it literally won't affect your diet at all. only if you make a big deal about people pressuring you to eat will people typically get snippy back. most adults understand if you're watching your diet and won't push the issue if you're polite about it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Middle fingers are wonderful tools.
    haha this is the best...

  • dancer2u
    dancer2u Posts: 35 Member
    There is a technique that you should perfect that I call "The art of listening without listening" and it is the ability to nod, make sympathetic noises and generally agree while not taking the slightest notice of what the other person is actually saying.

    I always think its worth trying :wink:

    Sounds like most men I know; mainly my husband, lol.

    To the original poster, I know exactly how you feel. I am going through that myself. I am getting more confident, more energy, & feeling better from eating better (4 weeks) & getting exercise (8 weeks now) & it’s like people are upset because I am happy & they aren’t. I also hate when they ask me how much weight have I lost & I tell them, then they tell someone else that I am bragging. WTH! I know it’s because deep down they are jealous, but the heck with them. I can’t stay away from them though because they are in my day to day life, & have no choice but to be around them. Just hang in there & tell them what they are saying isn't nice & they should be supportive if they care about you. Next one that says something harsh or acts upset at me for trying to better my health, then I am going to let my mouth do the talking, lol. :P
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I can so relate to this problem! I have one acquaintance (wife of my husband's friend) who simply cannot keep her mouth shut, always making remarks about my weight and more. I find avoidance works wonders and when cornered I make sure my husband is in between her and myself. If that doesn't work I go into my zone and tune her out ;)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Does anyone else get FURIOUS at people who judge you for eating healthy??? And watching what you eat?? Or tell you that you're "too obsessive" over exercise and eating healthy and should "enjoy your life??"" I'm like BACK UP, I take pride in my work in the gym and kitchen and DO ENJOY EATING HEALTHY. Sorry I don't want fries with that???!?!

    Like today I was told running long distances was terrible for you and I would have to have knee surgery and leg surgery when I got older and was basically belittled because I like running ten miles instead of being told, "Wow look at you go!" Like excuse me people, I love love LOVE being healthy and no I may not eat the entire serving of cake that is put on my plate, but that means I'm "too obsessive" and "worry about my weight too much" ?!?!?!?

    People can just piss you off, ya know?

    step back a second...

    what exactly is "eating healthy" and why do you think that the foods you choose to eat give you a position of moral superiority over the foods that others choose to eat? food is just fuel. if you're getting enough nutritional value from your food choices, then fries can be a regular part of your diet.

    of course, the foods you choose to eat are your business and nobody should be giving you a hard time so long as your diet is giving you the nutrients that you need. however, if you are disgusted when you see somebody else eating fries and you think that person is necessarily "unhealthy", then you're in the wrong too. that doesn't mean you're a bad person. it just means that you may be misinformed about the true nature of food and how your body uses it. your body doesn't care whether it gets what it needs from a diet that includes only so-called "healthy" foods or one that also includes so-called "unhealthy" foods. it simply goes to work breaking them down and extracting what it needs from them.

    well put, Brainy.

    We all make choices about judging each other without being fully informed. OP, it might upset you when people come across as judgmental about your your workouts or eating choices, and that's not necessarily okay. But some of what you say about how you eat comes across as judgmental about how others eat. The same could be said about the working out.

    Everyone you meet has a story you don't know about . so first thing, Always, be kind.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    There is a technique that you should perfect that I call "The art of listening without listening" and it is the ability to nod, make sympathetic noises and generally agree while not taking the slightest notice of what the other person is actually saying.

    I always think its worth trying :wink:

    Sounds like most men I know; mainly my husband, lol.

    To the original poster, I know exactly how you feel. I am going through that myself. I am getting more confident, more energy, & feeling better from eating better (4 weeks) & getting exercise (8 weeks now) & it’s like people are upset because I am happy & they aren’t. I also hate when they ask me how much weight have I lost & I tell them, then they tell someone else that I am bragging. WTH! I know it’s because deep down they are jealous, but the heck with them. I can’t stay away from them though because they are in my day to day life, & have no choice but to be around them. Just hang in there & tell them what they are saying isn't nice & they should be supportive if they care about you. Next one that says something harsh or acts upset at me for trying to better my health, then I am going to let my mouth do the talking, lol. :P

    Ummm not sure this is something I should admit but it is a skill many of us men learn when we get married :happy:

    ETA Spelling
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I have perfected the art of tuning out such nonsense and going to my happy place in my mind. Try it. It works wonders on relieving stress. :smile:
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Sometimes people tell me to stop losing weight. I just smile and nod. I don't tell them I've maintained for over twelve months now. I don't get pissed off either.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Does anyone else get FURIOUS at people who judge you for eating healthy??? And watching what you eat?? Or tell you that you're "too obsessive" over exercise and eating healthy and should "enjoy your life??"" I'm like BACK UP, I take pride in my work in the gym and kitchen and DO ENJOY EATING HEALTHY. Sorry I don't want fries with that???!?!

