Dinner out tomight at Olive Garden

Celtic_Ace Posts: 62
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So I went out to dinner tonight to you guessed it the Olive Garden. Surprisingly the food was excellent and the service was just as good. I ordered salad which is all you can eat and I had 3 bowls (it comes with a house oil and vinegar) skipped the bread (obviously since I'm on a low card 1200 calorie diet) a Michelob ultra, glass of water and had a "Garden Fare" carb friendly Mixed Grill (chicken and steak) and 2 cups of decaf with half and half and splenda. I figured not bad since everyone I was with was ordering rich dinners, eating bread sticks, and tiramisu with chocolate mints for desert. As I was paying the bill and waiting for the waitress to come back to the table I went ahead and entered my dinner on myfitnesspal.com. I almost threw up after I saw my totals for the meal. Close to 1500 calories and 81 carbs..........................
Got home and went for a brisk 30 minute bike ride and burned off 350 calories. I now it probably didn't help much since it was at least 30 minutes after dinner but it made me feel better anyways.
Really makes you wonder about how many calories and carbs I used to eat when I wasn't watching my diet and living an unhealthy life. At my age size and weight I burn around 2100 calories a day. I bet I was eating that much at lunch and again at dinner and half of that at breakfast...........for at least 2.5 times more than my body was using............Crazy!


  • mmmmmm their salad sounds so good right now!!! LOL! I started looking at the foods before I go out to eat so I make better decisions or at least try to. Sometimes i just dont worry about it and get what I want. good luck!
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    2100 calories a day, how in the world do you burn that? Like 4 hours of cardio. I do 45 minutes of cardio and only burn 400 calories. don't I wish I could burn that much! lol.. BTW.. I LOVE OLIVE GARDEN.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Nickey, I think he's talking about his BMR. It really is surprising how unconscious we were before we started our programs. I get sick thinking I used to slam about 2500+ cals a day. That's great you had the willpower to stay away from the breadsticks. Those were always my bane.
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    Oh, no I didn't stay away from the bread stick, those are the bomb!!! I haven't week to eat out anywhere in 30 days, I can't .. I will eat something bad!! lol, I will go back when I'm ready and my first choise in Dining will be Texas Road House..There rolls are tasty w/ their apple butter... So, I'm ok on my calorie buring than I HOPE
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Surprisingly the food was excellent and the service was just as good.
    What's so surprising about this?
  • JillTwiss
    JillTwiss Posts: 139 Member
    Olive Garden's salads are my all-time favorite. I buy their dressing too. I could drink that stuff. BUT...holy crap, have you looked at the sodium content???? What I usually do now is put about 1-2 tablespoons on a TON of salad in a really big bowl and mix it all up really well. That way I use less.
    Good lord it's delicious though, isn't it?
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Oh, no I didn't stay away from the bread stick, those are the bomb!!! I haven't week to eat out anywhere in 30 days, I can't .. I will eat something bad!! lol, I will go back when I'm ready and my first choise in Dining will be Texas Road House..There rolls are tasty w/ their apple butter... So, I'm ok on my calorie buring than I HOPE

    Arrggh Texas Road House I miss that so much :)
  • Last time I ate there I was surprised when I entered my calories-the salad with the house dressing they serve was my highest calorie item! I always have soup when I am there, and TRY to stick to half a bread stick.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    last time I went to olive garden I didnt eat the breadsticks and got the potatoe soup I love it and the apricot chicken ( less then 500cals) and really yummy. I was really proud of myself and had a great dinner. But yes I have often thought the same thing, How much did I eat before ? It must have been ALOT at times. I used to eat 3 breadsticks , the soup or salad and the chicken con broccoli , my favorite. Glad you had a good time and you did good considering where you where......
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Surprisingly the food was excellent and the service was just as good.
    What's so surprising about this?

    Everything...i mean about the food.

    Olive Garden is to Italian food as Taco Bell is to Mexican and as Outback is to a real Steakhouse.
  • exactly Red
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Since I have Celiacs (gluten allergy) I can't eat out at many places anymore (even tho OG has a GF menu, there is too much cross-contamination). But since I started on MFP, I realized that the few places we could eat out, the serving they give you is for "2"!!! And yes, the sodium content is thru the roof on EVERYTHING! I don't use salt at home (unless I'm in a weird craving mood once every several months) so I always ask for no extra salt, especially since most times they're making my food "fresh" I tell them to not put salt on anything: this probably saves me a lot in sodium & calories since they can't use their regular spices on my food.

    If there is one close to you, Seasons 52 is pretty good: I was advised that ALL their dishes are under 500 calores (they're all around 450 or something) and less of course if you don't add the xtra sauces & spices.

    I know it takes some getting used to, but next time you eat out, request that they not add xtra salt or seasoning, try salad with just a little olive oil & vinegar (my fav is a tsp of olive oil to 3 or 4 Tbs of vinegar with some pepper) and especially, ask for veggies steamed plain, in water, no salt no seasoning: this will save you a TON of calories!

    Good luck on everyone's eating out journey's :flowerforyou:
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