I weigh myself everyday.

Like on my other topic I gained. Should I weigh myself once a week?? Ugghh i'm driving myself nuts here :(


  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    I weigh once a week - weight can change 2-3 lbs on a daily basis because of things like water retention, salt intake, extra sweating, etc...

    If you insist on doing it daily, then I would recommend doing a weekly graph and make sure that the general trend is at least flat and hopefully down

  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I weigh daily because it motivates me but I don't let it screw with my head if I'm up a pound or two. You probably should go to weighing once a week
  • Stonekerry
    Stonekerry Posts: 54 Member
    I find if I weigh myself everyday then I get de-motivated when I don't see a miraculous drop because I've been "good" the day before. In reality, weight goes up and down throughout the week due to water etc.
    Be true to yourself - fill in your diary, keep to your calorie count and try to do some exercise - from my experience the scales will then look after themselves!!
    Good luck!
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Pro tip: the amount of times you weigh yourself will not have any impact on weight loss or weight gain.
  • ChelseaHamman
    ChelseaHamman Posts: 29 Member
    Yes, the day to day fluctuations may mess with your mind. If frquent weighing is too tempting, one thing to consider is an app or program that trends weight. Similar to graphing but it does the work for you. I have used "Libre" but there are plenty other apps and even websites (such as https://trendweight.com/) that are just as good, I am sure. Best wishes...
  • pangepange
    pangepange Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh-in every day using the Aria wireless scale. Even if I have gained from the day before, I don't worry. I just look at my trend graphs and focus on doing what I can to make it trend downwards. :) If it stresses you out to see the fluctuations, weekly might work better for you.
  • lizpitts
    lizpitts Posts: 67 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate daily. I weigh every day and my weight will vary by a couple of pounds some days. Also some weeks I won't lose anything and some weeks I'll lose more than my calories would indicate I should have lost. If you track your weight over time you'll have a better idea of whether you're losing or gaining. It' sometimes hard NOT to become obsessive about that number on the scale but remember it's just ONE measurement - and not always a terribly accurate one.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    First, why did you start two threads?

    Second, it's probably just water retention. That happens. It's especially noticeable when you weigh everyday. Presuming you're eating right, you'll go back down either tomorrow or in a few days (really depends).
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    I used to weigh myself in only once a week. It was good for me before I lost a larger amount of weight - that way I only saw the larger downward trend. Now I weigh in on a daily basis, so that I can see properly what certain foods and caloric amounts/activity amounts do to affect me, and I've learned good information from it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you do not understand natural body weight fluctuations and what causes those then you should not weigh yourself daily. Beyond that, I would make the effort to understand those fluctuations because youll always have them and they're completely natural and can be as much as 3-5 Lbs day to day either way.
  • mscrystallee
    mscrystallee Posts: 62 Member
    Weighing yourself daily is unnecessary and will most likely drive you crazy. I fluctuate weight through any given week and at most a once a week weigh in at the same time/ same day gives a better reading of long term weight loss efforts. I stopped weighing myself about 2 months ago, I have lost inches, feel amazing and got tired of judging my self worth by the number on the scale, as normally it would send me into a downward spiral of self hate.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Like on my other topic I gained. Should I weigh myself once a week?? Ugghh i'm driving myself nuts here :(

    Well.... tongue in cheek here.... if you're gaining weight, weighing once a day... aren't you still gonna gain, if you weigh once a week? More seriously though.... and I haven't seen your other topic..... if weighing every day is driving you nuts, then you probably shouldn't be weighing every day. If gaining weight is driving you nuts, then, I should probably read your other topic, to see what's up with that.

    So, I guess final answer :wink: is:

    Don't weigh every day, if it drives you nuts.

    * Edited * to add.... I did check your other thread. I think you've been around here long enough to know that, if you're weighing every day, a small 'gain' like that, could be meaningless. You'll have to see where the trend goes, to know if you need to make any changes. In other words.... in the famous words of my godfather, as our canoes were being swamped... and he was completely panicking.... " Don't F*cking Panic !!! " :bigsmile:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I weigh daily because it motivates me but I don't let it screw with my head if I'm up a pound or two. You probably should go to weighing once a week

    I have been weighing myself daily for several years. I see the daily fluctuations and don't let it bug me. I see the patterns and know that a few pounds gained or lost is totally normal - like today, I'm up from yesterday, about 3lbs up from a week or so ago....but my clothes still fit the same, it's not a 3lb fat gain. So many variables - exercise, hormones, salt, water, whatever. It doesn't bug me because I know I'm making progress despite what the silly scale says.

    Grab a tape measure, record your measurements, take some pics for later comparisons and pay attention to how your clothes are fitting. And weight once a week or even less if it's going to drive you mad. :smile:
  • megaen29
    megaen29 Posts: 95 Member
    I weigh myself daily and it helps keep me motivated. I very rarely retain water because I have a fairly low sodium intake and drink lots of water. On the rare day I do gain at most .8lbs I know it must be from water and I just ignore that weight and keep on going.

    Not everyone is going to be able to do this however and should only weigh in once and week or once a month if seeing only losses is your motivation.

    I also like to try new foods quite regularly and daily weighing lets me monitor what foods work with my body and what doesn't.
  • SuperHero_Girl
    SuperHero_Girl Posts: 72 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and track each weigh-in using an app called Weight Bot. I used to get discouraged if I didn't see a loss or if there was a gain, but I've become more interested in the science-y side of weight loss and fitness and I like to see and decipher any trends so I know what works or where I might see improvement.

    For example, I went out to eat last night and went over my daily calorie allotment by at least 1000 calories and consumed a great deal more sodium than I typically do - this morning I saw a nearly 2lb gain on the scale, but I know it's probably because I'm more than likely retaining water from the increased sodium intake. The water retention could also be contributed to muscle repair from the strength training I did yesterday morning as well.

    Weighing oneself everyday is not for everyone though - if you're more likely to get discouraged than to look at the trends, it might be worth your sanity and motivation to cut down to weekly, if not bi-weekly weigh-ins. Good luck!
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    There is an app called Libra that will track your weight as a moving average. you put in you daily weight and it shows on a graph as a a dot but the bold line in the center of the graph is what you pay attention to that line is your average weight.. I believe a moving average is the most accurate way to track true weight and it helps you not freak out over small fluctuations. Libra just makes it nice and simple.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I weigh daily. I only log highs and lows that show up more than one day in a row. Meh. If it stresses you out, only do it once a week, if it doesn't (it doesn't stress me out), then keep doing it, just do it at the same time of day as part of your routine to keep as many constants as possible. My weight can fluctuate multiple lbs during the day, so I do it every morning after I pee when I wake up.

    it's really preference.
  • montoyarenee
    montoyarenee Posts: 15 Member
    I also weigh myself every day, but only try to record the weight once a week. I don't let water weight fluctuations demotivate me. I basically just do it every day because I'm inpatient lol
  • Kerryross62
    Hi - I don't have scales in the house because I become obsessive and it can get me down. I joined today and plan to get weighed once per week. Can see how it would wrk for some tho as a motivation tool. Good luck
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I have been using the libra smartphone app and really like it - you weigh ever day (or as often as you want) and it works out a trend from that, so you can ignore daily figures and just pay attention to the trend.

    That means if one day your water weight is up a bit, it doesn't make any difference to the overall picture.