    Like today I was told running long distances was terrible for you and I would have to have knee surgery and leg surgery when I got older and was basically belittled because I like running ten miles instead of being told, "Wow look at you go!" Like excuse me people, I love love LOVE being healthy and no I may not eat the entire serving of cake that is put on my plate, but that means I'm "too obsessive" and "worry about my weight too much" ?!?!?!?

    People can just piss you off, ya know?

    I just tell people that, as long as it works and I'm happy, then I'll continue doing what I have been doing. Many people who mention things like that aren't that healthy... so I like to think that, when they can create a large change like I have, then they can talk. Works for me every time. Good luck!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Middle fingers are wonderful tools.

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I just smirk a little. My quality of life is so much better because of my healthy lifestyle. Plus, I'm too old to care what other people think. I know what works for me. People with unhelpful advice can suck it.

    P.S. I've been running long-distance for over 20 years and my joints are just fine. I know people who have needed surgery who have never even run.
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Does anyone else get FURIOUS at people who judge you for eating healthy??? And watching what you eat?? Or tell you that you're "too obsessive" over exercise and eating healthy and should "enjoy your life??"" I'm like BACK UP, I take pride in my work in the gym and kitchen and DO ENJOY EATING HEALTHY. Sorry I don't want fries with that???!?!

    Like today I was told running long distances was terrible for you and I would have to have knee surgery and leg surgery when I got older and was basically belittled because I like running ten miles instead of being told, "Wow look at you go!" Like excuse me people, I love love LOVE being healthy and no I may not eat the entire serving of cake that is put on my plate, but that means I'm "too obsessive" and "worry about my weight too much" ?!?!?!?

    People can just piss you off, ya know?

    step back a second...

    what exactly is "eating healthy" and why do you think that the foods you choose to eat give you a position of moral superiority over the foods that others choose to eat? food is just fuel. if you're getting enough nutritional value from your food choices, then fries can be a regular part of your diet.

    of course, the foods you choose to eat are your business and nobody should be giving you a hard time so long as your diet is giving you the nutrients that you need. however, if you are disgusted when you see somebody else eating fries and you think that person is necessarily "unhealthy", then you're in the wrong too. that doesn't mean you're a bad person. it just means that you may be misinformed about the true nature of food and how your body uses it. your body doesn't care whether it gets what it needs from a diet that includes only so-called "healthy" foods or one that also includes so-called "unhealthy" foods. it simply goes to work breaking them down and extracting what it needs from them.

    well put, Brainy.

    We all make choices about judging each other without being fully informed. OP, it might upset you when people come across as judgmental about your your workouts or eating choices, and that's not necessarily okay. But some of what you say about how you eat comes across as judgmental about how others eat. The same could be said about the working out.

    Everyone you meet has a story you don't know about . so first thing, Always, be kind.

    Okay first off I did not say that I judge unhealthy people and I don't eat unhealthy foods. I have my indulgence as well. If I want it, I'm gonna eat it, but it will be in moderation. I don't care what others do and no I don't look at other people and go, "ew how can you eat that?" I do my own thing. But I don't think I should get lectured at that the fact that I do try to choose healthier options for foods or for wanting to work out 6 days a week. And that's what happens to me. I get lectured. And belittled. I don't rub it in anyones face that I eat healthy or even bring up topics about weight loss, exercise, healthy eating, but everyone else brings it up.
  • Ulfgard
    Ulfgard Posts: 49 Member
    Am I angry over people judging me? Not at all. I roll my eyes and move on.

    Most people I come in contact with will probably never see again so it doesn't really matter what they say or think.

    As far as unhealthy people that judge, they are just miserable S.O.B's trying to bring everyone to there personal hell.
  • WhisperingCloud
    WhisperingCloud Posts: 28 Member
    I can't deny that it doesn't get under my skin a little as well. My father-in-law routinely makes comments like, "You need to eat something, you're getting too skinny." I feel like I put a lot of work into my weight loss, and I do think of it as an achievement, exactly because I'm eating PLENTY, and losing it in a healthy way. But, I do have to take a deep breath and relax also, because I know that he's coming from a place of love, and he just doesn't understand. And, honestly, I'd rather hear that than gentle suggestions from people, when I was fat, about how I could stand to lose a few pounds...
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    As a former Corpsman in the US Navy, I must say that I've never seen or heard of anyone having surgery because they were runners. I have taken care of patients coming out of surgery that needed it because of their weight. As stupid as this may sound, I'd rather have knee surgery due to my running, than have one because my weight caused significant damage to it. It sucks to see a patient breakdown and cry because diabetes has set in and taken a turn for the worse due to their obesity. Keep doing you and keep living your life. The naysayers are nothing more than a nuisance and noise makers.